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Everything posted by WreckitWhippet

  1. RepelX for horses works a treat, spray that on the dog a couple of times a day. If the dog sleeps somewhere in particular give that area a mist too. I've also found the eucalyptus oil mixed with water and sprayed around the kennel walls, external house walls works well in conjunction with the fly traps
  2. A treat can be wafer thin and tiny, it's a reward not a meal :laugh:
  3. Buy whole chicken rolls from the supermarket and slice them yourself. You can buy Ingham and other brand rolls.
  4. why freeze the raw, it just turns it into a hard lump. Turkey necks are another good option.
  5. let me rephrase that for folk as what they really mean is " give us your bloody money, regardless of our actions"
  6. Yep really nice The RSPCA must be stupid to think that the public doesn't get to see that kind of thing.
  7. Nice letter from the RSPCA to the foster carer making threats.
  8. A laundry is no place for a growing active puppy. If you need some where safe and secure to leave your puppy during the day, secure your yard or build a dog run.
  9. Nothing to complain about here, I sleep with a Whippet and it's a perfect creature
  10. Not in NSW. The American Staffordshire Terrier with corresponding ANKC registration papers and microchip is not considered to be an American Pit Bull Terrier.
  11. Agreed, it was already far tougher to get obtain and owner/trainer licence than to simply pay your money, sit an open book exam and be blessed with CC's approval to breed. At least for the Grey's someone actually came to the house, inspected the kennels, measure them, checked the papers against tats, asked a series of questions regarding the dogs care and racing regulations.
  12. The coat is there for a reason, it protects them not only from the cold but also the heat.
  13. Baby puppy vacs + a vac around 16 months and then nothing from there. I don't use flea or tick prevention or heart worm prevention and I worm when the dogs require it. ETA: I only use C3 on the pups and adults. I'll take my chances on KC, haven't had KC for around 5 or more years and the time my dogs did get it, it was limited to a couple and they were there vaccinated one's.
  14. I'm willing to bet that in 12-18 months time if we revisit this thread that no ANKC recognised breeds will have been added to any kind of list
  15. I maintain there is no immediate threat to all dog owners.
  16. If there were any danger of ANKC recognised breeds being added to any lists, Dogs NSW would be doing back flips and the like. They have been to their meeting and have nothing bad to report home with. At worst they feel we may have to abide by a licencing scheme, should there be any risk to our breeds, we would know about it by now. Yep, I'd be worried if I owned a cross bred or an animal without papers but I don't I chose wisely a long time ago. BSL was never going to be over turned.
  17. Yes and the first one which was aimed at reducing euthanasia in shelters. Many of the recommendations in the latest document were from the taskforce. None of the breed-specific ones were in there. I've read it back to front numerous times and made a submission on it personally and on behalf of an organisation. These breed specific recommendations are not in there. You can either just believe me or read it yourself, it's up to you. You do realise they are looking to add more breeds to the menacing and restricted list? Why exactly do you feel your pedigree dogs would not be subject to this? They will be the first ones to be caught up as they are easily identified as of said breed. You do realise that pedigree dogs are banned and restricted in many countries around the world? Because the deal was done long ago when Dogs NSW the then Canine Council made sure that ANKC registered breeds were exempt. Providing my animals do not menace, rush, attack, then there is no danger to them being declared restricted or dangerous.
  18. If you travel on a regular basis then the dogs are more likely to have been exposed to the diseases. If they were home in your yard, never travelled and never exposed, then there is more chance if they do come into contact with parvo etc, that they would become ill. Titre test and forget about vaccinating, you cannot give a dog that already has immunity any additional immunity.
  19. Sorry but there is no immediate threat to any dog that I own or breed. I might need to register annually and display a microchip when advertising but my happy well adjusted ANKC and Council registered dogs are in no danger.
  20. Did anyone read the exemptions ? blue eyes or pure white and they not APBT :laugh:
  21. I personally wouldn't tolerate that behaviour but it's her dog and she's well within her rights to keep him.
  22. I wouldn't send a bitch back until she has fully weaned the pups ( of her own accord ) that might be 8 weeks or more depending on the bitch
  23. All of mine drink cows milk and no it's not unusual for them to do so.
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