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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. Welcome to the world of multiple SBT females. The best you can do from here on in, is to carefully manage the situation via separation. Do not allow them to run together when you are not home and be very careful even when under direct supervision. Do not allow them together in times of excitement and watch carefully for the signals. Females tend to be very subtle, unlike the males who posture and make a lot of noise. The bitches may only give you signals such a lip curl or laying the ears back. There is no going back for SBT bitches that have decided to fight.
  2. permissible in that instance means " yeah it's ok to have them but really that's not what we're looking for"
  3. Absolutely. Convenient as in less possibility of trips to the vet for mammary lumps and no risk of pyometra. I'm sold. Hell, if they'd desex me I'd be all over that as well. Desexing early as someone has already pointed out prevents accidental matings. Nothing affects a bitches development quite like having pups while she still is one. Sorry but rubbish. I have had bitches desexed younger and older I do not have to take them to the vets checking for mammry lumps any more than I need them to go for checking of any other sorts of lumps. Pyo is a risk yes but extremely rare after the first season. It is a surgery of convienience if done before 12 to 18 months of age. I am not necessarily saying that is a bad thing but it is what it is. I have recently had my nearly 6 you bitch done. she has had her litter, she had some issues so I didn't want her to have more and yes Pyo in a bitch her age is a higher risk. I also cannot understand why altered growth of a dog/bitch is not an issue if it is a pet? I would want my pet looking as it should and as it parents and siblings look. It's not just about growing up to look as it should, but to be fit for function. Longer limbs, straight stifles, an increased rate of HD in desexed males and of course spey incontinence in bitches. I certainly believe in the speying of bitches when they have fully matured. I don't buy into mentality that every bitch owner is an irresponsible one or cannot manage one season ( if they choose to) without an accidental mating.
  4. Can someone please explain to me that why for a "pet dog or bitch " is growth and development considered not to be an issue ? Really, do pet people deserve a dog or bitch that fails to reach full maturity and development just because it's a "pet" . Does the animal itself deserve what comes with desexing prior to maturity, just because it's a "pet" ? Let's make no mistake, desexing is an operation of convenience for most.
  5. It most certainly is and I'd even wait a bit beyond that. 6 months is a magical number in the sand, it means nothing other than Councils charge more for the registration of entire animals after 6 months of age. Yes there is an increased risk of pyometra Bleeding no, sulking and refusing to eat yes. It's not a "minor" procedure as some would make out. absolutely YESit impacts on their height and muscle development. The hormones are there for a reason, take them away and there will be adverse results. Just in the first few days to a week It's entirely your decision and don't be pushed into it by the desex at all costs brigade. If you feel you can let your bitch go through a season before speying, then it's entirely your choice to do so and spey at a time that you feel is appropriate and she is fully mature.
  6. Are there any puppy farms in the ACT? Not that I know of, they are in NSW. The puppy pusher from Hall Markets was NSW based.
  7. So you lose the right to use your own trusted vet if a problem arises when you buy a dog from you as a breeder? Seems slightly unfair to me and I hope that's made known at time of purchase... It would certainly impact my decision. If you want warranty repairs done and paid for by the manufacturer you can't take your purchase to just anyone, you have to take it to an 'approved repairer' who is approved by the manufacturer to do warranty repairs. And you need to have it approved under warranty before you get the repairs done. If dogs are to come under the same consumer laws, why wouldn't the same apply? That is assuming all vets are created equal. In searching for a vet to take my bitches X-rays I have been recommended a vet by three people that I wouldnt touch with a 30 foot barge pole, I am sure this is the same vet that breeders would recommend to their puppy buyers and I think they should have the right to go to someone more competent! Why should a puppy owner have to go to a vet if they are not confident with them- if a mechanic stuffs up the car it can be replaced for new or be repaired again, you cant necessarily do this with a dog......... Not sure what should be done in this situation- rock and a hard place really we are talking about dogs and it would be good if we had legislation that stopped treating them like a microwave. either that of the ATO recognises us "hobby breeders" as a business and we set about writing off our expenses. We are expected to behave all "business like " according to consumer law, yet we are afforded none of the perks that come with being a business
  8. If "consumers" are going to go down that road and demand of "breeders" what they would of a department store, then I'm sorry but "breeders" are well within their rights to ask for the "item" back. No shop gives a refund and then tells you to keep the item.
