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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I take those stats with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila, they are not worth the time it takes for your PC to upload them but they will however serve the NSW Government well. So if you can see Poodlefans point ( and she's been making it for years now ) why can't others ?
  2. chris, that was exactly Poodlefans point if you focus on breed. If people are going to use the stats, then be careful that they can't be used against you. If you say that there are no APBT's or PB's in the current NSW stats, then it could be argued that BSL is working as they are not on there and why not add other breeds to the list seeing as though BSL was a success when it came to Pit Bulls. I'm a bit of a cynic . Bite stats seem to come and go over the years and are made public when it's convenient. I doubt we'd be seeing any of these stats ( except for a leak to a newspaper ) if there were APBT's or PB's featuring in them.
  3. One could argue that BSL is working, since there are no APBT's or PB's making up the current NSW stats.
  4. BSL is based on nonsense. As soon as people fall into the trap of discussing breeds in relation to dog attacks (just as has been done here) then they follow the same line of reasoning that led to the nonsense becoming law in the first place. Furthermore, its only when you examine the number of attacks vs the number of dogs of that breed in the population that breed stats mean anything anyway. The solution to the issue is not to identify breeds that bite more than the currently banned ones but to focus on the owners that produce dangerous dogs. Every time I see the argument "but other breeds are more dangerous" I see potential for breed bans to be extended, not repealled. The solution to the banning of the APBT does not lie in pointing the finger at other breeds. When the Pit folk can get their head around that , they will be heading in the right direction. Until such time, BSL is here to stay and they will be going around in circles
  5. I pulled 36 grass seeds from a dog once. I stopped, called the owner and insisted they come and look at the state of the dog and take it to the vet. There were more than 36 but I'd had enough. I sent them off to the vet and told them to bring the dog back when the seeds were out.
  6. Your breeder should have provided you with written information ( as per the canine council requirements ) about your pups diet and the number of feeds etc. I tend to judge the feeds by the weight of the dog and how fast they are growing. I would cut back to two now, but if you see the pup leaning off a little too far during a growth spurt, then give a little extra meal until things even out again. Some of my adults are still on two meals a day, they are the high drive, highly active dogs that need it. Others here cope fine and hold their condition with just one meal.
  7. I don't miss shaving dogs of any breed or cross to the skin. The absolute low of being a groomer is looking and trying to deal with the dogs that owners neglect. Like showdog, I was happy to explain and show clients how to maitain their dogs coats between visits to the salon. Plenty did and they had dogs that were a pleasure to have in the salon because of the handling and grooming at home. Then there the one's who simply can't be arsed and it's the same routine of shaving a dog to the skin every year. I've got a pretty strong stomach but some of the things you see are enough to make you cry and vomit.
  8. Number three: MFD Santa, Reindeer, Kangaroo, Elf and Candy Cane No matter how you paint them, they are still MDF..... Come on people's, whatever happened to Christmas with a bit of class and style ? Power cords running every direction from your windows, do you no favours either.
  9. Justice could join in with the " I hate Christmas brigade " ..LOL
  10. Texas still looks exactly the same as he did months ago aarrghhhhh :p Frankenpup
  11. How sad and a simple thing like a thermometer and owners who knew what they were doing would most likely have spared her life.
  12. Can people please NOT quote photo's PLEASE, it's nice to comment on individual pics but with people quoting them over and over, it takes time for them to load and it clogs the thread up
  13. This month will be the 25 reasons why I hate Christmas Reason number one:
  14. I should be able to even out all of those cheesy and cheery pics with some Grinchness I'm enlisting the help of Kate Moss ( AKA Sessy Whippet ) and Poodie ( she can also put on a sour face )
  15. Gorgeous isn't he Clyde. What a shame the can wasn't around the other way
  16. The real deal for Clyde.... I can hear you going "squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
  17. Well that's it for me for November. Awesome pics again from some very talented people.
  18. Sorry but I really had a good laugh at this explaination. So do you sight pedigree papers for the parents before you class a dog as a cross breed as apposed to a mongrel? Sorry but a cross breed is a cross breed is a cross breed. Whether you call it a mongrel a mutt or a cross breed, they are still dogs with more than one breed in their mix. I'm with you on that one
  19. this one just didn't do what I wanted it too...
  20. Kate Moss ( aka Sessy ) warming up for our Christmas pics. She's as surly as ever and there's no chance of my Christmas cards having a pic on them , where she looks impressed Wait 'til I put those antlers on her and a santa suit
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