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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. Well if you aren't going to trap the cat or call council, then you just have to put up with it's unwanted behaviour
  2. Repelx keeps them off. It's great for flies too. A quick spray in the evening and the dog won't have a problem. It's so good that we spray it onto our clothes to keep the mozzies and flies off when we are out in the yard
  3. Perosnally I just prefer them to be either kept in their own home or gone. I got sick of cats wandering through my yard and causing my dogs to bark, not to mention the risk they pose, should my dogs catch one of them. They have disposed of cats before I got the chance to catch them and the dogs risk being injured by the roaming cats. I have a cat of my own. Love him to pieces and he lives inside 24/7 where he belongs
  4. Yeah right! What a way to keep neighbourly relationships on an even keel. The woman just about went apeshit when I suggested Tippy might be the cause of several large throw-ups I found near my garage. (I knew the cat wasn't Gussy by the sort of "ingredients" in them . ) I will talk to the Council tomorrow about rules and regulations. No problems here with the neighbours, we trapped all the cats and dropped them off at the pound, our neighbourhood no longer has a roaming cat problem. Owners need to keep their cats inside or confined to their poperty.
  5. You'd best look up POCTA and make yourself familiar with elctric fencing and domestic animals. If the cat is causing problems, get a cat trap from council and drop it to them once you have caught it.If it's in your house, then no trap required take it to the pound.
  6. I posted for the benefit of others who might be under similar oppression and corruption. I don't concur with what you think, and therefore I don't really care. Neither Councils prosecuted their cases successfully. If you think Councils are perfect then good luck to you. I don't take too kindly to being called a fool and neither should anybody else. Damage done. You ended up with a "control order " and the "puppy farmer" nearly $20 000 in fines and costs. The puppy farmer could have avoided the court case, by making sure they complied with local council regulations and made sure they had the appropriate licence. You could have avoided the NOI to delcare your dogs dangerous and subsequent council action, by making sure that you kept your dogs securely in your yard. You cannot dress up you failings as a dog owner and badge it as "advocacy"
  7. I'm not sure how you can liken your run in with Council in NSW to someone in Victoria, who did not comply with their Councils breeding regulations and were subsequeqntly fined but had no conviction recorded and then scream "dog advocacy". You were both found to be doing the wrong thing.
  8. I don't want vets to be adding anything about my dogs to any data base. All information about my dogs should be protected by patient confidentiality and they should not be disclosing anything.
  9. There's a wealth of information available on GTA's website. How hard is it for someone to look up information pertaining to their potential breed of choice. Between breeders websites, breed clubs and testing labs, it's all there and freely available to anyone who can be bothered and that includes vets. As someone else pointed out, the average vet has enough difficulty in conveying the message regarding basic animal care, let alone wading in on and providing breed specicif information and personally I don;t think a vet should be recommending or discouraging the purchase of any breed, if they do not have first hand experience of owning, breeding or raising a particular breed.
  10. Why would someone looking for a puppy speak to a veterinarian first? It's up to the buyer to research and ask the breeder or breed club questions. Anyone can spend 30min on google and find out what testing should be done for what breed and what problems occur in the breed they are interested in. I often think this would be helpful. Not necessarily a vet, but somebody with knowledge and an interest. In my puppy preschools I very often have people bringing in their totally unsuitable new puppy (everything from the "groodle"- coz it's hypoallergenic..., to the byb bc to live in a suburban backyard with little stimulus..., to the choc lab or blue staffy bought for colour. even the pet shop puppy they 'saved'...) These new owners are not stupid, just misinformed... IF they could have got the correct information BEFORE choosing their puppy we could start to weed out some of the issues we are seeing. Don't know how it could be done, but it is something myself and my vets have discussed... That's called a "responsible breeder". No one knows a breed better or the home it would be bets suited to and ensures that's where pups are placed, than a responsible breeder. To be honest, most vets struggle to name and recognise every breed, let alone be familiar with the breed traits and diseases associated with. My vet refers people seeking puppies or older dogs to registered breeders, I get a call a month or more, from people saying that the vet has gievn me your contact details and can you help me with ?
