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Everything posted by Charjas
So I've popped in to read some posts on tapatalk. Still not sure how to add photos. I'm on ipad. Will try to insert photos of Charlie and jasper. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
The groomer makes sure she rinses well and we don't use conditioner on him. Now 2 weeks ago he chewed the back foot, really bad this time and way bigger. I think he kept licking to remove all the cream i put on it. It's taped now with a sock on it but if I take it off to air he tries to lick it again. The front leg that was getting sparse now has some bald patches and I know he been chewing it because over a few months his hair is turning dark grey and it was light silver There's no fleas. I don't know of any skin specialists. My vet is VERY expensive. Just cost me $1500 for Charlie , the other toy, to have his appendix out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
My toy poodle Charlie who is 5 had disgusting breath and was unwell over the Christmas period. Although he seemed to recover he was vomiting once a week. He just had his appendix out and is totally energetic now and his breath has actually improved. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
O M G! Calendula Tea Rinse
Charjas replied to RiverStar-Aura's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi all. Haven't posted for ages. I'm at my wits end with Jasper though and have tried everything including the calendular tea, lavender oil, cortavance spray, neem oil. He licks a spot until red and in the last 8 months has had only a 2 month period without wearing his cone. One spot heals and he attacks another foot. Not only is one foot taped with a sock on it but I noticed thinning hair on his front foot and he's got some bald patches there too. This time the worst foot, which has the sock, is the size of a 10c. I believe it's grass but nothing works and In fact I'm beginning to think its worse because I put cream or spray on it and he's determined to lick it off. Every last bit until it's red raw and hair gone. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD -
Jasper still chews his foot on and off. longest time without wearing hood has been 8 weeks. he's wearing it again . chewed both leg this time and i've noticed the hair on one leg has become sparse. destined for life in a collar .
Benefits Of Yoghurt And Probiotics
Charjas replied to Canisbellum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Glad I jumped back on here. Haven't posted for ages as Charlie and Jasper have been quite good , that is until we decided to go to Tasmania and they went to the minder. Charlie came down with diarrhea jan 10 and has been up and down since. Visit to vet showed tapeworms even though I give interceptor every month. Didn't realise they can get them any time. But it appears maybe he has irritable bowel. Some days ok then others off , eating grass and sloppy poo. Have been giving him Ensal med for that. I asked about yoghurt or pro biotics and she said not suitable. Wants to do an inside look then put him on something. Only prob is last vet visit for teeth cleaning cost me $1000 for them both because Charlie's blood test showed a high reading for an enzyme in his liver. He's on URSIDOL and milk thistle for this although while he's been sick I've stopped that. He's always had a sensitive tummy but every time I go it's another test , another lot of medicine. I would like to try something first His diet is same. Chicken necks and holistic select fish biscuits which I bought for Jasper because of his constant scratching and chewing holes in his feet. Fingers crossed I've had a month now that he hasn't had to,wear his Elizabethan collar. -
Your Preferred Flea/tick Treatment
Charjas replied to kelpiecuddles's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
When I used Advantix on Jasper. ( 2 year old 3.5 kg toy poodle) last week he went berserk. Scratching , rolling madly on my bed, was acting weird. Couldn't sit down and relax. Kept laying down, getting up , changing spots. The next night he was worse. Then gradually over next few days stopped scratching. I will never give that again. He did get sprayed with frontline by vet when he had tiny ticks and was ok. And I'm sure he's had Advantix several times before but this dose was dreadful. -
This might seem stupid but how do I upload photos from my iphone or ipad. I don't want to go to my computer as they aren't there. When I try it says enter URL for image. Help someone.
What is the reason for the honey.
Another Jasper update. His last spot settled , not sure if it was calendula tea or tablets that did the trick and all was fine up until April. I went away fr 10 days and husband said no signs of biting his feet. 2 days after my return he chewed one. I bandaged this and the next day he started on the othe foot but this time on a toe. Which is really hard to bandage. He licked so much it was red and swollen. I tied some cortavance, calendula and another called neem oil for itches. He licks every single thing. So vet bandaged for a week. As soon as bandages came off he chewed again. I'm wanting to let the air get to it He was wearing the Elizabethan collar but I saw he was able to reach his toe and have a lick. I didn't want a longer collar as then he can't drink from his bowl. The strapping and lotions etc has gone on n for 4 weeks. I think he's going to live in a bandage.