  9. Refund them the purchase price, take the dog back and treat it in the way you see fit as the breeder. There's is no way that someone who ignored my wishes to use my own vet would be refunded and get to keep the dog.
  10. I have a Greyhound on the recommendation of a few others, it's great.
  11. Tried to register mine tonight and it won't let me log in. It's the same log in details I've always had and I even requested them again to be sure. The old fashioned way it shall be
  12. Stick with what you are doing. Science diet is crap. Advance is ok but not worth switching from any of the brands you are currently feeding. Time to find a new vet
  13. Norwich and Norfolk's are also awesome little dogs. Aussie Terriers are high under rated, for the most part they have lovely temperaments and they certainly are hardy
  14. "80% of trainers dope their dogs" ( a quote from a disgruntled trainer) That is complete and utter bullshit. Anyone who has raced would know that your chances of getting caught are high and the penalties handed out are severe. Your dog can be subject to a random swab at any time, the GRA can come through your kennel, demand papers and swab dogs at any time and if you are lucky enough to have a winner you roll the barrel and could be swabbed then too. The testing is so sensitive that it will pick up chemicals such as those is Fido's Closasole wormers. "70 dogs tested positive" Positive to what? Given that the testing will pick up things like all wormers, linaments, DMOSO, Ab's, NSA's. The list of substances and withholding periods for racing is three pages long. Christos says he can't compete with those one drugs and he's full of it. Put the time, effort, quality food, chiro and vet care and you certainly can compete with the best of them. I think they might have their "anabolic and androgenic" steroids mixed up. There are very few trainers who do not use testoprop or excuse the spelling (ethyonestronol) in their bitches. It's used in show dogs and for those who want to keep bitches entire but keep them out of season. I used the later, as it was deemed legal under the rules of racing and if tested positive I would not be suspended as it was administered under vets guidance. I don't have time to finish now. Will be back tonight to complete my comments
  15. Nahhh water off a ducks back .. I reply with a short and sweet, give me a call on xxxxx and we can have a chat. Those that really are interested call, the rest I couldn't care less about
  16. You cannot go past Anna-Lee at Yukan. Great breeder, with lovely dogs
  17. and people seriously sign these sorts of things. Ever week there's a poorly written petition of some kind circulated in rescue.
  18. I don't use puppy food full stop so if he were mine, he'd have been fed adult and raw from weaning
  19. Breeders running them on is often a completely different scenario to average Joe buying a couple of litter mates. I've run on plenty of litter mates over the years and have raised them to become well adjusted dogs but what people seem to forget is that most breeders have larger packs of dogs and might run the pups together for a while, but there are many who rotate the pups through the pack and run them with a puppy tolerant adult, they don't just leave the pups together 24/7.
  20. Not really but I will stop for young children who want to talk to one of them or someone who deliberately approaches me and ask me about the breed. I don't really like others touching my dogs.
  21. I report every near miss because I know that the next person that comes along may not be so lucky or in a position where they can scare or beat a dog off. I've had my dogs attacked numerous times over the years and I have zero tolerance for dogs that are not in their yard, on lead where required or are owned by retards with no control over them.
  22. Dogs and cats are snuck out of the back doors of vet clinics all the time and the people doing it feel their decision to do so is justified because they are saving a life. It's wrong on so many levels and no vet or vet nurse has the right to take an animal that has been presented for euthanasia and do anything but PTS. If the clinic is not comfortable with PTS, then they need to speak up and refuse to carry out the procedure.
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