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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. One would have thought that photo's upon arrival to show a dogs condition and a vet check would have been in order as soon as a dog comes into care.
  2. I think they are missing the point, plenty or rescue start out with good intentions, they may well have rehomed "thousands" of dogs but what counts in the eyes of the law is how the animals in their care are being treated and housed at this point in time. If they are being kept in sub standard conditions and in numbers that exceed their ability to adequately care for them, then they should be removed from their car, orders placed and if warranted charges laid.
  3. Not if your puppy has been vacc'd at 8 weeks or older for the first and has had a booster a month after that. It all depends on what vaccine your breeder opts to use and the protocol they choose to follow. When I sell pups they are vacc'd at 8 weeks plus, then a month after that, I strongly recommend that the pups is not given a third vac but rather a booster at 15-16 months.
  4. The major peeve from those judges appears to be dirt, nails , teeth and excessive use of product
  5. It's normal and often appetite or lack there of can be linked to teething and growth spurts. If she's happy to eat breakfast and dinner, then she's fine.
  6. The cons are that all dogs requires their hormones to grow and mature correctly. If you want an animal to keep the hormones intact but not be bred from, then tubal ligation and vasectomy are a great alternative to juvenile desexing.
  7. and yet people continue on their merry way. I really dislike seeing breeds that should have their coat presented in a more natural state ( still clean of course ) that have been blow dried straight, brushed and scissored to within an inch of their lives.
  8. Did someone say Whippet sledding? Sessy and I would go well, until we came across a stray cat, rabbit or hare. Recall may not work at that speed :laugh:
  9. This response needs to be highlighted in red, bolded and pinned somewhere.
  10. What colour is Dodger and what do you think he'd produce? Do whippets carry colour genes like horses do? To my red brindle and white it could be a lottery, she doesn't have any dilutes until you get a few generations back. The trouble with a lot of the Whippet pedigrees is that they don't necessarily indicate the dilutes correctly, there's also some amazing colour descriptions in there, so unless you've seen them in the flesh sometimes it's hard to tell exactly what they are.
  11. My last one. Sessy taking on one of my race bitches
  12. Hell yeah... Not just the coolest but the bestest too
  13. Both of my girls this year, but she will probably be first in season. She's not the nutter. It's the one below that loves dolly's and being mental
  14. That's my bitch Sessy, judges often comment on her muscle , yet she is still as girlie as they come
  15. Everyone should experience a Whippet or ten in their lives. They are so easy compared to lots of breeds
  16. Possibly not but they would have required stability, so that they didn't bugger off at the first person that said "boo" to them, or when they came across a stranger.
  17. Timid Whippet on its own with a 3 year old.
  18. They wont be shy, will they? That paper I wrote on timid sighthounds has been published, now. Just came out in unedited proof a couple of weeks ago. Haredown wasn't making a generalised comment about Sighthounds being "shy", so no need to come and peddle your wares in this thread. It was a tongue in cheek, throw away line.
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