Just giving an update on Jaspers scratching. Over Christmas was licking a spot on his leg which needed tablets and spray Seems each time this happens it gets treated then settled for a few weeks however he is always scratching his ears and under his chin. Have had him cut quite short as I though he might be itchy from being hot and sweaty and it has been very hot over the summer in Sydney.Seems to itch more after the groomer. Tried a variety of shampoos malaseb, Aloveen, Qv. itching seems same after each. Did do the calendular tea too but no different. In January we mulched the garden n poor jasper and Charlie got tiny baby tics. Must have hatched from the mulch. Vet sprayed with frontline plus and hardly saw him scratch. Now it's started again. Feeding holistic select fish. Nothing in yard and they hardly go out. We make sure they don't walk in the long grass when on their walks. 2 weeks ago I noticed a small dark patch on Jaspers rump. On inspection it's a 10 cent size patch of black straight hair He's silver. It just appeared in an instant. Groomer says its due to trauma but I know nothing has happened to him. He does try to reach that spot to bite. Very confusing. Not sure what to try next obviously something is going on with that spot and what caused his hair to change. Wheni first got him December 2011 he had similar large patch on shoulders but it grew out and vanished. The itch saga just ones on and on.
A Question About Ear Hygeine
Charjas replied to Topoftheheap's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Charlie seems to be having trouble with one ear. He rubs it in the carpet and me and leans on me to rub it. Vet checked inside and said they were ok but it's still continuing. He walks with his head tilted to that side and I know it's NOT OKAY. I put Surolan in and have pulled out hairs and searched in and around ears and cannot see or feel anything. But it's bothering him. The way he walks with his head tilted is same as when he had tonsillitis. I've called vet again and not much suggestion. -
I have finally ordered the calendula tea and in the meantime rubbed him all over again with Aloveen conditioner. He started niralone tablet (half 2x:day) last night and had only the fish kibble to eat. Vet wants to do blood test that is sent to US for a series of desensitising injections. When the calendula tea arrives ill put that over him. I phoned et insurance to ask about rebate for bloods etc. they couldn't give me an answer over the phone. Hah. What. Scam. They better not tell me he doesn't qualify. I joined in June and this itching started October!!
I thought I'd give an update on jasper a scratching. After previous treatments and antihistamines Jaspers scratching settled. Then once again after the groomer he started again. I forgot to take the Aloveen conditioner. So I asked the vet again and they gave a sample of malaseb. I have washed him in it twice but no change. I still can't find any fleas nor red spots on his skin but he's mostly biting his legs. I haven't been in contact with the person for the calendular tea yet but it just seems strange that nothing seems to ease the scratching yet I can't find a single thing. I did the frontline plus also. I'm sure it's annoying for him. I was thinking of an antihistamine again but don't know what the correct dosage is. He's 3.7 kg
I'm having same issues. Any suggestions. They don't like advantage or royal canin.
Same for me. Could they have changed it.
I just read your post and I'm having same Charlie has lost weight, seems a bit thirsty and had few vomits and sloppy poos. He could be stressed as I went away for weekend. Hadn't eaten the food this time with gusto like when I first got it. Typical poodle I suppose and wants a change.
I just read your post and I'm having same Charlie has lost weight, seems a bit thirsty and had few vomits and sloppy poos. He could be stressed as I went away for weekend. Hadn't eaten the food this time with gusto like when I first got it. Typical poodle I suppose and wants a change.
Thanks for that I looked on eBay but not much around.
I haven't seen him scratch anywhere now and last night I put a gauze pad over the chewed part and wrapped with some micro pore tape. Put him to bed without the cone and the bandage is still on this morning. Going in search of calendula tea. Local health store closed down. Trick might be the bandage while it heals. No calendula tea . Will have to look on eBay.
Poor Jasper I had to put the collar on as he has chewed it more. But today no itching or scratching probably due to the meds and the phenergan. He has stood in the one spot all night looking at me as if to say , why am I wearing this? Put him to bed but I bet hes standing in the laundry out of his crate. He has managed to lick of the cortavance so tomorrow might try something else. Do you justbuy calendula tea leaves? tried a sock but it came off although I could try nexium bandage because that sticks to itself but not the fur. Used it to tape up my finers when I was a nail artist.
He's sleeping on my bed with a sock on. Had next dose of meds.
I had to take the collar off he was standing in the laundry out of his bed.like statue. I've given quarter phenergan to help him sleep. Sprayed more cortavance
Well have had Jasper to the vet on Monday and could not find anything on his skin but she rubbed some allow even conditioner through his hair and he was a little better last night However. Today I had to go out and when I got home he has chewed his hair off the top of his foot and it's red. Back to the vet for some spray, cortavance, and some clavulox tablets and narilone tablets. So sprayed his foot and he seemed to leave it then damn. Just looked again and he has chewed more!!!! I have an elizabethan collar , hope it fits but can't spray with the cortavance too often . HELP. What can I paint around the red spot to deter him.
Well have had Jasper to the vet on Monday and could not find anything on his skin but she rubbed soe all oven conditioner through his hair and he was a little better. However. Today I had to go out and when I got home he has chewed his hair off the top of his foot and it's red. Back to the vet for some spray, cortavance, and some clavulox tablets and narilone tablets. So sprayed his foot and he seemed to leave it then damn. Just looked again and he has chewed more!!!! I have an elizabethan collar , hope it fits but can't spray with the cortavance too often . HELP. What can I paint around the red spot to deter him.