  11. Give it a rest Well that's your first mistake! Didn't you read the Collarenebri story? The Councils are getting it wrong far too often. We shall not rest! We will fight them on the beaches. There will be no surrender. Victory Not everything is about you, but you appear to determined to make it so. Yes I've read about Collarenebri and I'm also aware of the "dog" problems that exist in towns such as Bourke, Walgett, Collar, Wilcannia and the like. I also find your war references to be in poor taste at the very least. You had a run in with Council, you are the one that failed to contain your dogs in your yard, you are the one who has conceeded and accepted a control order. I think you might need to go and have a little think about how your situation came about and how it differs from others that have been reported in the media, because at the moment you can't be taken seriously and look the fool, when you wade into every topic where "Council" is mentioned, regardless of what the topic actually is. This topic is about a person who has a lot of dogs and appeared not to have the appropriate approvals and licences to operate a breeding facility and as such has been taken to court. Councils and Rangers don't take great delight in waiting around, contriving some kind of entrapment, and then jump up and down claiming hero status as you put it. Councils would much rather that "breeders" and owners comply with their building requirements, seek the necessary approvals and licences, before they commence such ventures. However, there will always be those who choose to fly under the radar and are eventually busted for doing so. Perhaps you might need to go back and have a look at what happens once you shift from being simply a "dog owner" to a "dog breeder" in NSW, because the whole ball game changes there. Breed a litter and the requirements become a lot stricter. Like the majority of small time breeders in NSW, I doubt your place is up to scratch and you could certainly find yourself without the necessary housing arrangements and DA approvals, that could land you in the same hot water as this Victorian breeder.
  12. We (ARF) offer a 3 week trial/settling in period but the dog can only go to their new home when the new owners officially adopt the dog It would then be their responsiblity to pay any vet bills as it is their dog. If things don't work out and the dog has to be returned during the trail period then the adoption fee would be refunded and the adoption agreement destroyed. Lyn I like that way of thinking and I'm going to use that from now on.
  13. I don't believe that it is spelt out in any NSW Legislation, however if you leave a dog in a hot car and it becomes stressed, you could be charged with cruelty under POCTA. I'm yet to see anyone charged for smashing a window and attending to a distressed animal and my message for dog owners would be, if you don;t want a window smashed or broken, then don't leave a dog in a car full stop.
  14. It's what I've always paid. I've never asked them for a discount in 9 years
  15. I've reported an emaciated and roaming dog. Council were pretty slack in their actions and should have called the RSPCA in ( but that's another story) I called and the followed up a couple of weeks later to be told that they had issued a notice. That was all good, except the next thing the owner did was lock the poor dog in a shed 24/7 so no one could see it, it cried all day and all night. I called them again and then the owners removed the dog from the property, who knows there the poor thing is now.
  16. I don;t know what you deem to be "rescue rates" It usually costs me between $120 and $150 to desex a 15-20kg dog. The pups I can get done for $110. Bitches have varied but the most I've paid for a bigger bitch has been about $220
  17. I would love further info on this if you have it available. Keeping in mind shelters tender with a number of vets to assist in desexing at "rescue rates" with vets who generaly are going above and beyond to assist impounded shelter pets in their local area. I'm not sure what additional information I can give you. I appraoched my vet and said can and will you perform tubal ligation or vasectomy on pups and the answer was yes. My next question was at what cost and it worked out the same as desexing. I can only suggest you approach the vet that handles your desexing and ask them.
  18. Dogs on trial are still the responsibility of the legal owner. Any dog that leaves here on trial, does so with pet insurance.
  19. I've only ever had one accurate ultrasound and that was the last litter, the machine was operated by a relatively new graduate.
  20. There's not much point in doing either ultrasound or Xray, unless you think a bitch might be pregnant and you are worried there might only be one. You should know by your mating dates, when you might expect pups from. I can understand if you need to plan time off work and do an ultrasound just to see if there's anything in there.
  21. As for a vasectomy, it doesn't cost more. It will cost me the same at my vet for either procedure.
  22. I like cash and sash but I do enjoy a trophy ( crystal in particular ) for a Specialty.
  23. Dogs shouldn;t be kept in sub standard, make do conditions.
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