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Posts posted by cathyc

  1. which kennel did you work at??

    I second the recommendation for getting some dog experience under your belt before going after a dog walking job. A good place to start is volunteering at a shelter, or getting some part-time work at a boarding kennels. I worked in a kennels for 6 years, and we were always glad to have extra staff on the weekend to help exercise dogs.

  2. lol :rofl:

    Which area? I mind dogs on the southside of Canberra.

    and as for walking them where, sometimes owners give me maps of regular routes or I just take off and see what's around the area (and if it doesn't look like it's getting closer to their house after 20min I turn around :rofl: )

  3. which area do you walk the dogs??

    ill go have a look on the site now thanks :)

    I walk dogs as part of a pet minding through a business (they handle all the insurance stuff :thumbsup: ) dontfretpet.com.au - Kathleen (Syd based) might be interested in your services :)

    I just walk one family at a time, and I've only ever had to walk more than 2 dogs at once.

    I never let them off lead and would never take them to a dog park

    and make sure I keep them away from other dogs by crossing the road etc - it's just not worth the risk

    I do it for play money - you'd be walking most of the day to to make a living out of it! But you'd be hard pressed to find a job where the clients were SO happy to see you :D

  4. @persephone: thanks for the tips.

    @teebs & kavik: im the same ill walk one family at a time. 2 dogs max. dont think i can handle 4 dogs. ill walk the dogs with leash until they get to a dog friendly park. i noticed on alot of the professional dog walkers websites they clearly state they only take non-aggressive dogs so ill do the same.

    @donatella: i would only feel safe with two dogs as well :)

    @LizT: thats amazing the guy who walks 5 dogs :thumbsup:

    hope i dont sound rude with the replys. and again great tips everyone ill take them on board :) :) :)

  5. hey everyone

    hope you can help me out was interested in starting my own dog walking business in my local area to earn extra cash ;) but before that i heard you need to get insurance?? if so can anyone recommend a good company that covers dog walkers?

    is it true you need to have alot of experience? if yes, and your a company or someone who needs to hire somebody or need volunteers please hire me!! would love to learn from you. i want to get all the experience i can get so that i wont be in for a shock lol.

    how much experience do you need before you start your own business :confused:

    also, if your a professional dog walker any tips would be of great help!!:thumbsup: like how did you start your career and how many dogs do you walk in one session??

    thanks in advanced


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