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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I'm not going to be getting her out of the pound as she's a cross bred and I foster Whippets only . Hopefully she find a nice home
  2. Sorry but what does "clean up after our own breed" mean? Take care of the Whippets in need and not burden "rescue" with them.
  3. Is there any chance a local group can get her out for us. I'm happy to foster her and the NSW Club rescue co-ordinator is aware that she's there and we'd like to help out and clean up after our own breed. I'd prefer to see her out of there straight away, rather than wait another couple of weeks
  4. Pumpkin, grated carrot, carrot and apple peels I sometimes use the carrot and apple peels as treats, so the owner of that dog could get some good milage out of those as well
  5. That's great that she's due tomorrow. I'm working on someone to spring her and the other bits should fall into place. She should be safe and in a warm bed within a couple of days
  6. I'm waiting on an answer from a Whippet breeder who is going to have a look at her. I've asked can she take an old coat in with her. I have also asked in the NSW Club will spring her and I'll foster
  7. Try Staffyluv, she's in Queanbeyan I've contacted the NSW Club to see if we can bail this one out. I'll know today and we'll get onto it ETA: There's a Whippet breeder who is going to get onto seeing her first thing
  8. Any breakdown for breeds or even the groups available ?
  9. If you want to neuter him, then leave him to mature and don't do it before he's 18 months to 2 years old. If you want to keep him entire, then it's your decision to do so.
  10. Cut the puppy milk and allow the bitch access to them 24/7. She will wean them in her own time and there's no hurry to do so. Given another couple of weeks maturity, they will be eating and drinking water on their own and if the bitch tops them up, there's no harm in that. There seems to be some race these days to get pups off of bitches and weaned, unless there is a medical condition which prevents natural weaning, I'm not sure what benefit there is to the puppies or the bitch by trying to get them weaned so early. Get rid of the supercoat and try a quality dry, don;t be in such a hurry to introduce sardines and other tastes they can come later. Try some minced carcass, chicken necks or wings and introduce new foods one at a time.
  11. I've reported someone for letting a person who is not a breeder, use their main registered dog, on their limit registered bitch... CC did nothing about it It certainly happened, there was the owner of the stud present, another ANKC breeder and then the owner of the limit registered bitch.
  12. I love my bitches, because they are real "bitches".. I find the males a bit boring and predictable. I think a lot of pet people think that girls are cleaner than boys and that's why they have a preference.
  13. My Whippets came from Argowan and I cannot say enough good things about the quality of the animals, the way they are raised or their good health. I'd go there again and again. Sessy is the love of my life. Keep me warm at night, loves to follow me around. Her temperament is very stable, nothing much worries her and she has been a breeze to train. She will recall from anywhere , with any distraction. None of the dogs I have raised have been fence jumpers, but I recently had a foster bitch that could clear and climb any fence you put infront of her. Sadly she was PTS because of this behaviour.
  14. Not a snow balls chance in hell for that one. I'd prefer to be part of rescue that really makes a difference and if I am going to give my money away, it's not going to be the RSPCA.
  15. I foster failed with my third rescue. I got her home and knew there wasn't something quite right about her. She was an absolute delight, who took over my life and won my heart in an instant, she was gone in around3 months.She was PTS on the operating table, her little body riddled with cancer. I never regretted Sarah being a failure and I've since opened my home to others, some I could have easily kept. I currently have a little Italian who was also a failure and he probably won't be the last. I show and breed and don't really have the room for extra permanent dogs that aren't part of the show team, breeding program or are retired dogs of my own, but every now and then one comes along and for whatever reason, they end up staying.
  16. Really - your dog sweats? :laugh: :laugh: No but she salivates and urinates. Do you really think dogs in stress are funny Sandra777 and Allerzeit? That could have been handles much more considerately. Could have been handled better on the owners part too, by realising that the bitch was stressed by the expereince and not subjecting the bitch to such stresses several times.
  17. There's some judges I couldn't be bothered to drive five minutes down the road and waste money on. I pick and choose who I show under these days, so (A)i'm not wasting money on entries an, travel and accommodation and (b) I get the best bang for my buck in terms of challenge points and general specials
  18. Another piece of advice is to ignore whatever people tell you about getting them to meet a LOT of dogs. You are better of investing your time in training your SBT, especially when it comes to recall and working on having a very strong bond. Find out what makes your pup tick and use it to your advantage. There are some Staffords that are social butterlfies when it comes to other dogs but most don't want to be friends with strange dogs outside of their own pack when they reach maturity. A Stafford that has a reliable recall and is indifferent when it comes to other dogs is far easier to handle, than one that is dog aggressive or one that thinks it can play with anything and everything it comes across. Be very careful to control the interactions and the play with your pup, focus on you being the best thing in the world according to your pup. It doesn't take much for a play situation or greeting to turn from nice to fight and it can happen in an instant.
  19. My suggestion is not to introduce then at all. The last thing an SBT pup needs is to be introduced to a poor role model such as your parents dog. Stay well away and introduce your SBT pup only to those dogs you know have stable temperaments and look to introduce the pup to as many " indifferent" dogs as you can. When the Chi is at your house, keep it seperate for it's own well being. The last thing it needs is an over the top SBT pup in it's face. ETA: your husband is kind of on the right track. The Chi won't traumatise your pup but you need to remember that SBT's will fight fire with fire and there's no way I'd want to introduce my pup to any dog that is likely to bring out the worst of the breeds traits.
  20. "Grubby mitts"? I'll have you know my mitts are usually pretty clean. Why do you have so low regard for Mr and Ms Pubic and their 16 screaming children? :laugh: Let's eat some greasy fried meat on a stick followed by some fairy floss and an icecream, touch interactive stuff in the government pavilion, feed some straw to a goat, stick our fingers through the bars on all the cages of the fancy chickens, and then go into the dog pavilion. And run our fingers through all that lovely soft white fur. That's what I like to do at the ag show, what do you do there? :laugh: You're welcome anytime.... You don't come covered in tomato sauce, carrying a dagwood dog and fairy floss, 6 show bags and armed with the shoot-em up gun from the sideshows. ETA: walk in and sit a can of coke on my trolley and watch me go OFF
  21. I show by myself most of the time. When I do bring my child and I'm on my own, she does as she's told, she sits and stays where she's told to and we don't have any issues with her wandering off, touching other people's property or dogs. Bring a cot, play pen, table and chairs to sit at and plenty to entertain them and you should be right. Get yourself some mesh sides to your gazebo and set your kids up with their own area. It's not hard to teach them that they stay in there, unless you are going somewhere with them. It's seriously not that hard people ...
  22. I think it is polite to wait until someone is around before touching their dog. I came back to one of my dogs in it's trolley going off it's brain, because some numpty had decided ( while I went to the toilet ) to come under my tent, wake my dog up and proceed to stare it in the face and crouch down to get a closer look...
  23. It's not that hard to bring your kid/kids to a show, keep them under control, provide them with activities and supervise them. Thousands of parents have managed to show and have children at the same time.
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