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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I say no most of the time to interacting with my dogs. My dogs go to shows for the purpose of exhibition and like any interaction I pick and choose who and when I want them to interact with other people or dogs. Fair enough if someone else wants the public patting their dog, I'm not about to rip a member of the public a new one for it. I do however feel that it creates some expectations amongst the general public and some even think they have the right to touch your dogs, regardless of you being there or having asked first.
  2. yeahhhh along with the keyboard "rescue" crusaders that spam people oooh you must mean the ones who call me a dog killer for not supporting their cause. That sounds about right.
  3. I won't touch it with a barge pole. Whilst I don't like BYBer's, it's not against the law to breed with your dog and nor should it be. It will become simply another useless piece of legislation. Until government can get people to obey the leash laws, chip their dogs and pick up their shit, then anything else that people propose is just a waist of time and tightens the screws on the responsible
  4. I won't accept that behabiour from my own dogs and certainly won't tolerate it from fosters. They are supervised and housed appropriately, so they are no wrecking my house and yard. No one wants to adopt a dog with behavioural issues and destruction is one of them.
  5. I was wondering about the "whole lot of terrier" think too :) I noted that they used to be nick-named 'the dour Scott'! They can be very fiesty little creatures and they have a huge set of teeth on them. I've seen them living harmoniously as a pack and all getting on and I've also seen some that are very dog aggressive.
  6. They require grooming and they are a whole lot of "Terrier", great dogs but they aren't for everyone and I can see why there aren't a lot around.
  7. This applies to the whole of NSW, it doesn't matter council area you are in
  8. If I had to pick four shampoo's only I'd choose Malaseb (3mls to 100 water, it also doubles as your ear cleanser and is very effective ) Malaseb watered down as above is also great for clearing up pyoderma's. You squirt is on and rub the scab/scale off the top and then dry with paper towel or a towel Pyohex for the mange cases Dermaleen is fantastic for all of those itchy dogs, like the Malaseb it's pretty pricey but will do the job for the allergic/ super itchy dogs As a general shampoo and a cost effective one, I'd go with a 20 litre drum of Hoss Gloss. It's medicated and will serve you well. Conditioner, I'd go with Equinade Protein silk conditioner and again for economy go with a 20 litre As for the other things, I'd go back to basics, lots of salt water, tea bags and simple remedies. They aren't going to cure everything but if the dog has conditions that are that bad, they really need a vet and S4 meds.
  9. There is yet to be a clinical study that concludes fleas can build any resistance to the active ingredients in advantage, advocate, frontline etc.
  10. Borzoi "It's a Russian Wolfhound" then show them the teeth
  11. It's hardly surprising that the Council won the appeal. The dogs were in there own yard when the incident occured. Neither the dog owner or the Council is responsible for her death.
  12. Cage drying is commonly done by many groomers. Providing the dog is monitored at all times and they are not baked, there's no reason why it shouldn't be a method used to dry some dogs. It's certainly not a short cut for those dogs that are very stressed by a dryer in the hand of the groomer.
  13. I sometimes wonder why Sarah has stayed with me and others I've lost are all gone.
  14. It's worth the drive to Bathurst for the obedience instruction. I didn't see the bit about not having a licence.
  15. I use either Vytrate or Recharge for my race dogs and they are put to the ultimate test each time they race. If you wanted to supplement a dogs food , I'd go with Aminovite GB, it would be sufficient to prevent sports dogs from tying up and would aid in recovery Depending on how far you want to take it , I have one of mine ( not a Grey ) on a premium dry,plus raw and he's supplemented with MusclePo and EnergyE. There's no point in chucking every supplement or electrolyte at a dog, you need to work out what they are lacking or what they really need and every dog is different. Even from Grey to Grey, I find myself supplementing them all in different ways, in order to maximise performance. ETA, there is no point in witholding food in order to influence performance, dogs don't run well on an empty stomach. In saying that you wouldn;t be feeding them just before any strenuous activity but they certainly require food and in some cases an additional loading the day before.
  16. Yep, I still feel Sarah in the bathroom sometimes when I have a shower and catch her on the way out of the door. I remember a topic about this once before where someone was a complete a-hole about what people felt, saw or experienced after the death of a pet.
  17. Number 6 means they can seize my dogs, have a court hand over ownership, charge me for the cost of care and all before I'm proven guilty. and there's not a damn thing I could do about it, they still answer to no one.
  18. It's cheap, nasty garbage and I wouldn't feed it to a dog.
  19. I'd love to see the vet notes on this one and also hear their side of this story, it would be enlightening
  20. Firstly dogs aren't children. Yes, people get attached to their dogs and have very strong feelings but at the end of the day, dogs are dogs. Why on earth would you euth a dog without knowing what was wrong with it ? That would be normal for a vet to put a dog on a drip, it's the first thing that's done with an ill animal, as dehydration will certainly kill a dog. It would be unusual for a vet not to ask to take blood samples and send them off. They would certainly have done whatever inhouse testing was av available to them at the time, providing you consented to testing/treatment. Yes, you should have left Percy over night, as you have no way of monitoring him, assessing if his condition has deteriorated, changing fluid bags, have medication on hand or the skills to administer it. Highly bonded or not, there are times when it's necessary to be seperated and dogs cope a lot better than owners think. Mostly it's the owner who are "highly bonded" and have trouble letting go. You asked the vet to euth and euth the vet did. The dog is at peace and any stress would have been mimimal and not prolonged. Your choice but there will be times or accident and illness and even routine health care that will require a vet. Witholding treatment is an offence and you can be prosecuted for it I suggest that you treat your dog more like a dog and think of it less like a child in the interests of your own sanity and the health of your dog. And next time, at least try and establish what's wrong with the dog, before you get trigger happy with the green dream.
  21. I view all dogs that rush as a threat, regardless of breed or type. They are all treated the same way and if I can manage it, they are met with a swift boot.
  22. Nup and I live 30k's down the road from you. If your 2 weekly is working and you're happy with it, stick to it.
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