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  1. which area do you walk the dogs?? ill go have a look on the site now thanks
  2. that sounds good vehs. thanks for all the tips guys looks like i got a lot of learning to do
  3. @persephone: thanks for the tips. @teebs & kavik: im the same ill walk one family at a time. 2 dogs max. dont think i can handle 4 dogs. ill walk the dogs with leash until they get to a dog friendly park. i noticed on alot of the professional dog walkers websites they clearly state they only take non-aggressive dogs so ill do the same. @donatella: i would only feel safe with two dogs as well @LizT: thats amazing the guy who walks 5 dogs hope i dont sound rude with the replys. and again great tips everyone ill take them on board :)
  4. hey everyone hope you can help me out was interested in starting my own dog walking business in my local area to earn extra cash ;) but before that i heard you need to get insurance?? if so can anyone recommend a good company that covers dog walkers? is it true you need to have alot of experience? if yes, and your a company or someone who needs to hire somebody or need volunteers please hire me!! would love to learn from you. i want to get all the experience i can get so that i wont be in for a shock lol. how much experience do you need before you start your own business also, if your a professional dog walker any tips would be of great help!! like how did you start your career and how many dogs do you walk in one session?? thanks in advanced cathy
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