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yeah thanks your right the box didnt work just stirred him up more last night was easy i ended up putting him in my en suite and left the door open he fell alseep quickly and every time he moved to go on the carpet he got a firm NO and caught onto it very quickly i took him out at about 4 this morning he went to the toilet got praised than straight back to bed took him alittle bit to settle down again but he got the point and was up at 6. Still crys the house down when i put him into a room and close the door i might try a grate across it and leave him in there till he settles down could take awhile cheers.
I tend to agree showdog with letting him gain his confidence rather than discipline seems to stress him out abit more and when i mean discipline i am more referring to mine to not go out to shut him up and i think its just a little odd he seems to be happily staying out there atm with the door open to the house but as soon as i close it he would start crying and whinging. And would the crate / Box sleeping box be good for him to be in while i watch tellie or should i let him on the carpet and just keep a bloody good eye on him to when he needs to go to the toilet he seems alittle unpredictable atm with when he needs to pee as he went a hour and abit without this morning and than did one this afternoon on the grass and i praised him than he followed me into the house and about a min later peed on the tiles. cheers
thanks dancinbcs well i have found already that if i close the sliding door to keep him outside he will cry when i go for 5 min than quieten for couple of min than start up again louder i left him out for 15 min 3 times today and only go back out when he is quiet, but however i gave him abit of a training season and had a good result with sit which i am surprised he picked it up so quickly and than had a play and sat out the back with him and he fell asleep and stayed out there after i left him for a good 2 hours with the door open than he ventured in and piddled on the tiles thank god. The only reason why i dont want him venturing inside to much atm is because of the carpet and we are in a rental. So i cant trust him atm so i am trying develop him only going to the toilet on the grass outside. The play pen is a good idea and i will try and get him one next pay. And as far as the older dog is concerned he is showing no interest in the pup at this stage which is alot better than being aggressive i guess. I am going to take him for a little drive down to the road to get him a high sided box or something similar so i can have him in my room tonight to try and get him to sleep quietly by making him feel abit more secure than his bed in the laundry by himself. When i am in the same room he falls asleep really easily its only when he realizes i am not in the room he has a cry. And my house mate comes home tomorrow and i cant have him in the laundry crying all hours of the a night. so with the box or what ever i find as i dont really have enough money to buy a create atm put his kong with some treats in it and say hide a little bit of meat or a chew stick in there for the night with a heat pack under his beding and a clock to help whats everyone's thoughts ??
oh i didnt attach the photo woops
yeah thanks its only really early days atm and my house mate works shift so the first 2 weeks when i am back at work the pup will be left completely alone for no more than same 3 or 4 hours and when i can trust the keplie i will be leaving him with the pup his pretty good atm just doesnt like the pup trying to come up to him when he laying on his mat and stuff. The pup isnt really food driven just yet but i chucked some left over pork in the kong and he took to it alot better than kibble and abit of peanut butter cheers
Hi everyone my name Scott and first time posting here been reading abit. I just pick up my adorable Border collie pup yesterday and his 8 weeks old. I have owned dogs but never a pup. My question is yes he is a baby and wants to be around me 24/ 7 and i was really surprised last night for his first night he only carried on once at 3am and was up at 6 but he had a bit of diarera and alittle chuck at 3 am i am not overly concerned as he is eating this morning and is happy and playful. Now to my actual question whats the best way to start whining him off my total supervision i rather get him used to me going inside and him outside for periods of time so he gets used to and it is not a huge shock to him when i go back to work on the 16th. I have got him a kong and started trying to teach him that it has food and abit of peanut butter in it and i also have my house mates 7 year old kelpie which has settled down with the pup. Should i just leave him outside with his toys for say 15 to 20 min to start with and ignore the crys and stuff and come back out and ignore him for a couple of min than give some attention with the keplie inside with me ? Any advice will be helpful last thing i want is a stressed out dog every time i leave his sight. Thanks everyone loves puppy photos so here is one of him