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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. owned by the same people for many years and my dogs have stayed there, this includes my show dogs and I know others with show dogs that entrust them in their care.
  2. Something which doesn't fit us, for example. We have athletic breeds and we live rurally and we both work full time. It is safer for the dogs and surrounding livestock if they are kennelled while we are at work rather than been cooped up inside where they can't toilet or running loose getting into trouble. When we are home, they have freedom to wander around the fenced house paddock which would be somewhere between 2-3 acres or to plop themselves on the couches. They are probably kennelled about 35-40 hours a week and never overnight. The tricky thing is that breeds vary, circumstances vary, and what is being created with the NSW proposals is a once size fits all approach that just fits the large dog farmers. While I agree with WIW that they'd be better off just enforcing the laws they have, I know that is neither cheap nor an easy announceable - unlike passing yet more legislation. So I think what needs fixing in the proposals is the requirement to kennel dogs just because you breed. Perhaps they need two standards - one for home rearing and one for kennel rearing and you declare when being "licensed" which you are. I really like that thought, although I suspect that any "home rearing" proposal would come with a very strict and limited number of dogs you could own and litters you could breed.
  3. I can honestly say that knowing my doggie friends as well as I do, if any of them had written in their will that they would like a certain dog euth'd, I'd carry out that wish for them. I would not keep the dog, rehome the dog or in any way disregard their wish or assume that any decision I would make would be a better choice for that dog.
  4. Some one somewhere is going to draw a magical line in the sand, chances are they won't even own a dog. Naturally those who have less than the magical number will think it's fine, as it doesn't affect them. Do you think the one in all in approach would see everyone, even those with a couple of dogs be required to build DA approved kennels ?
  5. So now we come back to let's put restrictions on numbers ?
  6. The RSPCA and AWL are charged with policing the NSW companion animals act and the Prevention of cruelty to animals act .Vaccinating and chipping and underage are all covered in that. So that's a good place to start to report them or you can report them to the council. That's all well and good but no one wants to police it and we've come full circle again and back the Governments solution of additional legislation.
  7. Puppy farmers have already worked this one out, have you not seen the ads calling for "family homes" to help them ?
  8. I don't want people joining either, just so they can gain exemptions. Although I am being a hypocrite as I do not currently have any race dogs but felt that my GRA licence and the prior screening processes will certainly come in useful down the track.
  9. Maybe, but it still doesn't make it right. Should not be the owners right IMO. This dog could've found another owner in need of an assistance dog. Selfish owner. Dogs are considered property and the day animal rights get their way and dogs are considered anything other than property will be a sad day for dogs and owners, who will no longer be able to choose the fate of their pets. If an owner chooses to take their dog to the grave with them, because they believe that it's in the best interest of their dog, then so be it. There are fate's worse than death for an animal and owner has every right determine the fate of their animals.
  10. At the moment I'm looking at setting up enough kennels to meet all requirements. At the moment I have kennels but not enough. I torn between flying under the radar or building a whole lot of infrastructure that I will not use. I don't believe that it's in the best interests of my dog to live in kennels and certainly don't believe any litters I breed, should be raised anywhere other than in the house and under foot. I can accept and respect that some "breeders" keep their dogs and raise them successfully in kennels and they meet and surpass the dogs needs in terms of physical and mental stimulation. I don't believe that the current "commercial" breeding practices and the guidelines for breeding dogs meet a dogs mental and physical needs but what do we do ? It's a case of one in all in , when it comes to rules and regs. What shits me, is that as an ANKC breeder I'm highly visible, everything that I do can be tracked and traced through the ANKC. At the press of a button the powers that be can identify how many dogs I have in my name , how many litters I breed etc. I can see more rules and regs heading our way but it's not going to impact on those doing the wrong thing, just those who choose to whelp and raise their litters in their house and have their dogs living inside with them. I can't see how Dogs NSW can ask for any exemptions, when the fact there is there are oodle breeding, puppy farming members, who have and do subject their dogs to less than ideal conditions and down right cruelty. We can't claim to be better than anyone else. I get very frustrated that the focus is always on the breeder and those with more than x amount of dogs. I look around my neighbourhood and it's not me with the problems dogs, it's not me with the dogs that are living unfulfilled lives in a suburban back yard, it's not me pumping out litter after litter and raising them in substandard conditions ( although if you follow the law to the letter, it would be me who doesn't meet the kennel requirements)I'm sick of being punished because I own more than a couple of dogs and I breed. I keep coming back to the same point, let's start with policing the legislation that we already have. To be honest I think if Government and Local Council actually chucked some resources and man power at policing existing legislation, the dogs of this state would be a whole lot better off. Hell, they'd even rake some dollars in if they started to police chipping and registration and fined those who are not complying.
