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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I would think the biggest reason these days would be the expense.
  2. The vebo crates and pens with lids will be fine for Labs, they can certainly contain SBT's who will test anything and everything with their mouths and brute strength.
  3. We lost a working dog in the dam and friends this year lost a pet in their own back yard ( rural ) after a roo jumped the fence and the dogs cornered it. One dog was shredded and the other survived.
  4. and old clip of what they do to each other, dogs stand no chance. They grab them with their front legs , hold them out and kick the crap out of them with the rear.
  5. Collapsible all the way be it crate or lidded pen style. They are easy to store away. If you are going to buy one, get the size your pup would require as an adult, that way you pay once and have it for a long time.
  6. If your dog doesn't recall, then you risk it's life by walking in the bush and any areas where there are Roos. Roo's usually hop away given the opportunity but they won't hesitate to fight if cornered in a yard or fencing. They will also only take so much chasing before turning on whatever is chasing them. Recall, recall recall and make sure it is a reliable one.
  7. Yes and they will rip the guts out of your dog, kick it until it's dead and they frequently drown dogs in dams and rivers.
  8. Nope but they can make life a hell of a lot easier. Crate trained dogs are easy to travel with, do better at the vets and are easy to house in emergency situations. All of mine are crate trained, even the kennel dogs.
  9. I think that vast majority of puppy buyers have no idea what goes into breeding and raising a litter, when you're attempting to do it right, ethically and responsibly. Our pedigree dogs on the whole are undervalued and most , if not all could double in price and it still would not reflect their true worth.
  10. Chicken necks are fine but your SBT pup could certainly be moving onto chicken wings, carcass, lamb flap, turkey necks, rabbit and a bit later roo tail. You need to make sure the bone is consumable, so no big/hard weight bearing bones. You may find that the pup simply prefers raw and that's not uncommon. We have fed and raised on all raw without any problems. There's lots of good info on feeding raw available, if you choose to go that way. If you are going to stick to a meat and kibble meal, seperate them and feed raw for one and kibble for the other. Give the pup 10-15 minutes to eat it and then take it away, offer nothing until the next meal time. No treats or snacks. Which of the Purina's are you feeding ? If it's Supercoat or Bonnie, I'd be ditching that and looking at a premium , such as Proplan, Advance or Royal Canin. The SBT's do very well on Royal Canin
  11. is it effective with the flies MG? I need something for summer here with Wilbur's ear tips. We were given a cream for Casper, but it didn't appear to be overly effective Repelx is second to none for flies.
  12. First stop, learn the name of the breed and some breed history. The Bull Terrier was never a fighting dog, he was possibly the only breed ever created, with the sole intention of "showing". The Bullmastiff was a guardian/game keepers dog, he was bred to look out for poachers. More dribble about dogs........
  13. Mine aren't picky when it comes to premium dry and raw. They also enjoy salmon heads, whole eggs etc. Give them a cheap nasty dry and watch them turn their noses up and who could blame them. They rarely get any scraps or other foods, some they like, some they spit on the ground. Feed my Whippet something she doesn't like and she'll spit it back at you or chew it up and spit it in your lap LOL
  14. Tape it up and for those that are supposed to rose, glue them down. I won;t have a potentially stunning pup ruined with a bad ear
  15. The one and only I've had done was $577 , out of hours, calling in a nurse as well.
  16. When NSW overhauled the DD legislation, after the death of Tyra Keune, one of the things the legisaltion did, was give Police the power to act, as the Rangers would normally do, in the instance of a dog attack. I found that very usefull, in the instance of an after hours attack, they were on the ball and dealt with the issue very quickly. The powers are still shared in NSW and the Council are still primarily responsible for dealing with dog attacks.
  17. I put the show potential aside and out of the question, potential buyers get to view the whole litter but they are made aware from the very beginning, that certain pups are not available at this stage and unlikely to be. We take those pups and seperate them from the others, while people are looking at the pups. We pick the pups for the potential owners and are careful to match the temperaments and individual personalities. For more expereinced owners, they may get to select between a couple of a few puppies. There's no point in putting your show potentials on display, without making it very clear they are not available, as anyone with a reasonable eye for a dog, will be certain to pick your keepers and feel disappointed they can't have it.
  18. I best run out the back and chop the nuts of something LOL
  19. I love my Terry and the next stop will be turbo diesel Terry.
  20. As a groomer, I'd refuse to clip your dog, you are taking away it's sun protection and insulation.
  21. Whippet, Wog Dog, Borzoi are on proplan, SBT on RC and the Greys on Advance.
  22. Whilst we're on the subject of "neuters" and showing. It's a timely reminder to the breeders who neuter and rehome, to make sure they down grade the dog or bitch to the limit register, if you don;t want to see something you don;t consider worthy, popping up in the ring. For those who are screaming blue murder at the apparent lack of a neuter class, send in some entries, when you see the class advertised, regardless if you can get there or not and support the clubs.
  23. Great for those who own dogs that attack and injure whilst out of their own yard, they will hopefully be punished accordingly but given that many incidents occur within the family home/yard by the "family" dog or in a home/yard where the dog is known to the victim, what are they going to do about that ?
  24. So a NIG should get more points but a REAL class, say Intermediate In Group doesn't get any more points, sure that makes sense NOT. At The Rock yesterday there were TWO neuters! OK, it was sweeps and no points on offer but if, as has been stated many many times, your dogs REALLY want to just show, then where are you all? I hear how ALL these people with neuters want more shows to offer the class but am yet to hear of a decent entry when shows DO offer this class. Now some of you are saying you should get more classes, even your own group, and more points! Maybe when there is actually a reasonable amount of neuters being shown these things could be considered. Instead of campaigning shows to put on the classes maybe you should be campaigning the owners of neuters who say they really want to show. THAT .....
  25. I was just thinking perhaps they are patriotic Amstaffs LOL
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