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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I am sure some of them can. I am just going off of my experience with the breed. Blanket statements such as the one you've just made, put people off choosing a Grey as a pet, when they can certainly be matched to homes, including those with cats.
  2. I think they would require a little more than a half hour walk a day... I use to help walk racing grey hounds and they hated cats... probably not the best idea. What about a Bull Mastiff? from my experience they are pretty laid back dogs (correct me if I am wrong someone ;) ) Wrong... they are not all like that and can certainly live in harmony with cats , after race careers.
  3. oops.. my typo .. can you please resend to [email protected] thanks! Great to see a breeder stepping up and offering a hand.
  4. If you can't find the predicability and suitability in a breed, then you certainly aren't going to find it in a cross. You might find what you are looking for in a dog from a pound, but then again you are taking your chances on health and temperament. One breed that comes to mind, is the Whippet. They are as a whole a healthy and robust breed. They will give a warning bark, they will go for a walk and they are certainly happy to lay around and keep someone company. They are not overly demanding and are a reasonable size.
  5. You need to answer this Do you have fleas in your yard ?, if not don't use a flea prevention unless you see one Do you live in a heartworm area ? if not then don't use that either Worm with each change of season, unless you want to do a test for worms before worming Make sure you vaccinate somewhere around 15 months and then you can choose to have a c3 vacc every three years or never again and get a KC vacc if you plan on boarding. ETA save yourself a whole lot of money and prevent your dog from having unnecessary chemicals pumped through it's body
  6. I was thinking of mounting mine on the back but it's got truck lights and also I'd have to move the number plate light. I could always put a flase floor in a berth and put in inside the trailer that could work as I use a berth to carry crap around it
  7. Nope but you could always ask council to issue you with an NOI, then go off the the breed assessment at your expense. He looks more Kelpie than SBT anyway and he'll pass. From there his records will be marked as " whatever cross " and that cannot be challenged by council or others, under the current legisaltion. ETA: during the time between the issuing of the NOI and the passing of breed assessment, he would have to be kept as a resticted animal and that means muzzled and onleash at all times.
  8. Has anyone added a crate rack to the front of their Toledo ? and if so what did you do with the spare tyre ? Mine has a standard large tack box on the front ( infront of the wardrobe ) and a bumper bar on the back. I need to add enough to fit in one trolley and a couple of puppy pens Pics would be awesome
  9. I reckon yours is broken, if you only get a few minutes each arvo out of him. Mine go non stop and don;t have an off button
  10. If you want to stick within the "Nestle Purina " family then your choice for a Premium would be Pro Plan puppy, in either chicken or lamb, Proplan is now Australian made. Advance is another Australian choice. I personally like Royal Canin and have had great success with raising healthy, active babies on it. As PF suggested, I would feed dry seperate to raw. Make one meal a day dry and the other necks, wings, carcass, lamb flap etc. Your pup could probably tackle wings, carcass and lamb flaps now, they are excellent for the teeth and the larger the pieces, the less risk of a choking hazzard. Peas and carrot are of little value to your pup and will go in one end and out the other, they offer little nutritional value.
  11. They can and will catch SBT's by using the "breed standard " they have set down. Many of the points apply to the SBT and in particular the use of the words " blunt wedge " and SBT typical of the breed will have that head type. Bull breeds are judged firstly on their heads and I can guarantee a large proportion of the points allocated ( in determining a Pit Bull ) will be based on the head. A class action would be nice. Time to shop around for a law firm
  12. I have a letter from someone who used to be afraid of Bull Breeds. I'll see it I can find it. I know I've posted it on here before
  13. Can't help you there, other than it was the Open. I can get the catalogue out of the trailer later. I must say the Brittany's were lovely yesterday
  14. You can opt to let them mend themselves. Race dogs break toes all the time and are kept quiet, they are sometimes strapped, depending on which toe it is but unless they are sticking up in the air they are left. The break itself is generally not an issue, it's ligament damage, that can be a problem
  15. If you wanted to know about the BC's, I can't help you other than to say I saw Yvonne LOL
  16. I got Best In Group with Sessy Caryl got BIG and JIS with her young Shepherd girl. BIG from the Terriers was Pam Hardings Border Terrier BIG Toy was Betty Steps Chi The Gundog was the Brittany ( spelling ) and also RUBIS Utility the Bernese Non Sporting the BIS winner
  17. If that's the case, the lawyer up, get off a public forum and keep your cards close to your chest
  18. You're giving a dog back that's developed behavioural problems and that you freely admit you can't cope with. I call that pretty even. As a breeder I'd be thrilled to recieve such a dog back ( insert roll eyes here )
  19. You might be hard pressed to find someone that wants to take on a problem barker and a dog with behavioural issues, regardless of the breeder contract.
  20. we will see It's hardly a laughing matter and the breeder could easily take you to the small claims court.
  21. You signed the contact and now you have to live by it. $2500 = Blue Stafford by any chance ?
  22. Hand it back to the original owners, for the cost of the vet work. Legally you don;t have to but morally, I think you shouldn't be so quick to judge the circumstances and how they came to lose their cat. The fact they want it back, is enough for me, it obviously meant something to them or they'd have picked up another one .
  23. What happens is entirely up to each individual case and the future well being of the animal involved. The Breeder has stepped up and refunded on the pup, what they do now is their business alone. Well they could do nothing and sell the pup again They could see a "specialist" rather than just a "vet" and either get the all clear or bad news They could PTS the pup They could do nothing in the short term, xray the dog at 12 plus months and have the scores read by someone qualified to do so They could give the pup away with full disclosure of any problems It's really the business of the breeder only and I doubt I'd inform a former owner what I opted to do with the puppy
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