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Everything posted by Peace_Of_Mind

  1. Problem with wandering animals is that you need to find out who they belong to so you can complain. Its a bit late when the cat has been killed by a dog or a car. Barking dogs are a problem too and if the problem is really bad talk to her about things like training, antibark collars etc and if that doesn't work you can complain to the council. Hey Janba, I actually do try and find the owners of the wandering cats that come to my property, not that I mind that much, except for one nasty cat who gets stuck into my neighbour's cat. I have spoken to the family, in particular the husband and he was a complete idiot.... When a little Burmese cat appeared in our apartment garden I found out a few weeks later it belonged to a neighbour next door...but she was okay and we welcomed her as she was a good playmate for Jasper. I have also spoken to the lady whose dogs barks alot and she keeps apologising etc., and the dog is quiet for a while and then starts up again. So I do try :)
  2. Hey back off a bit...the word 'Surprisingly' got to you. Plus I don't have a cat at the moment and if I did I would take responsibility and make sure it did not wander off into other people's properties. But I tell you what I would rather have a wandering cat come onto my property than a wandering dog...we know what happens with wandering dogs. Hey don't get me wrong I love both cats and dogs. I have had two dogs in the past, both passed on now. I just believe for 'some' people it is hard to keep their cats indoors or on their own properties. Peace :)
  3. Had a quick look at the link you posted on Oscillot – thanks for posting. :) Will let anyone I know about it who has cats. Yeah cats can be annoying when wandering into backyards and I would personally do something if I had a cat and a neighbour complained, but spare a thought for those who have to put up with barking dogs i.e. my next door neighbour whose dog barks if a butterfly lands in the garden. Literally I have to put the volume of my TV high to avoid listening to his barking….and yes I and other neighbours have complained about the barking dog and she always apologise and tell him to STOP BARKING....not good enough.
  4. I hope I am not repeating this post, but I had a quick look and saw nothing on this topic in the news section: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/bendigo-man-threatens-to-kill-pet-cats-if-they-wander-into-his-yard/story-fn7x8me2-1226246080079 Surprisingly people are saying that cats owners should keep their cats in their own property. Hard to do when cats like to wander a little. Of course you have feral cats which can prove to be a problem. My brother has one that wanders onto his property, he just chases it away. My cat used to wander, but not really to anyones home, mainly the back alley...never had any complaints. My neighbour who lives my block of units, her cat wanders into other people's back yards, but does no harm, except for annoying one of the neighbours dogs. He also wanders into other people units and they just love him :) This morning I found a kitten would have been around 6 months in the front of my apartment, looked a tad scared of me, but I made it known I wouldn't hurt it...played with it for a while...just put a smile on my face :)
  5. Hi bonnie, It is good that he has been adopted by such a great man. Funny how they use mental illness as a defence. Heck I have psychological problems, hence mental illness, I don’t go around throwing pets out windows etc. I had to chuckle :D when you said “I’ll give her a freakin mental illness”. In reference to the courts getting real about penalties it would be great that something happened sooner rather than later – justice for defenseless animals NOW!!!
  6. It is from a movie - Zeus and Roxanne (1997) - a friendship no one thought possible!
  7. I loved it, certainly put a smile on my face
  8. Yes Please Okay I have posted and asked people to re-post as their status. Will post on a few more pages/groups tomorrow
  9. Hi PeiPei, If you want I can post this information on my personal facebook page and also to quite a few groups I belong to - let me know if you want my help. Cheers
  10. On the news tonight - puppy has a new home http://au.news.yahoo.com/video/national/watch/27774334/248154/
  11. Fantastic news - good to hear that she is well and coming home tomorrow
  12. Some people just DON'T think. I personally would have said something like WTF are you thinking bitch?
  13. Don’t know much about this story as the only information is on this link which I came across on facebook: http://www.causes.com/media/1141867?p_id=18016123 However the title of this thread says it all. It is very disturbing…people are outraged…people want justice for Rigas…people prayed for Rigas but he died. RIP in peace Rigas and I hope the bastard who killed you gets what he deserves. I saw one picture of Rigas bloodied and that was enough for me...did not want to search anymore...just read people's comments. So sad
  14. Reading through this thread is upsetting because of the lousy trivial excuses people use to get rid of their dogs. Someone I know through another group was moving house and couldn’t take her 8 year old cat with her so decided to try and find another home. Wouldn’t you try and secure a home where you could have a pet rather than ditching it? No excuse…
  15. Saw the video of Will - thanks for posting. Looks like his recovery is coming along. He is so adorable and like many others wish I could adopt him. He is so cute with little bonnie Happy New Year Will and Bonnie
  16. Wow what a beautiful dog and what a great life it must have had to live so many years. RIP
  17. Who knows. It makes me so mad. These days a dog only has to look at someone the wrong way and they lose their life, yet people can do whatever they want to dogs and get away with it. Where's the fairness in that? We are all living beings. There is NO fairness whatsoever which really pisses me off.
  18. Same here with every breath I had left in me As I am new this forum I wasn't sure about some of the rules as to how far we can express how we feel about people who torture animals however after having read some posts I know that it is okay for me to go for it.... In this incident with this guy having thrown the dog back into the water so many times and I was on that beach myself, I would not hesitate to take a bat to him and beat the living daylights out of him...
  19. The judge also said: "Bail is not given on the basis of how horrible the offence might be, no matter how many pictures of doe-eyed puppies are presented to me," What is going to take for the courts to dish out stiff penalties to cases of cruelty to animals?
  20. I just saw on the news Tarzan's chimp Cheetah died at 80 years old. To tell you the truth I have never thought of Cheetah since I was a kid and thought would have passed away years ago. RIP Cheetah
  21. Totally agree with you. Thank god the puppy survived...
  22. I can't read this as I know I will be upset The title itself sends shivers down my spine.
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