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  1. Hi Scully, I took my pup to vet at about 16 weeks as she had discharge from eyes that was rather gunky and green and it wouldnt clear up. The vet put some drops in her eyes and looked through special glasses, he found the extra lashes this way, I was then refered to a specialist who visits tas every 3 months he gave me the bad news and i was told she needed an op. She had the op that week but 3 months later they returned and i had to wait 2 months for some more lashes to come through, putting in lacri lube 2 or 3 times a day to stop scratching the eye. Your vet should be able to see them if they are there but then you need a specialist to operate as they all have to be cut out 1 at a time. I must say that this is a very nasty problem and it has upset me greatly, not to mention the cost involved, and the fact that my mishka will need more ops in the future. I wish you all the best scully for you and your dog and hope that it will be something simple to clear up. best wishes and cheers, Bob & Mishka.
  2. Thank you for the reply, I understand it a bit better now. cheers Bob.
  3. Hi,first post here so hello to everyone, my name is Bob and I have an 11 month old stafford bitch, we have just arrived home after her second surgery for Distichiasis. I would like to know wether this dieseas can be tested for in the parents of the dog, I know it is hereditry but am unsure about the testing for it. Thank you for any help. cheers Bob & Mishka.
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