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Everything posted by Firey

  1. These little buggers will be the death of me at this rate, I've treated my trio every 2 weeks with Advantix to try and stop the blue ticks and the fleas but we're lucky if we get that long out of it. I may need to resort to comfortis if it doesn't get any better.
  2. After we say hi, can we pat a pony? only if you say ' pretty please with suger on top ' ;) Hope I don't say it to the wrong person. I'm not hard to miss,I'll be there on the Sunday just look for the bloke wearing the outback hat :laugh:
  3. After we say hi, can we pat a pony? only if you say ' pretty please with suger on top ' ;)
  4. I know I'm new here, but if anyone wants to come say hi I'll be the one of the blokes walking the shetland ponies for the kids at the animal farm to the left of the center stage.
  5. personaly I wouln't go near a McDonalds if you paid me ( having worked in one a few years ago) but if they said 'you know whats risky, petting a stray dog' I would be a little less annoyed. I hope this is in the right area if not could a mod please move it?
  6. Xena: xenie, xenie-lamborghini and troll Hercules: googan, hercen-jerkin, doofus and beavis Bandit: bandaid, lanky, target ( he has a lovley tan mark in a certain spot on his rear :laugh: ), oopid and butt-head If my trio hear their real names its normaly if they've been naughty :laugh:
  7. from what i read i dont think the person mentioned was the breeder but someone that stepped up as a foster career after the bitch died at birth
  8. I saw it as well I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when it vanished Firey
  9. Its sad that Prime cant even take two seconds to say ' before you go to the pet shop, try your local pound ' While these dogs might not have the same issues that ill bred pures may have, I can think of a mountian of new problems these dogs will more than likley devolop. Thanks for the info D4DOGZ firey
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