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Everything posted by Salukifan

  1. The only "friends" the police tend to have are those who've relied on them at some stage for safety reasons or those who appreciate the difficulties of the job they do. Otherwise, no one cares. On occasion, a "numpty with a gun" has a legitmate reason to visit a residence and personally, I don't consider being rushed by a dog big enough to cause serious harm is something they should quietly dance around if they they step foot on a property. Police officers have the right to defend themselves from attack. A serious injury from a dog is NOT part and parcel of what a police officer should expect to suffer when they enter a property. Ideally if they'd had a tazer or OC spray, they might have used non-lethal means.. and that's an if. There's a news story about how ineffective those were when police were called to rescue a couple from a dog attack in NSW last year. If you wish to allow your dogs free rein of your property, lock your gates and post a sign alerting to the presence of the dog/s.. That way there are no surprises. And if entry is required quickly and in an emergency, expect your dog to pay with its life if it offers resistance - emergency services won't be cooling their heels waiting for the ranger. This is stuff every dog owner needs to think through. As I said in my first post, some thought by each and every dog owner as to the consequences of how they keep their pets is the only good that can come of this. If you don't want "undesirables" like kids selling raffle tickets, little old ladies collecting for charity or police performing their lawful duties on your property, BAR ACCESS AND POST A WARNING. That way it won't be your dog that cops a bullet. Of course the irony of the fortress approach to home security is that statistically, the biggest threat to your safety will come from those you know, not "strangers". I do wonder what people recommend is the appropriate course of action for a person who finds a huge dog rushing them and behaving aggressively???? "Be like a tree"???
  2. entry wounds can be very small and easily covered by a skin fold/hair ruff....they are only the size of the projectile , usually . The exit wound would be a bit larger, and probably messier . If there was one. With a police round, its not likely.
  3. For ordinary members of the public, that means you need to formally revoke permission to enter and, I would argue put up a "Beware of the Dog" sign to warn people that a dog is on the property. A locked gate isn't a bad idea either. But if there are no warning signs and/or people with a right to enter exercise it, then a charging dog may end up in trouble. And there are quite a few people who will have a right to enter.
  4. And so totally preventable. A closed door, side fences.... People should be able to reach your front door without being rushed by your dog/s. The only good that can come from this is that people start to contain their dogs better. People aren't mind readers - they aren't to know that your rushing barking 50 kilo plus dog is going to pull up at the last second.
  5. Same result for my Lily. She was very distressed by her puddles. Stllboestrol has worked like a charm for her. She only needs one tablet a month now. The senior Whippet in my house also has incontinence issues. Propalin is working for him.
  6. With that pest if a dog who decided to be a pain in the a** for you! :p I was impressed on Sunday though he showed the best he has in a couple of months for me, so there was an upside to the weekend for him! Lol Thor is a gorgeous boy but yes, he was a toad.
  7. I'm pretty sure the Borzoi got the Hound Group all three days, with the Foxhound RUIG on two days and the Whippet (sadly not mine) on the other. Four shows next year? Awesome!! Only time I made the Group line up was in Working Group on the Friday with a WSS!! :cool:
  8. I think the reason this doesn't sit well with me is the use of the phrase "when you adopt a mutt, you adopt a unique breed". If they'd said "unique dog" I'd be all for it.
  9. You mean me, of course. I was taking the piss out of the whole process of puppy farming - including the made up names. Perhaps you missed that aspect of it. Pretty hard to chase down a made up breed of dog when several of the Deshonko campaigns didn't feature dogs AT All.
  10. There's always 1 (or 2 or 3) God forbid people disagree with something...... On a forum wherea breed name REALLY matters to some members. BREEDS are unique to those who love them. Perhaps if you have no passion for a particular breed it matters less to you. The cutsey name may help "sell" a dog and God knows pet shops and BYBs are onto that one. I don't see how rescue jumping on the bandwagon deserves universal acclaim.
  11. Well, given that the Pet Rescue website doesn't allow even purebred dogs to be advertised by breed name, I wish you luck.
  12. Some folk don't find anything remotely amusing about made up breed names for crossbred dogs.
  13. Abort the litter or spay the bitch. She's not fully mature and pups shouldn't have pups. End of story. That's all the advice that's needed and it has been given. Time for the OP to step up and do right by the bitch. Wreckit has painted an accurate picture of what's needed to whelp and raise a litter of SBT pups. I gather young SBT bitches killing and eating pups is not uncommon. It's not when everything is going well that you get to test your mettle as a responsible dog owner. It's when something like this happens and accidents DO happen. Its up to the OP now.
  14. If it stops your dog's incontinence, why wouldn't you be keen on hormonal medication if the reason for the incontinence IS hormonal?? Stilboestrol is one alternative to Propalin and it IS 'try it and see" to get the dose right. Some dogs can take a course for a few months and then not need it for ages. Others need it more often. My 15 year old girl, after starting on an initial dose of one tablet every two days is now dry on one tablet a month. It doesn't work on every bitch so you have to try it and see.
  15. It's freakin scary isn't it. It can be fatal in ANY dog... I gather IV fluids or lack thereof are usually the deal breaker.
  16. Was the diarrhoea bloody? Darcy's was red at one stage
  17. Have to say Donatella, this sounds more like pancreatitis than anything else.
  18. Ams was this HGE or IMHA?? Never heard of gastro being that bad before
  19. Yep, works on most critters. CSU did research on it after they heard of pig and dairy farmers using it on scouring piglets and calves. ETA: Second bout I got to the vet a lot quicker. I came to recognise the frequency and "style" of vomiting as more than an upset stomach and bolted there. Changed the outcome from 72 hours on a drip to overnight only. I'd certainly never allow a dog to vomit more than once or twice now before heading in for a PCV and potassium level check.
  20. Scent hounds perhaps. Sighthounds aren't generally big barkers. Usual story - find what's triggering the barking and remove the trigger. Really hard to be more precise than that. Your only other options are aversives like the anti-barking collars.
  21. I swear by raspberry cordial (must be minimum 20% juice) administered at the first sign of gastro. It has to be early or it will compound the dehydration but I think it arrested one more bout in my poodle boy. Cascade is a suitable brand and I gave it neat by syringe. Any dodgy puddles around??
  22. The shows are on the football oval at Swan Reach. And my numbers came today!!
  23. My youngest poodle had two bouts of HGE as a youngster. The research I did at the time taught me: * its primarily a disease that affects young dogs - on average between the ages of two and four * repeat bouts aren't uncommon * it can have a bacteria, a virus or a toxin as a trigger * chronic dehydration is the most dangerous symptom of the disease In my dog's case, I'm pretty sure a dodgy pigs ear triggered one bout and something he ate out walking in the bush the second. If you've got excavation happening on the property, is there any chance your dog is unearthing old "treasures" to snack on?
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