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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I've never heard of that, I just fed my guys their breakfast but they were served in clean dry stainless steel bowls and I mixed their breakfast with a clean spoon from the kitchen. If I spat in it, I'd have to throw it in the bin, I couldn;t feed it to them ;)
  2. As far as I know, there is just obedience in our area, I'd look to Bathurst for obedience and instruction. There are a couple of clubs and some private instruction I think available on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings.
  3. We have just been through the same thing with one of our bitches and a friends bitch who lives in the same area ( different breed). The use of ani-biotics had little impact on the condition and neither did anti inflamatories. In the end we got the best results with good old salt and water and the use of malaseb ( 3mls per 100 of water ) applied straight onto the area and not rinsed. has been a strange one
  4. Houndee was proof that a Hound can do many things, with just one brain cell I miss him, as do his Stafford friends. Sometimes they just do stupid things that we can't understand or explain. Paula and I are very sad that we were forced to make the decision to PTS.
  5. I just wanted to let his friends know that he went to the bridge on Tuesday afternoon. :rolleyes: It was a tough but necessary decision that we had to make. He's at peace now. Run free, the slowest Grey on the planet.
  6. If they are not ill. Then buy yourself a quality dry food and feed a combination or dry and raw foods such as lamb flap, chicken carcass, chicken wings, necks, rabbits, roo chunks or switch to an all raw diet. Staffordshire Bull Terriers need plenty of bones and chunks of meat when they are teething. If they are five months old there is a very good chance that they are teething and cutting canines and molars. You may be overfeeding the dogs. Take the approach of putting a measured cup of quality dry puppy food in a bowl. Once cup each for breakfast or dinner, stand with them and give them 10-15 minutes to eat it. If they have not eaten it, pick it up and cover it until the next meal time. Do not give them snacks or treats between meals. For the other meal, feed them two or three chicken wings or 6-10 necks ( depends on the size ) a piece of lamb flap or a carcass, again depending on the size. Fussy eaters are created, they are not born that way. Some dogs may take longer to consume food and they may have a prefernce for raw over dry etc, but you are the leader, you tell them what they can eat and when they can eat it.
  7. I live in denial.... The dogs actually enjoy eating them. I just chuck the carcass into the pens and hope that they have eaten ALL of it by them time I go back an hour later If I see any heads or feet, the OH is made to pack the meat that week :D
  8. Some weeks they are meal size for my Staffords and Pointers, other weeks when we get the really big meaty ones, I need to pull them in half too. It's hard to say how many you get for your 10kg's. Maybe 30 or the smaller one's and 20 of the bigger one's. I'll order some next time and count them. Grab a pair of gloves, it makes the frames less scarey and pull them apart rather than cut them, you just twist them in the middle and they come apart easily. ETA: the wings this week were HUGE, good teeth cleaners and they are taking more than a few seconds to gulp down.
  9. Only sometimes but they are large and meaty
  10. He backs right up to my kennel door annoys the Pugs, gets them all excited and then drives off I hate packing the meat away, it takes ages and I have a morbid fear of chicken heads :D
  11. That pretty much sums it up for me too. He delivers to me once a fortnight and the quality has always been excellent.
  12. Yes and my experience has shown me , that those who are vaccinated and pick it up, have a far tougher time than my c3 vaccinated dogs.
  13. If you are cutting them properly, with good nail clippers and you are not taking too much off, then there is no reason that he should carry on like this. I've had many a dog scream blue murder when it comes to nails. Either put them on a table or cut them while they are in the hydrobath. You are the boss, just get in there and get the job done and ignore the screaming. You will get there in the end. I had one who would scream the house down, I can now walk up to that dog anywhere and he will stand while i cut his nails.
  14. I'm sorry for you loss and have been in some sorrowfull place, for many of the same reasons. Sometimes love just ain't enough
  15. See, I'm still only a year behind, 'tis all good
  16. That only makes me a year behind, I feel better now
  17. Have they changed CD? the last trial I did in about 1999 was heel work on lead first , then heel free. ;) 1999 I've just realised what year it is and how long it's been since a dog of mine got a CD pass
  18. Cool, I wouldn;t normally bother with it and would go straight to CD with any of my others, but this is for my Greyhound and he needs all the encouragement he can get The rules were what I was looking for, thanks Pax, it will give me a starting point. I'll have to train this one on my own, as I can't attend the class on the day that i would like.
  19. So is it the same as CD, but without the heel free work ?
  20. I haven't competed since before the CCD days. I'm wondering if anyone has info on the requirements for the trial. As far as I know it's all on lead, but what do you have to complete in order to pass ? Cheers
  21. Good on the vet, there should be more out there like that, rather than just taking the cash for the annual vaccination. There are plenty out there , who would rather pay for a titre test, than over vaccinate. If you do happen to have a year where your dogs levels have dropped and you pay for both a titre test and a vaccination, then in my eyes , it's money well spent, looking after your dogs health.
  22. Guess what's on the menu again tonight ? ;) ETA: we are a sad lot.
  23. I've tried putting gloves on to pack them, I've tried looking the other way, nothing works I had to send the OH out into the kennels to pack the last meat order . My other fear is that someone will not eat their head or legs and I will have to go and pick them up
  24. Doesn't sound like he'll be chewing much for a while Poor sweet heart.
  25. I was hoping they were of some value. I can't stand them, the OH has bag them for me and I got some complete frames today, in the luck of the freezer draw Give me blood, guts and whelping any day, just don;t show me a chicken head
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