  11. I can see a dog that I going to be reprimanded for the signals he's using to tell the cat to bugger off and leave him alone. What does the dog do then ? He doesn't give any warning signals, because he's been reprimanded. Dog then goes from what appears to be happily eating to an aggressive over reaction ( when it's not, he's simply been reprimanded for the previous warning signs . The dog should be allowed to express appropriate warning signs, that tell the cat to bugger off, it's better than dog going from zero to attacking the cat or another dog or a person. Either let the poor dog eat in peace or let it reprimand the cat. Writing the signals off as "bad" behaviour and attempting the suppress them, because it doesn't fit in with your idea of how the dog should behave, is a potentially dangerous.
  12. A Whippet or an Italian Greyhound would also suit the apartment living, providing they are committed to exercise the dog. I would also suggest a mature dog that is already house trained.
  13. ain't that the truth as much as people like to jump up and down, dogs are property, like it or not and everyone, including Australians can take them to the grave should they wish to do so
  14. Nope I wouldn't breed a bitch with an umbilical, inguinal hernia or a delayed closure. I don't buy into the line of " the mother was rough was the pup " and eliminate all delayed closures and hernias from my breeding lines
  15. are you going away ? If so in what general direction are you heading, I might be able to suggest somewhere on the way. I would recommend this kennel. Many a show person has used them over the years including me Merooka Cattery & Kennel Dog Boarding Kennels - Dubbo, NSW 87L Mogriguy Rd, Dubbo NSW 2830, Australia Phone number(02) 6888 5610
  16. or neglected or belonged to an owner who didn't deserve to have it. I'd sue the pants off someone if they kept an animal of mine
  17. I think LouAnne would pass the test, she's had a Dolly since she was 8 weeks of age , although hers is not the cheap nasty thing the RSPCA drags out to terrify dogs with
  18. Doesn't make it right, or decent. I know I'd consider taking some of mine to the grave. Perhaps I don't think that my dogs could be cared for the way I do or I don't want to risk them ever ending up in an unhappy place.
  19. It seems a waste of an guide dog, however as the owner of an animal, you have every right to request it be PTS.
  20. It's not about breeding, it's about behaviours of both the desexed and undesexed dog in that situation. You make out like entire animals are monsters. Desexing is not a cure all for aggression or any other form of bad behaviour... training is
  21. What's the big deal if the rescue dog is desexed and the resident dog is entire. Never the two shall breed.
  22. I won Opposite Baby and Baby In Show at the Whippet Club of NSW. I also raised the bitch who went opposite to my baby boy and her litter sister that placed second behind her My Ausbred bitch won her class at the Sighthound show and placed both days at the Specialty.
  23. Sandra777 Since we are now passing judgement well here is mine of you " You think you are a know it all that thinks you know everything about everything well lets get one thing straight you dont know a thing about me or my life experience so before you judge me on being childish maybe you should re-read your comment because you seem to be the one being childish I did say quote Im sorry if I sound hasty but I feel like Im being judge with my choices I didnt say once you all are judging me there is a difference between fact and how I felt as for livin in the real world like I said you know nothing about me and my life experience and yes not everyone argee's so let me be the BIGGER person to say lets agree to disargee I can tell you now she's got more Stafford years under her belt , then you could ever hope to have. Stafford folk don't fluff it up when it comes to the risks of owning two bitches of similar age. You may well find you come home to a dead one, it's as real as that.
  24. Two bitches of a similar age is certainly not a combination that I encourage any novice SBT owners to take on. Yes, you can possibly manage the two but you probably never be able to relax and simply enjoy them, because you will find yourself spending the time "managing" them. Genetics also plays a big part in what a Stafford bitch will tolerate in terms of other bitches. You can raise them well, put the time and training in but there are some that will not do anything more than tolerate another bitch and can quite frankly be volatile and easily set off. I'd certainly be speaking with the breeder of your bitch and asking about the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to her dam. You are dealing with a breed that has the potential to kill one another and bitch fights in SBT's tend to happen without a lot of warning or body language ( they do give you an indication but often it's subtle or misunderstood)and they will fight to the death. Have they actually had a fight ? and if so can you say what the aggressive bitch did in terms of going for the throat, attempting to take out a front leg etc ?
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