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Everything posted by steppenwolfstaffords

  1. have just had a comment made to me that an AI mating litter would be born early then a live mating, why is this ? is it even true or just peoples weird ideas on things ? personally i dont see how it would make any difference and im talking about fresh collected dog standing next to bitch and AI done. (and this isnt the first time someone has said to me a bitch AId will whelp earlier)
  2. Was interested to know what peoples ideas or what they have heard in the way of old wives tales when it comes to knowing if a bitch is pregnant before the 4 week ultrasound . heard a few people say that while mating a bitch if she will let him mate her one day but not at all the next....then shes pregnant and wont accept the dog anymore last nipples closest to the back legs point outwards...pregnant a small lump on the inside of the thighs...pregnant any others ones that maybe personally have proven to work for youself a lot of the time ?? :)
  3. The cost of collecting/analyzing and freezing semen is $397.50. Storage for 12 months including insurance for this year is $120 (noahs Crossing) Not sure what this is suposed to mean as ive had a dog in the past collected we walked in collected tested fine wasnt enough did it again and i left all for one fee in one day so i dont understand this quote from Adelaide Plains The fee of $350 is for freezing only if the dog is collected and then not suitable for the semen to be frozen the fee will be $150 as we have had to order in dry ice so you could get a semen anylsis' done first to make sure dog is suitable to be collected for $77 then book dog in at a later stage.
  4. Noahs quoted me $520 all inclusive and on year storage Adel plain was $350 and $13.90 per vial per year but im not sure they were bit unclear and want the dog twice for collections...?
  5. Hi im wondering who you use and what the costs are for a dog to be collected and frozen/stored in Adelaide. So far got a quote for $520 and a friend said at diff vet theirs was around $350. Thanks
  6. I am interested to learn more about DNA tests and how accurate they are. ive read that a dog that was DNA cleared and Cleared by parentage of an eye condition has failed an eye exam. I was wondering what the point is of DNA testing if a dog can pass it but really not be clear having failed an actual exam. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  7. I have feed my 12 month old Stafford BH since i got him at 13 weeks old. He looks AMAZING on it and had great weight but my last bag i noticed he and my now 5 month old girl didnt like it. They would only eat it cos they refused to eat it and got hungry and would only eat it if i mixed mince or scraps with it. Cos they stopped eating properly they both lost weight. My boy also had Bad itching for ages. I thought it was a grass allergy but about 2 weeks ago ive now changed dry food and altho they are still a big fussy they have both gained wait and ive noticed hes stopped itching. Sad i had to change from BH as the dogs looked really good but id prefer them to be happy and eat their food. If thier coats conditions drop ill have to suppliment the new dry food
  8. Like my origional post says i sent a 4 month old puppy to syd and back only 3 weeks ago in a plastic crate on the same company that told me they must be in a wire after 3 months old. the same people also sentd a 2 year old bitch from me to syd in a plastic crate ... go figure !? Id rather have the right crate (wire) then turn up at the airport with MY crate only to be told i cant use it cos its plastic and have to come up with $110 for crate hire. (return) i was only speaking to a guy yesterday about his welded foldable wire crate to get info on how to weld them with him saying he flew from darwin to sydney with a stop over in bris nd he was allowed to fly darwin to bris but at bris they wouldnt allow him to use the same crate the dog had just flown in on .......they need to make a rule and EVERYONE STICK wtih it !!
  9. Thanks Amy, im going to get my other half to weld my fold down crates if i need to fly with them. But will take them to the airport and get written approval from them to be able to use it prior to ever having to use it :)
  10. Thanks for that i have spoken to him a little. I was told by virgins freight that staffords over 14 weeks old MUST flight in a wire crate but like i said when my 2 year old flew to nsw about 2 months ago she flew with the same company in a plastic cage. i have spoken to someone else now about how to weld my calapsable ones but will need to speak to the airlines before i ruin my crates and weld them if they wont accept them on the plane. I dont see how a dog could chew through those pretty sturdy pp crates in the short australian wide flights !!??
  11. OR does anyone know what needs to be done to weld a crate or can you put those metal clips onthe entire crate to make them solid ??
  12. I had a bitch that used to come in heat every 4 months and the vet said so long as a bitch goes about 4 months between a heat they should be fine anyting less is usually a fertility problem. She was mated on one of her 4 month cycles and had 8 puppies.
  13. Hi, ive been looking into possibly purchasing airline approved crates to save me hiring them in the future if i were to travel interstate for shows. i know from flying dogs recently that staffords after 14 weeks old MUST fly in a wire crate - because apparently they are able to chew through the plastic ones. (even though i sent my 16 week old puppy in a plastic crate only a few weeks ago and i also sent an adult a month earlier in a plastic crate too??????????) I was wondering if anyone knows where i could buy airline approved wire crates or what alterations need to be done to a foldable wire crate (i know they have to be welded) but how and where and can it easily be converted back to a fold down again ? Thanks in Advance
  14. My two rising stars starting to grow up Now Last weekend at an Open show at the PM show Joker was Best of Breed over 10 other exhibits & Puppy in Group the AM show Was Scarletts first show and she won BABY IN GROUP!!
  15. What a lovely boy !!!! Well Done on his Awesome Results xx
  16. Scarlett My new rising star :) had her first show training last night and was a real show girl, like she did it in a past life :) First show in a few weeks. Another cousin to both the lovely staffords in this feed
  17. Here is a picture of my rising star for this year. WILDBUNCH KNIGHT IN AMRO "JOKER" half sister to the starting thread pictures :) He has only been shown occasionally and so far in 2013 he has been shown once with MINOR IN SHOW at the Adelaide Hills International show under world respected judges Mrs L Cartldge (UK) & Mrs R Kartzou (Greece) He is now in the puppy class and i look forward to what we can do together this year :) Carmen Steppenwolf Staffordshire Bull Terriers
  18. Thank you :) here is a link to the group pic http://www.ingridmatschkephotos.com/shop/index.php?do=photocart&viewGallery=10082#image=109698
  19. Just wanted to have a little brag. On friday 1st feb i showed my own boy at his last show in minor (his first show this year). He showed brilliantly and managed to bring home MINOR IN SHOW with a lovely line up and a total show entry of 769. Thanks for allowing me to share :))
  20. I have a dog who chews their tail to the point there is no hair left. Ive tried chew stop and now am trying extra hot peri peri sauce with pepper that they lick the whole lot off as soon as i walk away and i have allplied it a few times now so they obviosuly like the hot sauce??!! anyone have any other ideas ??? id like to stop it so their hair can grow back ?? thanks
  21. UPDATE ON BITCH Turns out it was the dry food she was on, i changed foods and shes 100% straight away
  22. the dogs dont get free run of the house at night ...that would be mad ! they are outside at night and sleep in the shed where they still have access to go outside to the toilet and warn us if there are any strange noises in the night... id prefer to try the method of chew stops that you can buy or make, is why they are on the market, then lock them in confine them to a crate. Hence the reason i asked the question on what people found best to use to help stop this habit. my last resort will be to lock him only up at night to stop it until he has grown out of it
  23. ANy grp 2 results from any of the shows? i do know a little fri BIG Westie Rup Stafford Junior Stafford Aust Bred Stafford Am BIG Cairn Westie ?? Puppy in SHOW Cairn Junior Stafford Neutered Stafford Pm BIG Cairn Minor in SHOW Stafford
  24. HUGE congrats to libby and abbey for Bellas Ru BIS ....such a stunning dog !!!
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