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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. Will you refund me if it doesn't work out ?
  2. Mum is a novice, do you think she'll be able to handle one ?
  3. Do they need much room ? Mum is getting on in the years and she'll be moving into the retirement village soon.
  4. How do you reckon it will go chained in the back yard when Mum's not home? Will it wreck the Roses ? and is it ok to feed it Chum ? ETA: I thought Deshonko and Shonkypaws would have had something on the shelf for Easter. I must say I am very disappointed.
  5. It must have been a horrible shock. I know it would really throw me, if I'd planned for a certain dog and then made plans further down the track. Can you salvage something from this and keep going ?
  6. What a disaster. Hopefully the stud owner has refunded your fee and paid for all of the testing, given it was their mistake. The carriers are not the end of the world
  7. There is plenty of readisng on here about all raw diets and raising pups on them.
  8. I guess he's never heard of crates, individual runs and secure fencing. What a prize idiot that one is ETA: and pants for girls in season have been around for years
  9. I read it when they released it and I'm still happy with what I do and it's in the best interests of my puppies.
  10. He's being over fed and you're on the way to creating a fussy eater. Put half the amount of what you want to feed him, in his bowl and give him 15 minutes to eat it. If he hasn't eaten it or has left overs, put it in the fridge until the next meal and offer him nothing inbetween ( no snacks, no treats, no chicken necks ). If he constantly has left overs, then you are giving him too much and need to reduce the meal sizes. There are many dogs who naturally prefer raw food over processed dry. He may well be one of those dogs that never really enjoys the dry food and may do better on an all raw diet.
  11. So why was this not picked up on the vet check that the puppies should have been given at the time of vaccination and the vet check that should have happened when the store took the puppy into their possession ?
  12. I let my bitches do the job on their own. Many believe that if they allow the bitch to do it and she cuts it too short or pulls on it, that there will be problems such as umbilical hernias. I've had delayed closures in pups and they have been from a c-section where the bitch was under GA and had nothing to do with the pups and their cords.
  13. Providing they are healthy and mature, I won't leave one past 2 years now. Been there done that, the older they get the bigger the risk that you'll never get anything from them.
  14. But unless the vet could/would sign off on an ultrasound, that the bitch has been speyed, then it is necessary to open a bitch up to determine if it indeed has been done. Once again if the bitch was not well enough to undergo a GA, then she was not well enough to be rehomed and should have remained in care, until such time as she was fit and healthy. Desexing contracts have no place in rescue, all dogs and bitches should be desexed by the rescue or sold with confirmation that it has alread been done. The exception to the rule is those animals with a chronic illness .
  15. Travel him in a crate, either metal or a soft crate and cover him up on the sides, so he can't see the traffic ETA: He's not stressed ( you are by his behaviour ), he's excited and over stimulated by the traffic. It's fun for him to bark at the cars and chase them as they go past.
  16. Just on that point. It would be an chronic iillness that would prevent the dog or bitch from being desexed, not one that they could be reasonably expected to recover from.
  17. How did you get started in showing? I'd shown horses and no longer had the time or the stables at home, so I opted for showing a dog instead What was your first dog/breed? My first pedigree was a Frenchie, my first show dog was a Dobe What is your favourite memory? From days gone bye, it would have been my very first BIG under Mr Valli. I was so new to it all that I had no idea I'd won it , until he yelled at me " do you want it or not? " Who do you thank from your early days? Lena Cordon, who saw the potential and Mae Hart who was a bloody hard task master Who really helps/helped you out and you wouldn't be where you are without them? Mel from Joden has basically set me up again from scatch, after many many disappointments and getting to the point where I could have packed it all in. She's not just given me dogs but the very best from her kennel. In terms of help at the shows Emily-Kate and Georgia have been way more help than the OH over the last few years and I wouldn't get in and out of the ring most weekends without AmstaffAmbition. Over favourite memories My first dog just turning six months and a judge saying to me that he nearly did it, over much older competition. The next day he won his first challenge and RUBOB. Moments of clarity and personal achievement It was only last year that it all came together and I finally said to myself that I can handle a Stafford, I don't screw it up anymore and I can overcome anything that the dog chucks at me in the ring. I now change dogs and bitches with confidence and ease and understand that they are all different and show them accordingly. It only took 15 years to get there
  18. Not only is it important, it's a legal requirement. Both pups that came into my home late last year from QLD, were both chipped as per legislation. It's not something that a breeder gets to pick and choose and no vet should be advising breeders not to chip. Breeders that can't follow basic requirements , drag the rest of us who do the right thing down.
  19. That's fine, puppies cannot leave for their new homes until 8 weeks of age anyway so no reason why the breeder can't take the puppy to be chipped at 8 weeks before it is sent to you I have never heard of a dogs body rejecting a microchip. Aziah is right, the breeder could chip at 8 weeks and then release the puppy into your care. Part of being a responsible breeder is following the law, chipping is a basic requirement.
  20. The only exceptions to the rule, is when a vet says the dog or bitch is not fit enough to undergo the surgery. They should then remain in foster care until such time as they are fit healthy. Ultimately, it's the vets call, as the professional, if they think a dog is in a fit state for surgery. I don't know about others, but my vet would not put an ill dog under a GA, unless it was life threatening.
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