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Everything posted by minimax

  1. Wow, so a christmas eve eve puppy? Boxing Day BBQ Sammy meet & greet at Katdogs house
  2. One of my black pugs loves laying in the sun, then comes stumbling inside and falls into the water bowl, panting, wondering why he's hot
  3. And I wonder if the eventual new owners of the pup are told about the background, and it's being passed around each night to explain the issues it will have settling it and with seperation anxiety and the bad habits it comes home with?
  4. I guess it's when everything else goes out of the stomach ..and the odd bits rattle around until they trigger a cleanout ? (that's the scientific explanation :p :p ) 3am seems to be the universal dog puke time - they have an internal clock that goes "must wake human to let them know that little bit of stuff inside just isn't sitting well". Unfortunatly I have the self cleaning model of pugs, so I have to get up reallllly quickly. I figure if it came out, putting it straight back in there can't be helpful!
  5. Yeh we went through a 3am puke phase too, usually on my bed!
  6. I wouldn't worry if they are both fine this morning, esepcially if there was nothing in the puke. Watch them today and see if it happens again, but otherwise I'd be not worrying at all.
  7. doesn't actually sound like any actual training was involved though
  8. No I have no problems with anyone here except one who has proven to just want to be nasty. I mean if you dont like it and have nothing to give the conversation but rude, snarky comments then just dont reply thats easy but like you said have to take the good with the bad so no worries. I have been reading the thread but boy is it long lol There's a reason the thread is long, and it's no laughing matter.
  9. I wondered about that, but you probably have to give a security deposit or credit card details as security.
  10. Maybe he's gotten so big he no longer fits into photos? :laugh:
  11. So you aren't fostering this dog for PR?
  12. I have to say, when we were looking for a house I already had a puppy and I didn't only look at pet friendly places, but I did call places I liked and asked if they would consider pets - some of them did say they would even if they didn't advertise it, but I had the advantage of a small dog, not a large breed. However I did exaggerate my dogs age - she was 7 months old at the time and I said she was over 1 year old, just so they didn't automatically think "destructive puppy" (which she never was anyway, apart from digging holes in the yard :laugh: ) So don't limit yourself to ones advertised as pet friendly, but be prepared for disappointments. And be upfront, but not TOO upfront. Ie: saying you have a rotti pup will automatically turn people off purely because of breed prejudice, so maybe don't advertise the breed of your dog, or the exact age, that sort of thing. But good luck
  13. :laugh: there's always strings attatched with PR. You need to read the whole thread...every page. Or more to the point, they don't have strings attached and that is the problem. If there are issues with the dog, or you have problems - they will not be of any assistance. You will never hear from them again! Which isnt a problem since we are not fostering, when you take in a dog as a rescue you then become responsible for that dog you dont dump it back into a shelter or back onto the people who surrendered it 100% responsibility is yours to do the right thing for that dog. Exactly, so if that dog attacks someone/something it's on you, 100%.
  14. :laugh: there's always strings attatched with PR. You need to read the whole thread...every page. Or more to the point, they don't have strings attached and that is the problem. If there are issues with the dog, or you have problems - they will not be of any assistance. You will never hear from them again!
  15. People hate that point being pointed out (wow, awesome choice of descriptive words there :laugh: ) A few weeks back a petstore near me had a breakin, and two puppies were stolen (and it's not the first time). I commented on FB that perhaps it might be an idea to look at not selling puppies, so that it didn't happen because it obviously wasn't in the best welfare of the animals, and my comments were constantly deleted!
  16. I thought you were rehoming specifically from one trainer only?
  17. There are a few regular GSP's and Vizsla's there too! Though Frenchie's are the new black, they are everywhere :laugh: I was walking on the Glebe side of Blackwattle Bay the other morning, and saw about 5 Great Danes out being walked, which I thought was a bizzare as it's mainly apartments and small terraces around there - and two or 2 of the Danes were puppies.
  18. I heartworm and intestinal worm monthly, and advantix fortnightly.
  19. Everything I've heard says it's just over Christmas. All this publicity and it's just one pet shop! I've yet to hear of anyone else joining in, though I wish the trend would carry on.
  20. They think they become toilet trained by sending them to a different home every night? Yes, I imagine the consistency in training would be awesome I think it's very stressful on the pups to be in a new environment every night
  21. I had my female pug desexed at 6 monthsm and she had a belly button hernia fixed at the same time. She's now 14 months and there is definetly no decreased energy levels, she sheds less than my other male (neutered) dog, is very lean and muscley, and had no issues post-surgery. The hardest part was keeping her quiet after the surgery because the next day she wanted to be back swimming and jumping up and down fromt he beds, and I was worried she'd rip her stitches out. She has no identifiable scar, the hair grew back over it quickly and you'd never know anything happened. But I never considered not getting her done - I actually wanted to get her done before 6 months but vet was of the "6 month desexing" view.
  22. Alternativly, you could go something like a life jacket, bececause they have strong handles. Though could be a bit hot and bulky for her.
  23. For a moment there I thought the name really was Herpy Derpy and I thought that was awesome :D
  24. minimax


    I'm sorry Chicken *hugs*
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