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Everything posted by minimax

  1. When humans eat, do we separate our food into different digestion rate groups?
  2. I got a dog that looked like he had a sore eye, and it made him look a bit tough and mean and dumb, and I felt guilty for thinking that because the poor guy probably just the sun in his eye when the photo was taken :laugh:
  3. I'd be going back to toilet training basics like she was a puppy - training to pee on command, excitement and rewards for peeing in the right place, no access to "special" areas unsupervised, even tethering if needs be. Is she toilet trained? Does she take herself outside to pee as well as peeing in her bed/lounges etc? I doubt she will grow out of it. Unless you help her (ie: teach her), she probably doesn't know she has to grow out of it!
  4. Awesome, thank you! I couldn't remember the name for that part of the seat belt, which is why I couldn't find anything :laugh:
  5. Max has figured out how to stomp on her seatbelt and get it undone, and I don't notice until I go to get her out of the car. So I'm on the lookout for a child-lock for the seatbelt to stop the smartybum pug, does anyone know if they exist?
  6. Oh don't worry, she doesn't actually get dinner after stinking on me! She gets me up so I can get changed, but she gets ignored because I'm so annoyed with her. I'm more concerned that there is something physically wrong with her. Lately she's also been having pooping issues - "running away from her poop" as it's coming out, like it hurts or she isn't too sure what's happening back there, so maybe a vet visit is in order.
  7. They can't use their purebred/registered dogs for crossbreeeding, but are free to cross any other dog they like, with whatever they want. So they can only breed crossbred to crossbred? Is that right? Which would exclude most of the F1 crosses currently being touted as so-called "designer" dogs. So if the add was for a first cross of purebreds, or even of one purebred to a crossbred, they would be in breach of the regulations, yes? Not necessarily. If they used un-registered purebred dogs they could do what they liked. Exactly, the dogs they use just can't be registered, but they can be as pure as their registered dogs.
  8. Aren't all ANKC breeders constrained not to deliberately produce crossbreeds? Should a copy of that advert have been sent to DogsNSW? Here is the DogsNSW Code of Ethics - Section 5 covers the forbidding of crossbreeding (except for the exceptions LOL) Sorry, a tad OT. They can't use their purebred/registered dogs for crossbreeeding, but are free to cross any other dog they like, with whatever they want.
  9. Most people would buy a dog based on looks And I find that strange too! You've never heard someone say "it was so cute I just had to buy it, it looked so sad in the shop?"
  10. Not the one you're looking for, but this one was interesting: http://www.rodonboxers.com/ear_posting.html (video) Actually, I think this might be the one you're after: http://www.rockytopboxers.com/Earwraps.html
  11. I use the capsules and break them open, the pug gets half a capsule a day sprinkled onto her food.
  12. You know things are bad when "anal glanding" has become a common verb in your vocabulary Can dogs anal gland intentionally? (see, just used it as a verb without realising, :laugh: ) I swear Max is doing it when she wants something. Last night she did it on my shoulder when we we were watching TV and she wanted dinner, so of course I had to get up and get changed because it dripped all down the arm of my (brand new) shirt This morning she did it on my pillow so now I need to burn my pillow. I think it's time for a chiro visit. Any recommendations for chiros? I've DOL searched a bit and it seems everyne recommends the same few, so I'm happy to check them out, but they are mostly used by people with larger dogs - are there people who specialise/prefer to work with larger dogs and or would they all be ok with a pug?
  13. I wish my girl didn't have dew claws, would probably save a few eye injuries.
  14. A 50/50 mix of baking soda and cornflour does a good dry shampoo.
  15. Right now, google will be more help than me. I've had too much champagne and will prob get my ingredients mixed up lol
  16. They work by absorbing the oils on the skin. Homemade is cheapest, no need time fuss with commercial ones.
  17. Nail polish remover (with acetone) soaked in a cottonball can help dissolve the glue.
  18. That's not a patrolled part of the beach, and it's not really populated with people there for a swim or relax. That part of the beach is mainly used for people with the dogs, or getting around to boat harbour. I think cars can go on that part of the beach too. Bit if parents are that worried about their kids and dogs, go to the other non-dog part of the beach. It's a massive beach and the dog section is a minor part of it.
  19. Then how about you tell people what you want to hear, that might help? But since you said your dog was involved in the fence fighting and eating the fence pailings, it's reasonable for people to suggest training your dog to not do this. If the neighbors are out, they might not know their dogs bark all day. So perhaps a friendly word to them to let them know. You might find they've lived next to many dogs in the past and never had an issue as well.
  20. Not really, anyone walking down the street can see someone lives there.
  21. I'd be starting by stopping your dog pulling at the fence pailings and fence fighting. I wouldn't worry so much about the other dogs and focus on yours - training it not to do the things you don't want it to do, or blocking off the access ('unfair' or not).
  22. Let her know she had DOL stalking her house looking for him
  23. lol no burgrer for me. Not much at all for a vegetarian in Marrickville!
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