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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. Sounds like a Maltese that I do. The owners brush him on the dogs terms, that being not a lot at all. He hadn't been groomed until he was about 8 months old and he is the most aggressive dog I have ever come across. He's not just a fear biter but a dog that means business and he's so bad that I have to strap his muzzle shut, in order to scissor his head. If he can't bite you, he then gets the claws out and I have some nasty scars from handling that dog.
  2. The hanging risk is one issue but the other reason I don't like them is the dog is forced to hold the position for a long time. In grooming there's lots of mini breaks while you change blades, scissors or angles. The dog gets to move around and rest while you do. There's no "down time" for a dog in noose and/or harness IMO. They look like a pain in the arse to work around and fit too IMO. I don't use them either. I place a lead around the dogs neck , which is connected to the frame but only if it's a dog that I can't trust not to jump off the table, the second I take my hands off it. I have a couple of older dogs that I prop up from below, so that I can scissor legs etc.
  3. While I do agree with others that your comment was harsh, I agree that clients should be told that their dogs may need to be disciplined if they misbehave. And let the owners of the dog decide if they want to give their business under those conditions. And should I inform them that I will use a muzzle , clamp their jaws with their hair and my fingers, restrain the dog or use a correction if necessary ? Owners would be horrified if heaven forbid poor little Buffy needed any of the above, so I could safely get the job done. You can bet your bottom dollar that sweet little Buffy is all cuddles and licks until the brush comes out at home, what makes them think if they can't get a brush through Buffy , that I'm going to be able to , without addressing the behaviour ? All the owners need to know is that little Buffy goes home clean, with a decent hair cut, wagging tail and that all of my fingers are intact. Of course I will let them know about "bad" behaviour on the table and in the bath etc, but it's usually met with the response of a giggle and " she's not like that at home " and that's because the owners never push the issue with brushing , if they even brush at all.
  4. I prefer to use a "physical correction " , then to be on the recieving end of a nasty dogs teeth. I've not worked with or for a groomer that does not use physical correction and I've worked with a few, none of whom are dog abusers. I've had clients get upset when I've clamped a dogs jaws shut, using the hair from the muzzle and my fngers, in order to safely scissor where I need to. Sure some of them squeal a bit in protest but it's better than me being bitten. Of course they could take their dog to the vet, have it sedated, pay the price for it and come back with a typical hair cut from whatever vet nurse was available on the day.
  5. I very much doubt that the ANKC registered Staffordshire Bull Terriers will become retricted. The states canine councils sealed the deal in NSW and looks to have done the same for the ANKC dogs with papers, in Victoria I can see in the not to distant future that the generic brindle pound mutt, back yard bred " staffy" and cross breds, without papers and corresponding chips will be.
  6. Take your dog to a chiro and get it checked out, pacing is not normal for an SBT. If it all checks out. You can place your hand under the dogs chin and lift slightly, as you move off. You can also check the dog upwards and that will also break the gait.
  7. It is a big deal, when you have cleaned your salon , ready for the next "booked" grooming session and one dog means cleaning up the whole lot again, not to mention it shitting everywhere. I don;t like dogs that stuff around on the table, sit down, crap on me, piss on me, throw their weight around and are a general pain in the back side. For those dogs, I add half the usual grooming fee on top of what they'd pay for a " nice dog ". I also now refuse to groom "giant" breeds and Mareema's, it doesn't mean I don;t like big dogs. I can fully understand Andisa's pain and October isn't even here yet
  8. This.. I feel the same way. Don't cry poor and whinge for help, when you don't /won't give/sell dogs back to the breeders who would take them.
  9. Racing Greys are not fed chicken mince, they are fed a combination of beef and sometimes roo. Stop telling lies .
  10. Water diabetes is more commonly seen in Greyhounds, because of the exertion when racing or trialling, it's not strictly limited to Greyhounds. There are two types and there's lots of info available. It can just happen and it can come on suddenly, both inhibit the bodies ability to concentrate urine. One stems from the brain and can lead to renal failure, the other stems from the kidneys can result in the same. I hope he's ok.
  11. If she doesn't have any issues and is quite happy home alone, then you are well on the way to creating them. Stop worrying, a dog with a streak of independence, is worth it's weight in gold.
  12. I think Carol from St Kilda, may be just a bit full of it....
  13. Washing the area in a solution of 3mls Malaseb to 100mls water, will clear up anything that isn't too nasty. It's what I use for all lumps and bumps on my Staffords.
  14. The reason I suggested the Proplan, is that if she previously had no issues on it, then it might be a good choice to stabilise her on , before moving onto something else.
  15. Why not Proplan ? Other choices would be Artemis, Eagle Pack, Canidea, Black Hawk Holistic, Royal Canin ( ours do very well on it ), Advance ETA there are a lot to choose from, depending on your location
  16. I wrote a list on the methods of treating demodex ( if confirmed by scraping ) . I'll try and find it. ETA: bumps sound more like hives or allergy. Anitbiotics are not going to help in the case of mites, unless the demodex is so severe that the dogs has scrathced itself and there is secondary infection. I've found the list I wrote a while back. Many vets opt to treat the condition aggressively, when all that is usually required is patience and the ability to not panic of the owners behalf.
  17. If she were mine, I'd be taking her off the Supercoat, it's nothing but grains and fillers. Look for a dry that has meat as it's main ingredient. Staffords typically don't do so well on vegetables, that other breeds/dogs do. Limit the amount of veg and use it every now and then. I'd take her off the Phuds, it's grains as well. If she was doing well on the Proplan , with no stomach issues, then go back to that or slowly change onto another premium food. Swap your mince for chicken on the bone, such as wings, necks and carcass. If you can get her stable on the basics of a premium dry and chicken on the bone, then you can introduce lamb flaps, roo tails, rabbits and turkey wings.
  18. What's to say it isnt? The owner is obviously abiding by the legislation. Just because he and his friends werent wearing designer jeans and RM Williams, drinking Dom and throwing wagyu on the BBQ doesnt mean they're not a good owner. You were extremely judgmental and the real worry at the moment with all of this kind of hysteria is people just like yourself will have a kneejerk reaction and dob people in who arent doing anything wrong. my main worry and suspicion is that they are using to dog for fighting. i'm doing some research on it now and the equipment in the dogs pen seems to match what people use to train their fighters with (ie what i now know as a spring pole which is what the dog was jumping at from the roof and they use this to strengthen the dogs jaw muscles). all i'm saying is the situation looked suss, a gut instinct, i'm not one to pry into others business but i got a bad feeling, and i could be 100% wrong. i dont care what people do with their pit bulls and i have no problem with any dog breed, i love all animals big and small but if i saw that someone was using the dog for fighting purposes this is clearly animal abuse and i could not stand back and watch that happen. oh my dear god. I have a spring/flirt pole and a treadmill. They are used as a form of entertainment and exercise for the dogs. If you were housing a restricted breed, according the legislation, then you have very limited opportunities to provide exercise and enrichment off lead. So now it's a " fighting dog " ? I can tell you now, if they were training a dog for fighting and were intent on using it, they wouldn't be doing it out in the back yard, in view of the street.
  19. 1. the dog was in it's own yard 2. it wasn't out mauling a child or dog but rather playing in it's yard 3. you don't know they've raised it to be aggressive 4. lots of people have beware of the dog or dangerous dog signs on their house How bloody judgemental and at least when you passed, the owners WERE being responsible.
  20. I do mine in the last week before they are due to whelp.
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