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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. Pugs and Pugs puppies are more than capable of eating chicken necks, wings and even lamb flap. As Sandra has suggested it's wise not to overload the pup with bone and new foods that they are not used to. Roo mince is fine, however you need to be aware that it is not balanced in terms of cal/phos and this needs to be taken into account when feeding it. The puppy will be fine without the tinned food. What else does the breeder recommend? have they suggested a premium dry food ? If not you might like to look at Royal Canin ( Pugs do well on this ), Advance, Pro Plan, TOTW, Canidae and the list goes on, all of which will be a better alternative to what's in a can.
  2. I bet that was like finding a needle in a haystack LOL Hopefully has was well mannered and only put two muddy paws on you
  3. Send the pup back, get a full refund and find a breeder that actually knows about their breed and most importantly cares. No breeder worth a pinch of salt is going to sell a pup with demodex and tell yout it's fine to breed from.
  4. I'm not sure what they mean by " rescued ". I'd be seriously checking out how he came to be in their possession. He may well have an owner looking for him.
  5. You never use my suggestions, as brilliant as they are :laugh:
  6. Dogs attacks are always going to happen, as you you dealing with a living creature with the ability to think for itself. They are expected to fit in to our society, often with little or no socialisation, exercise, companionship and mental stimulation. You can't educate those who don't want to know and there's not the resourses in place to reach those who would possibly would like to know more. Education I believe would reduce the number of attacks in the home/yard, however I'm not sure that there are owners out there that are willing to committ to providing everything their dog needs in terms of basic manners, exercise and companionship. As for random attacks in the street, I think that many are not so random but are a result of dogs that are frequently out of their yards and members of the public/neighbours have failed to do anything about it. I know from personal expereince the dog attacks on my dogs have been by neighbourhood dogs that roam or the owners do not have adequate fencing. I don't believe in lumping new laws on top of existing one's that aren't policed. If you want to make a difference and prevent an attack in the street, then get your local council off it's arse and start reporting the dogs you see roamingand make sure it's followed up. I'm sure everyone has a relative that keeps a dog in such conditions, that it's an accident waiting to happen and education starts at home. As for dog aggressive dogs, there are always going to be those too. A dog aggressive dog is not an issue, I have several, it's part of the territory when you own Terriers and unless I cock up, there's no chance of them causing problems in the wider community.
  7. No probs with the first choices of Stafford and Whippet.
  8. Sorry, what? The fine is $550. They don't have to have their dogs euthanased at all, the Council have no power to do this whatsoever unless the owner CHOOSES to surrender the dog. Somehow I don't think this is being conveyed to the dog owners though... Try telling that to Orange City Council. They try it with every dog "attack" and also any chance they get where they think someone might have a restricted breed. I've been dealing with that council b/s for close to ten years now. I've helped save numerous dogs but sadly there are a lot out there that we didn't know about and couldn't help. Just a couple to mention were a supposed "Pit Bull" that they seized, when they had no right to as the owner had not been issued with an NOI and that dog was subsequently found not to be a restricted breed, by way of breed assessment. Then there was the Rotti that council claimed "attacked " a jogger and told the owner they had to hand it in or they would be fined for having a dangerous dog ( no NOI )
  9. I doubt you'll read the most important piece of information that can ever be passed onto a new Stafford owner in a book and that is to introduce him only to dogs that are very stable. You want all of his interactions even as a young puppy to be with dogs who are more or less indifferent to him. Control all of his interactions and especially when it comes to play. Staffords begin to test the waters from day one, the size up the opposition and test their strenght from a young age, they will also take exception to things not going there way. I let mine play with other babies but I make sure that I am the number one thing in the world to them and I ensure that they recall. Indifference and recall in a Stafford are my priority.
  10. That was the very first thing I thought of too. There are people about who simply will not tolerate dogs barking and they take matters into their own hands
  11. It gets up my nose because people are taking a stab in the dark and it's not just rescue but it includes pounds, shelters and dog owners. Whenever a breed is listed it is reflected in bite stats, council reports, collection of medical data etc and it all too often comes back to bite the "breed" in the bum, when many of dogs listed as such and such a breed have few if any breed hall marks. I'm an advocate that you should not get to call a dog a breed or list it anywhere on chip or vet reocrds, unless you have the pedigree papers to prove it. The sooner we can have dogs listed as "large red cross breed " the better
  12. Forget about books when it comes to SBT's and pick the brains out of the breeder.
  13. Forgiving of what? I guess that means turn a blind eye to the wrongs
  14. No, it doesn't bother me. I keep my emotions in check and don't let the forums, dogs in pounds and such things get to me. It's the same when I have a foster dog, if you can't keep the emotions under control, it's difficult to assess a dog and make the tough calls.
  15. I want to know where are the "breeders" in all of this, why is once again the registered breeders are left to dish out the advice.
  16. I think they are fantastic with kids, they are energetic when the kids want them to be and naturally a Whippet loves laying around on the lounge or bed and mine happily keeps my kid company to watch movies. As far as the shedding goes, I have white hair on everything ETA: I've not had any of mine chase as nip as pups, mine have had a 6th sense when it comes to the kids. It's not to say some won't but my experience has been very good with them.
  17. I'll put my hand up and offer to give her the love, food, vet care and any other attention she needs, should your sister decide that she can't afford it or doesn't want to.
  18. Change vets and full bloods need to be run, to rule out illness. If the dog is not ill then I'd suggest a combination of dry and raw foods. Picking a dry such as Royal Canin, Canidae, Pro Plan Performance or Advance Active and feeding chicken wings, minced carcass, lamb flaps etc will go a long way to helping. One raw meal and one dry meal a day. I've had a lot of success using "Veanavite Farmyard" on top of the dogs dry. I use about a table spoon depending on the dog and add some water to mix it through the dry. It's sweet and encourages them to eat and it also contains protexin. I looked after a dog who had some long term issues with her digestion and it made a world of difference to her. and finally once again GO TO A VET
  19. I'm "breedist" and I'm proud of it I love the predicability that comes with a pedigree dog and even more so the predictability that comes with certain lines. I'm no snob, I own, show, breed and rescue
  20. Nahh it's going to be the other way round, lots of old dogs that are past it, beating the fine young dogs.
  21. :laugh: It's going to be one hell of a week , I'm looking forward to reading the results
  22. Where's the RSPCA when you need them. The idiot store owner should be prosucuted for having such young pups in the store and leaving them over night.
  23. I will only take on "Whippets", I do so because as a "breed" they come with a certain amount of predictability in terms of their temperament and breed quirks. I am not "whippet rescue", I am a dog breeder and exhibitor and as such I will pick and choose what dogs I bring into my home.
  24. It is the number one reason why I do not board my dogs. Under no circumstances do I want my dogs mixing with others.
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