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Everything posted by minimax

  1. Hehe I do always giggle when people say they are at work on super fast internet, then I whip out my speedtest results ;) It's handy for getting event tickets and sale items on websites that are in high demand!
  2. Mine loads quickly at work. speedtest.net compare internet speeds? </geekout>
  3. This is so true, it's just sucky that you have to find out your vet sucks when your dog is suffering :/
  4. Ok. a Pig shed. has a tin roof, but open. Concrete runs 1M by 3M, housing three small dogs. Adequete? A dirt run, tin shanty type shelter, a straggly tree, measuring about...3M by 5M, full of dog poo, no water, some food. Housing 6 - 8 dogs. 132 dogs on premises. Yes, I counted. I had plenty of time there. All dogs filthy, dirty, stinking, undersize, knotted coats. Cavs with overbites and labs whose heads were too big for their body. Sound like the Ritz? Well that is what the RSPCA deemed as ok. Freedom Kennels. That place STILL haunts me, 4 years on. The threats are coming from both sides of the camp, reportedly and it's not something I get involved in, because it's just stupid. The bullying IS coming from the other camp as well, and don't pretend you don't know that! So, you think Moorook is ok because there is one worse? Slightly flawed logic there.
  5. Prevention is better than punishment, and teaching pup (physical) boundaries early on. Compost cages from bunnings are good, even to put around furniture to stop him getting to the furniture, and they are easily movable.
  6. Sounds like you need it from each council pound you intend to take animals from, yes. Remember not every council has a pound.
  7. Step 1: Learn to google ;) http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/dlg/dlghome/documents/Forms/08-73%20Clause%2016d%20Guidelines.pdf
  8. Thanks Rappie, that makes sense. I also wondered if the antibiotics could suppress the immune system a bit and allow the mites to increase.
  9. Both my Stafford and the Pug had localised demodex around their eye(s). When nursing I have also seen the same thing, I don't know what planet they are on to discount it so quickly. I hope you let them know! I'm trying to get a copy of his notes so I can see if they even mentioned it, and I do intend on writing to the practice manager just an FYI. I also hope PetPlan don't have a tantrum and refuse to pay for the first two consults/medications etc for some reason. Poor little dude now answers to "Pirate" because of his eye looking so wonky :laugh:
  10. I taught my pups to eat tablets like treats, it saves so much fuss when they are sick. Of course it helps when they are old enough to "sit" ... but he's old enough to start learning that lol
  11. Do you want the best, or the cheapest? Contact Wayrod, he is a member on here and everyone swears by him for pet transport help. http://www.boardingkennels.com.au/pet_travel_enquiry_17.html Phone: (03) 9338 0823 Email: [email protected]
  12. Oh, ouch! Hope the camera was ok ... that's my main thought with photo injuries! When I was in Croatia a friend I was travelling with fell off a wall whilst trying to take a photo. It was dark and she stepped onto what looked like solid ground, but it was a layer of vines and branches so she went straight through them. The rest of us screamed "not the camera" while she was hanging on for dear life :laugh: (her feet were about 3 inches from the ground, we later found out, so it hindsight it was hilarious :p )
  13. Top of the bag reads 50% protein, but it's 24% protein really...so a little bit misleading IMO. Also I would think that 1% salt is a little excessive. That is equivilent to 1 teaspoon of salt for every 99 teaspoons of other ingredients, but I may be misreading it. Also, can't see from the photo, but is it preservative, artificial colours & GMO free ???? I was about to say that. How can you advertise 50% in big letters, but then say 24% (minimum) in the fine print? That's an awful lot of protein to lose in a few lines.
  14. After three visits to the vet, I finally found one that listened to me and did a skin scraping on my dog and confirmed mites (demodex). The first two vets (same vet practice, but not my usual vet person as she was away) dismissed my concerns of mites as the hair loss was localised near his eye, and they claimed mites was always in more than one area (which was not my experience) and not around the eyes (also not my experience). The first vet didn't treat it at all because it wasn't that bad yet (and wouldn't do a skin scraping), but put him on a two week course of antibiotics for an ear infection. I went back about three weeks later as his eye was getting worse, a little bit puffy and more hair loss, which made me suspect mites even further. Another vet said no it wasn't mites for the same reason as the first vet, but again didn't do a skin scraping and gave him an antibiotic cream as well as a 10 day course of oral antibotics. The area around his eye was a bit puffy, although I hadn't seen him rub it at all, so I imagine it was just a side effects of the mites being untreated for so long. The vet said if this course of antibiotics and cream didn't fix it, then perhaps I'd need an eye specialist and consider surgery as something may be wrong with the eyelid etc Fast forward a few more weeks and we are at vet for something unrelated and I say "these are all the things we've tried, what else could it be?" and the first thing she suggested was mites I was relieved and furious at the same time, so she did a scraping and confirmed it, and it's finally being treated. But I love this vet, she actually listens to be and knows I know my dogs, it's just sad she needs holidays and days off :laugh: Anyway, my point is: his eye got dramatically worse, very quickly, when he was on antibiotics. Can antibiotics make mites worse, or make the body a better environment for mites to live and grow and multiply and take over?
  15. I think you'll find most people here go out of their way to feed the best diet, give the most amount of exercise and stimulation and do everything they can to focus on their dogs health and well being :) Sickness and injuries are a part of life, noone is foolproof. I have a breed that is accident prone, and unfortunately for the most part not their fault. If I can spend $1 a day to NOT think about it, for me that is cheap as chips Yes Sickness and injuries are part of life. I don't know anyone who's free of challenges for life. But I have come across people who always seem to be sick or injured. Then you see them around telling the same stories; "poor me", "why is life so cruel" etc . Then they look at people who are happy and healthy and think " They just must be one of them lucky ones" (Lol). Anyone who understands dogs (or animals) will know how sensitive they are to energy. They can feel assertive calm energy and respect that. They can feel fear and panic then become fearful themselves. They can feel people's energy- positive or negative. I have nothing against pet insurance or people who use it. It's just not my thing. That's a hilariously naive view.
  16. I think being able to plan your dogs accidents, illnesses and medical bills is great. Congratulations on your psychic abilities. For everything else, there's insurance.
  17. what the MDBA develops or thinks of things is not the law or the current code which is what the OP wants. Oh OK I thought she wanted a definition and opinions - a start point for research - there are no laws or COP to cover most of it so if that's what its about its going to be a short topic. The OP asked for peoples opinions and peoples definitions, not legal definitions initially .
  18. Haha, awesome. The one about wanting to throwing the ball but not wanting to give it is big in my house.
  19. +1 on PetPlan. I wouldn't recommend anyone else for insurance, firstly because PetPlan allows alternative treatments, but they also cover illnesses and conditions for life, not just one year like all the other insurers (after the first year with everyone else it becomes a "pre-existing condition). I think I pay around $600 per year for each of my pugs, and I have a $125 excess per claimable condition.
  20. My pug came home like this after her desexing, she stood in the one spot, shaking, wouldn't even walk. I think it was more a reaction to the GA than the actual op itself, but she was wobbly and and shaky and it was scary seeing her like that, but after 12 hours she settled down. She also wouldn't lay down unless I had her on my lap (she would stand over my lap, and then eventually would just sag down until she was laying down, but she probably didn't even realise she was gradually laying down. Their bodies and heads can be pretty foggy after a GA.
  21. Love that - call out by producer of TV show - your email will be kept in confidence Yes, I'm sure it will.
  22. Most disturbing is this line in the ad: Current lot of breeders included in the sale.
  23. ...and not everyone can view OT. Which has nothing to do with the price of fish, but thanks for coming.
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