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Everything posted by minimax

  1. Extra fun for the dogs - make them run for their treats :laugh:
  2. Try searching dog hoods -kink or dog hoods -sm or dog hoods -sex (the -anyword in a google search means it excludes results with that word in it so you might have more luck!). Or try a UK google search, if they are common in the UK and see if they call them something else.
  3. I do that too, it forces them to breathe properly through their mouth and stops it. I'm surprised at the amount of people who panic over reverse sneezing and don't know this simple method, especially pug owners.
  4. I wondered about the safety of walking on the front legs too?
  5. If I was that worried I'd make my dogs food myself. Actually, I do make my dogs food, just because I prefer to know what they are getting, not because of allergies.
  6. Same here, I'm actually surprised that people seem to choose which sub-forums to read or not, I don't even look at what forum posts are in when I read them.
  7. It's school holidays, but Yes they'be our flyers everywhere.
  8. furminator stripping stone dull stripping knives rubber glove/finger condoms depends on the coat and how easy it is to work. Best to get instruction on how to use the tools so you don;t damage the coat FINGER CONDOMS?? What are they!? Exactly what they sound like...
  9. they've been doing some pretty hardcore work out in the community and on the ground, getting the word out there.
  10. I think OP said it's only one day a week :) for the one day a week no one is home, so the pup will be with someone every day.
  11. Don't forget pup also needs to learn to be alone, so although it's fun to have pup with you all the time, in the early days it's really important that she/he does spend some time alone to get used to it, because there will be times in it's life that it will need to be alone, and having been with you 24/7 from the start means it won't have learnt how to be alone.
  12. This girl is gorgeous, and the amount of time her trainers/owners have put into her is amazing My favourite is the "superman"!
  13. I took my pup to work for quite a while when she was little, but I have direct access to a fairly private grass area so toileting wasn't a problem. Although I did have a pee pad down as she was being pee pad trained at home, but she never used it (except to sometimes eat her bones on :laugh: ). I didn't have her crated, but she was only small (pug) and I'm not in a busy office. She normally had people to play with when she was awake, even if one person came over at a time, for 5 minutes, that's a lot of play time! She had toys and bones, I'd feed her brekky at work, and mostly she would just sleep anyway. I have so many photos of her asleep under desks, curled up on peoples shoes :laugh: In the whole time she was here, which was a few months, we had one accident and that was by the door when I didn't realise she was standing there to be let out. I just used what I do at home, which was vineger and water. Oh, and don't expect to get much work done for the first few days ;)
  14. My dog mourns when dinner is over. She sits by the fridge where she last saw the container go and cries for it.
  15. The OP said the owner never came to pick up the dog.
  16. A simple google scholar search bought up a large number of studies.
  17. Dogs haven't suddenly developed better cognitive abilities in the last 10 years - evolution doesn't even work that fast :laugh:
  18. The statement was we definitely need time vaccinate dogs, I said no we don't definitely. If you want research on things such on titre testing to test for immunity instead of blindly vaccinating, there is a lot of info out there. I did my own research, I'm not doing yours too. You clearly stated that "well, actually no, we don't, not beyond the initial puppy vacs". Sorry I missed the word definitely - it didn't appear on my screen. I have done my own research thank you - and wouldn't trust yours anyway so have no desire for you to do mine. I read a thread a while back where someone lost two young dogs to parvo - both of whom had received their puppy vaccinations - so puppy vaccinations alone are not always sufficient for seroconversion. But don't let facts get in the way of a good argument. To the OP - it is important to read both sides, consider all the scientific evidence, and make a decision you are comfortable with. No, they aren't. And I was unaware there was an argument
  19. Sorry but that is not proof that a dog knows about or fears an impending death. I've had that very reaction from a dog that had been poked and prodded, xrayed, needled and all manner of things done to him in my presence at the vets. We went to give him an AB shot and he screamed and screamed and screamed, it went on for a couple of minutes before he eventually calmed down. Yes, it's very upsetting and not how you would want to remember your last seconds with your dog but it's certainly not a reaction bought about by a dogs sense ( or lack there of ) of it's impending death. My dog screams like she's being murdered when I clip her nails. If doesn't hurt her, she's not dying, and I'm there holding her. There is no impending death, she's just a drama queen.
  20. The statement was we definitely need time vaccinate dogs, I said no we don't definitely. If you want research on things such on titre testing to test for immunity instead of blindly vaccinating, there is a lot of info out there. I did my own research, I'm not doing yours too.
  21. Well actually no, we don't, not beyond the initial puppy vaccs.
  22. I've wondered about prawn heads, my guys usually get peeled prawns and I chuck the heads So the heads aren't too spiky?
  23. Hi Raz! This a complicated question (and answer)!- I'll sit down tonight and set out for you all how (I think, anyway) the RSPCA can do that... :) Thanks Esch. Maybe take the org out of it. lets say Bob died leaving his estate to Mary blah blah. Thanks alot for taking the time to do this. Obviously its a very emotional issue for pet owners so it is a very good thread. So firstly the important thing to understand is that you cannot leave money or any form of legacy directly to a pet in Australia. Secondly, you can't set up a legally enforceable (arguably- this question hasn't been finally determined at common law and there's no legislation about it) trust for the care of a particular animal or animals (so where the beneficiaries of the trust are not specific people) in NSW. Such a trust would be for a private purpose only, and although beneficial it could not considered a charitable trust. (NB- I can see from this thread that some of you have a trust of this nature in your wills already, and that's fine- I would expect that they confer a benefit on a particular beneficiary with the expectation that the beneficiary use the money to care for the dog- but they are not generally enforceable, they rely on the goodwill of your executor or beneficiary as the case may be, to maintain and Does that mean setting up a trust fund so your pets are looked after isn't valid or enforceable, as Danny's Darling was saying she has done, and it would really depend on the wording?
  24. Does your camera have a burst mode? That would probably help you capture the exact image you're after.
  25. You go about it the same way you would a puppy. They can hold on longer, but the less often you take her out, the more accidents you will let happen, so easier just to pretend she's 8 weeks old and start toilet training as you would a new pup.
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