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Everything posted by minimax

  1. Louise Ruthven. Most of us sound very Elizabethan :laugh:
  2. I wouldn't care if it was made from crushed Barbie dolls if it prevents my dog's kidney condition from deteriorating. I've been a forum member here long enough (since 2004) to know what its aims are and fully acknowledge that there will be many views different to mine. You are naturally entitled to your view. My point is that where people are seeking practical help, its good if people focus on providing it. My mistake I had hoped that the link I provided would help the OP to easily find out what foods would match the desired dietary requirements - sorry that this was so detrimental to the process of finding what is out there in the market - go figure?? Did you even read the original post? They specifically asked for recommendations and didn't want to have to research.
  3. http://www.thedogisland.com/disclaimer.html DISCLAIMER: This site was made in jest, for fun for love of dogs and for love of life. You are to take NO actions, make NO decisions based on the content of this website. In other words, we are not responsible for ANYTHING you do. If I could make this any clearer to you, I would. You can't blame us for ANYTHING. You can't be mad at us for ANYTHING. The only point for you on this website is to enjoy yourself. And if you don't enjoy yourself, you absolutely canNOT blame us for this lack of enjoyment - it is completely your fault. We are selling nothing, we want nothing from you, not your personal information, not your credit card, not your dog, not your money... NOTHING. We have asked you for nothing, we will continue to ask you for nothing, so please, make sure to NOT GIVE IT TO US, as we will not accept it. To all friendly, kind, loving people, who don't find a need to blame other people for any and everything, thank you for your time, sorry if you read this and felt unloved - WE LOVE YOU !!! :::))))
  4. The OP is talking about pedigree papers, not registration with your local council. Pedigree papers should come with your puppy when you buy from a registered breeder. Good Thanks = when you contacted your breeder about the papers what did they say? Did you call or just email.
  5. Contact the breeder and ask about them? Or contact the canine council in your state (Dogs NSW, etc)
  6. Only if your vet agrees, not many do due to how long penplan take.
  7. and they allow claims for chiro and acupuncture! And things don't turn into pre-existing conditions after a year (never understood the point of all the other insurers if they wouldn't cover something after a year)
  8. No flaming from me, I quite agree an animal is for life. I think the main points here are that there are two fees and that they were set with no consultation with the rescue groups who do take the animals from the pound to rehome when they can, and that these fees will negatively impact on their small resources. If anyone has the actual dollar amount of the surrender fee from their local pound, please send it on. And I'm assuming none of that "extra" money the pound gets for rehoming a dog gets passed to the rescue group who does the actual rehoming?
  9. Before submitting my most recently claim, which includes a routine flea treatment that We used as a treatment for mites (and not one I use as a routine flea treatment ) I emailed and asked their process for things like that. They said if the vet specifically wrote that it was a treatment for the conditions being claimed, they would pay it. So I'll be interested to see I'd they do in my case as I have that in writing from one of their people.
  10. My OH struggles to resist the pugs big sad pleading eyes, despite me going mad at her and explaining How bad it is for them to be overweight etc I get really angry with her because I go to a lot of trouble with their food, I make their raw mix and it's weighed out etc and she feeds them roast chicken when I'm in the bath, or chips, or a little of whatever she's eating. Grr.
  11. Have you asked the breeder you got her from if she does this? I would also ask the breeder if they used a toilet command. If she'd been shown I think most showies do. I would keep her confined to a single room if you can't watch her & go back to basics. Outside after eating, sleeping, playing & every couple of hours in between. She may also be used to being crated at shows etc. Your BC's gorgeous by the way, if that's Kiska in your avatar. The breeder just advised the basic training, like taking her outside etc. Which is exactly what I have been doing....she knows she shouldn't do it inside, she can't be that silly :) She hasn't been shown for quite a few years which is why they wanted to find a good home for her. She is such a sweetie, I'll try and put a photo up of her. No that isn't Kiska, that is my very first BC that I bought back in 1985, she was my first show and breeding bitch :) If she knew not to do it inside, she wouldn't be doing it inside. You need to teach her the correct way, dogs don't arrive pre-programed with knowledge.
  12. Hi, have you made any claims with PetPlan? How did you find the claim process? I have had a few claims. They are slowish, and only refund by cheque which I think is stupid in 2013. But always got back what I was entitled to eventually.
  13. The claim process is slow, and you get back whatever you're entitled to according to your policies excess.
  14. How is being rude helping anyone, Sabbath? People always complain newbies are lynched, here people are doing the opposite and someone is complaining. Can't win.
  15. But if you want it to be on the balcony for the rest of his life, why is it inside? Put it where you want it to always be. When he does go in the right spot does he get lots of praise and rewards? And what do you do when he doesn't go in the right place? Sounds like you need to reduce his access to the house when you're not supervising him, so he is in his pen with access to his toilet and can't pee on the carpet.
  16. I raised one of my pugs in an apartment and used pee pads, but I started out putting them where they were always going to be. Why make the issue confusing by changing the toilet location? Pick a spot and stick to it. One of my pugs eats his dinner sometimes on the pee pads, even if they aren't clean. It's gross but he's toilet trained so I let him. Since your guy isn't trained I'd probably not encourage playing on the pee tray, and using it just for toileting.
  17. Wow, wonder if it gives good massages?
  18. The headlines and link mention it, but it changes it when you click on it. I'm thinking they had to change any identifying details but the cached details are still there. If you google it the suburb is mentioned.
  19. LOL. Someone needs to tell my boy he is not desexed! Personally I'll be keeping future dogs entire and bitches entire until they have come into season for the first time. (Because I trial I don't want to have to deal with entire bitches when I have no intention of breeding.) The more reading I do and the more research comes out the better it seems to be for them both from a temperament and a developmental point of view. Someone needs to tell my desexed GIRL about the no humping rule
  20. I don't feed him in there. Should I start too? I'll start getting up at 1.30 and se if that helps. Thanks. :) What are you doing in the way of crate training, or are you just locking him in there? I'd be feeding him in there, just to re-inforce the "den" message which he doesn't seem to understand, as dogs don't normally toilet where they eat or sleep.
  21. If he pee'd by 2am, sounds like you need to get up before 2am to take him out. He has learnt that peeing in his crate is acceptable, so you need to un-learn the behavior by pre-empting it. Do you feed him in his crate?
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