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Posts posted by Gemini

  1. Just interested to know, can a ranger come and sieze a dog they accuse of rushing etc? or is it just bullying, and you have the right to refuse to hand it over?

    No, They are not allowed to enter you property and sieze any animal, they are not the police and if they have taken a dog or any animal from your yard with out your permission or/ and knowledge the are breaking the law.

    Stealing and trespassing are illegal

  2. Hi,

    I was horrified when I read your post and the more I read it the peed off I got.

    I was in a similar situation with a dog I use to own a few years, she was a staffy x ridgeback and had just turned 1 yr old, I was renting a house that was next door to a homebased day care centre and every day there were a couple of kids that use to hang over my fence and torment the hell out of my dogs, they would call the dogs over to the fence( and as my dogs had never been mistreated by anyone they had meet they would go over to the kids thinking they were going to get a pat from these kids ) which was not the case, these kids proceded to throw anything they could get their hands on from toys to rocks and even good sized pieces of wood, there was 1 kids that I caught that hit my staffy X in the head with a plastic cricket bat. I was constantly telling these kids and the women that ran the daycare to stop hanging over the fence and to stop tormenting my dogs, I also told the real estate that I was renting the house through what was going on and if they could contact the women and have a word to her, which they did.

    Then one day after coming back home from shopping the towns animal control person turned up and said that he was there to seize my " pitbull " as it had bitten one of the children from the day care next door, well this really got me really angry and I started to abuse him, I told him to make sure he had his facts right before he accused any of my dogs of biting anyone, the first fact was that the dog in question was not a pitbull as I will not own a pitbull ( don't like the breed never have & never will )second fact if I see any kind of aggression in my dogs it is dealt with immediately and third fact was the kid that was supposedly "bitten" by my dog was constantly tormenting my dogs and had been told numerous times to stop doing it, and if he thought that he was going to seize my dog he had better have damn good prove that this kid wasn't tormenting my dog when it was bitten. I then told him to get the hell off my place and if he wanted to take it further I would see him and my neighbours and the kids parents in court and he then replied well they want you to pay the doctors bill to treat the wound,I looked at him and said P*** off you have got to be bloody joking and get the f*** off my place, he did and he never came back to get my dog, and the kids never hung over my fence again and tormented my dogs.

    What you need to do is get a lawyer( if you are renting and if you are working but not getting the above award wage you are able to get legal aid ), go and see all your neighbours that witness the event and ask them too write statements about what they witness, threaten the council that if they can't prove that your dog is a pitbull or part pitbull, that they must have the dog have a DNA test, this is the only way to prove that a dog is or isn't of a certain breed, you may have to pay for the DNA test but when it proves that your dog isn't a pitbull or pitbull X you can then get your lawyer to write an letter of order to the council to threaten them that if the dog is not returned to you that you will press charges against the council for illegally seizing your dog purely on the fact that it " looks like a pitbull ", if there wasn't anyone that was injured, bitten or attack by your dog the only thing that they can do is to fine you for not having the dog on a leash in a public area and causing a nuance to others.

    If your dog microchipped, desexed and vaccinated its bred should be listed on the national dog registry, you should also have its breed on the microchipping papers as well as its vaccination records and your vet should also have it on their records what breed your dog is, and if you tell your vet about what the council has done they may do the DNA test for you and let you pay the cost of it off, ( doesn't hurt to ask, and you won't know if you don't ask ), you can also get your dog assessed by a independant dog trainer ( preferrably one that is not from your area and has nothing to do with your council and the RSPCA and can give you a written report on the temperament and nature of your dog, your lawyer (if you get one) can help you with all this, but you must not let your council, dog pound employees or the RSPCA know anything about what you are doing as they will try their hardest to stop you from doing all of this.

    If you would like to talk to me about what is happening please do as it helps to talk to someone that isn't involved. You can contact me via email at [email protected]

    And for everyone else if you read the post properly the dog was not rushing at the person it was running past them to go home.

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