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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. I prefer to make appointments and for the vet to stick to them ( except for emergencies ). There's a bit of timing involved to get young pups to the toilet and off to the vets and I don;t like to be held up with them in the crate or trolley.
  2. I no longer worry about it, if I make some, good for me. I know I've done the right thing, my bitches and pups want for nothing and get the best of care.
  3. It's starting to come more natural now and I can see simple settings and I'm starting to recognise the good light. Even better when I've got Poodie and she'll always do the job for a chocolate ETA: once I work out how to fly my camera, there will be no stopping me ...LOL I was thinking about getting a 50D but I should learn how to use this one first...
  4. She's a big girl now Thanks to Ashanali who helped me with these three pics. I knew what I wanted but I have no editing skills and Ash turned the vision into a reality for me. Thanks
  5. I decided to make some last minutes Xmas gifts on the farm this evening. The kids weren't really in the mood. The pine cones were supposed to be a distraction but became the focus , until the cat came along and helped me out a bit
  6. Finish the last 25 for Pinky, we were waiting for her to turn 12 months Title Brett Have some funny with Sessy Whippet Bring out my new pup Get to as many Specialties as I can, this year I could only do two and the British Terrier, so more planned for next year Have as good a year as last , if not better.
  7. Me too, it's not just good, it's freaking awesome and why didn't I think of that :rolleyes:
  8. It's not just getting hit by a car that's an issue. Roaming dogs cause other neighbourhood dogs to bark, then there's crapping on people's lawns and in the street, they are also a menace to people who are doing the right thing and walking their dogs on lead, they can get into garbage bins, chase cyclists, the list is endless. If they do go to the pound, what happens after that is not your problem and not your responsiblilty.
  9. It doesns't matter what breed or cross the dog is or what it looks like, it's still a roaming dog.
  10. Tell the idiot this is your last chance to keep them locked up, next time call the ranger and let them deal with it.
  11. I think it's especially important to send pics while the pups are growing. I've picked up on quite a few issues with pups that the new owners have been unaware of, just by looking at pics they've sent me.
  12. I kind of expect that since I would have spent around a month with no sleep and have spent 9 or more weeks of my life dedicated to the pup, that the new owner would send pics , so I could assess the puppy as it grows.
  13. Rather than make a fuss and a big hoo-hahh over dropping an animal off, the best thing to do is walk in the door, put them in a crate or out with dogs they know and get along with. Have a cup of coffee, watch out the window and then leave.
  14. I often board dogs that belong to owners that are a little neurotic. It's good for the dogs, good for the owners to have a break. There's always the " hows he/she coping " email or phone call the same day they walk out the door, along with " is he/she missing me" ? To be honest, to date none of them have given a crap
  15. Mine prefer the actual meat and they are all partial to oysters
  16. BigDaz, Undecided won't be jumping in the deep end, she has plenty of people around to help her
  17. Localised demodex usually clears up by itself. It is a common occurance around teething time for some of the bull breeds and it often occurs around the 8-9 month mark as well. There are a few options when it comes to treating the dog, if it's localised. 1. do nothing 2. switch to all raw diet, use aloe juice and suppport the immune system with supplements. By supporting the body, this enables the dog to get over the mites on it's own. 3. use a collar ( like the flea tick collars ) that covers mites as well 4. use Advocate , studies have found ( from memory ) that 90% ( it could be more but I'd have to go and look it up ) of dogs can overcome the mite with two or three treatments. 5. use Demodex rinse, it's bloody nasty stuff 5. the use of ivermectin Going straight to the bottom of the list is in my opinion a very aggressive approach to what in most cases is a fairly minor problem. The mites can still get out of control and can become generalised ( like some of the dogs you see on Animal rescue and the like ) but you have a happy healthy , well fed dog that is just having a bit of a hard time teething.
  18. really ? Google " Companion Animals Act" and the very first listing is the one you need to view the legislation Google "DLG " and you get surprise, surprise.. The Department of Local Government. ETA: the links http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/dlg/dlghome/dlg_...ex=301&mi=9 http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/con...act/caa1998174/
  19. There is no such thing as the NSW State Companion Animals ACT The Companion Animals Act 1998, is a piece of legislation. The DLG have a Companion Animals division located in Nowra, they are very helpful.
  20. Hi SBT, Very good!!!!! That IS the point. BUT as you can see the attcks are still happening, and GROWING!!!! Not only that but as they grow, the number of attacks on children is growing. 591 attacks in Jan-March (75 children involved) 774 attacks in Apr-Jun (86 children involved) 823 attacks in Jul-Sept. (108 children involved) So what do you think will happen now?? Do you think with Pits not making the list they will just leave BSL as it is and watch the attack rate rise each quarter OR do you think they will start adding MORE dogs to the restricted list????????? At the end of the year when all data is collected and the attack rate has been slowly rising, what steps do we think they will take to try and lower the attack rate??? NSW has some of the strictest dog laws in the whole of Australia. I wonder why NSW is one of the ONLY states that brought in a quarterly (compulsory) register to collect dog attack data on a state level? Maybe NSW recognised that BSL was not working and thought the best way to confim or deny was to start a compulsory register on a state level to record dog attacks. You cannot read anything into the NSW stats in terms of bites being on the increase. Mandatory reporting is still slowly filtering through and there were many councils who were not complying with the requirements ( council minutes, DLG circulars and audits show this ) . I expect that you will probably see another 6 - 12 months of stats that show an overall increase and things will then start to level out.
  21. Any reccuring limp should be investigated further. I'd rest him and swim his as Poodlefan suggested. I would also be having him checked over by a chiro. ETA: just read you have no access to a pool. I would certainly be looking into what is causing this, before returning to any weight bearing exercise. He's obviously in pain, it could be something as simple as a pinched nerve or it could be the beginnings of something much worse.
  22. Where's Puppy now ? It would be lovely to see before and after pics
  23. I'd buy a small bag of whatever the puppy is on and then change over to Royal Canin, as you've used it before and are pleased with the results.
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