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  1. Thanks Dee Lee, Got the same advice from HVCNSW - nice to get advice without being judged on fitness to own a dog!!
  2. Thanks all for your suggestions/comments. Canvassed the immediate neighbours and they haven't reported/heard anything out of the ordinary or excessive, at least not compared to some of the other dogs in the neighbourhood. Came home from work at lunchtime today (parked across the reserve from my house) and didn't hear my dog barking for the 30 minutes I was there. Heard lots of others (including the one barking outside last night) but not mine. Reference other issues/conclusions that people have assumed. Backyard - medium to large with trees and plenty of shade. Enough room to run around in. Sheltered with both sun and shade. Lots of toys etc, which are changed regularly. Working hours - as stated, the hours are the exception not the norm. Social life - one night a week for 2-3 hours. Exercise - generally twice a day for a total of about 2 hours off lead. HVCNSW - asked them for advice yesterday, nothing heard yet. Bottom line - a neighbour complained and, as a responsible dog owner, I want to correct any potentially undesirable behaviours/habits that MAY be present.
  3. I could put his crate (and cover) outside - see how that goes. As for the thundershirt - do you reckon that would work? Thunderstorms etc don't seem to worry him. That said, willing to try anything.
  4. Unfortunately the house is such that you come in off the deck into the lounge/dining room. Lots of furniture etc. Child gates are used to keep him in this area when we're home. As for time alone - max is about 7 hours but that is the exception and not the norm (when shifts don't align). Of an evening it's never more than 4 hours. When we're home he's inside (on his beanbag - which is put outside in a sunny spot or his kennel).
  5. That's what it looks like, but I'm not sure what can be done that won't reinforce the behaviour while trying to keep the neighbours onside. Has anyone had experience with the citronella collars?
  6. No - there's no real way we can give him access without opening the whole house up.
  7. Hi, My neighbours have dropped by and let me know that my 10 month old Vizsla has been barking during the day (and of the evening) when we're out. The dog is well exercised, has toys and treats, plenty of water and shelter, so other than a breed trait (need human company) there's nothing obvious for him to bark at. The neighbour said that he has seen the dog just walking around the deck barking at nothing in particular, just barking. Which stops once we get home. Any suggestions would be welcome.
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