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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I can understand the breeder wanting avoid the wrath of some within the rspca, she might have managed to get the dogs but she would be a target after that forever. Oh but what can the RSPCA do to a registered breeder who isnt breaking laws? Just glad the dogs are safe. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: umm yep
  2. Our little boys and girls arrived on the 17th, I've been a bit busy but they are all healthy, happy and looking great
  3. Absolutely, I can still remember the day vividly, although there was cups of tea and biscuits provided, there was still an inquisition. I can remember even getting dressed that day and hoping that I'd chosen then right thing LOL
  4. I had to travel 5 hours one way to meet them. Myself and my then partner at the time faced the Spanish Inquisition in their kitchen for a good hour or so before we even got to meet a single dog. With the exception of the oldie that was begging for food under the table. I had been wanting the breed since I was about 7 and had done quite a bit of research before I got to the breeders house. I knew I could provide a home and car with airconditioning and proved to them that I could care for the dog properly. I believe this breeder to be pretty tough on who gets her dogs and she still is a great guardian of the breed and mentor today. I don't think I'm any tougher than she was. My current litter will be leaving for homes that already have the breed and breed experience, so there's no new comers to give the third degree. One of the new owners has already been assessed as a suitable home, as they adopted a foster from me at the beginning of the year.
  5. Strangely, quite a few novice dog owners manage to pull it off. I was one of them. Me too and it was well before the days of the internet and I wanted a French Bulldog of all breeds.
  6. Google, it's not rocket science. For the SBT and the Whippet google takes you straight to Dogzonline and also the breed clubs. The breed club sites are full of information about the breeds. Getting there and getting the information is the easy bit, it's finding a pup in many breeds where it becomes difficult, as to put it simply there are not enough pedigree pups being bred to meet the demand for them. I've got a litter at the moment that will not be advertised because there were people lining up for pups before she was even mated.
  7. Greyhound 27mm pin brush for the Borzoi and if you are getting a slicker, then I don't think you can beat the good old Lawrence Tender Care soft. For the Whippets, I use my hand
  8. I know the area very well having lived at Dubbo and Geurie for a lot of years. Contact the Wellington Pony Club, they should be able to point you in the right direction. If you'd be happy with Geurie ( there are facilities in town ) then try Bill Pace the bricklayer, he's been in town forever and has horses and should be able to tell you who agists. You could also try Madeline Cannon. Just indroduce yourself and tell them you are new to the area, looking for agistment and do they know of anyone that can help you out.
  9. ohhh my dear lord, peta has brain washed more people than I thought, with their buy from a breeder, kill a shelter dog bullcrap
  10. Here you go http://www.ingleburnvet.com.au/antihistamines.htm
  11. Depends on where you are looking and which town and if you'd like acres or stables etc.
  12. No worries, a little common sense on days when the vets are closed can go a long way. I'm just imagining that he's feels very hot, quite stressed and very much in need of some relief. The other thing that you could try is an antihistamine. There's plenty of threads on here that offer advice and dosage rates. It would be well worthf a try if it's a contact allergy of some kind.
  13. I don't see it so much as lumping registered breeders with puppy farmers.More lumping ALL breeders together. And sure,you will get Commercial interests dominating the the issues in their favour.We play right into their hands. As long as this is going to be about whos left standing we're all going down. Except commercial interests 'cos they will meet every requirement and come up trumps with no competition left. Surely its about finding the healthy balance? We have to be involved in that. and that's the biggest concern of all, whilst most ANKC registered breeders strive to produce happy, healthy and good examples of the breed, through careful choices and decision making, the average BYBer does none of the aforementioned It's an effing insult to have your pedigree dogs lumped in the same basket and condemned along with every mongrel bred dog that may or may not be your breed of choice.
  14. The bitches may or may not get along, it's always going to be a gamble whenever you introduce another dog into the pack but what counts is that you have the means and the willingness to seperate them and supervise if the need arises. It can be very stressful living with dogs that do not get along and you need to be very careful in your daily management. having said that, most breeders have more than a bitch or two. Breed plays a big part and those more expereinced with Dally's should be able to tell you more about managing a pack of them
  15. Make him up a srpay bottle of diluted pinetarsal. I haven't got a bottle inside so can't tell you what ratio. Spray him whenever he's looking uncomfortable and let it air dry. It will help to take the heat out too. A cool mat or a wet towel and a fan will also help
  16. Keep him off the grass and put a t-shirt on him to stop him scratching. Neocort would take the itch away but if you don't have any of that, you could try plain old calamine lotion or pinetarsal, which you can get from the chemist
  17. For the NSW dog folk who do not know where they can't take their dogs. The two I see being broken most where I live is the playgrounds and the school grounds
  18. You may as well just go with Frontline. If you are going for less than two weeks you will only require one application. If you are already treating for heatworm there's no point in doubling up on that.
  19. Yep, clients of mine brought their new black Pug pup over the other day. She is very leggy and longer nose. She has pedigree papers. The nosey / leggy ones in the park are always black... must be a few breeding them. I'd have a guess and say they were mostly bred around Bargo. It's the meca for black Pugs, all using each others black dogs without a thought for anything else, besides them turning out black
  20. We're local and you chose a great club to train with.
  21. It certainly wouldn't tell you what was wrong with this bitch.
  22. I wouldn't determine the health of a dog via a photo. I'm not sure how anyone could. I've seen enough in real life to know that bbs are at a severe disadvantage. Breeders can justify it all they like but action in a positive direction is much better. I'm glad to see that they are working toward fixing these issues. And photos are great ways to determine health, we use them in a vet nursing assignments all the time. sorry but that's just rubbish, you can't tell just by looking at a photo that the dog is healthy. I could show you photo's of my GSD who had severe HD and you would never pick it. In fact I could have shown her to you in the flesh and you still wouldn't have picked it. agreed.. I can show you a picture of a dog that appears shiny, healthy and active. He was dead less than three weeks later from aggressive cancer. Tell me how you are going to pick that from a photo.
  23. The NSW Whippet Club is currently looking for foster carers if your friend is interested in fostering Whippets. They are generally easy to foster, quiet and clean and there's plenty of opportunity for breaks between dogs.
  24. A splash of ACV in the water bowls also works
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