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Everything posted by Salukifan

  1. The point I'm making is that dealing with totally preventable shit caused by people who think they are above the law is a pain in the arse for the rest of us. I don't stalk the suburb armed to the teeth and looking for trouble but it irriitates the bejesus out of me that I have to deal with so many "perfect' dogs under "perfect control" who "have never done that before". At least a leashed dog gives me something to grab when its owner can't control it. A leash might not be infallible but in my experience it's a lot less fallible than voice control, regardless of the dog and the owner. Risk assessments that don't consider things like a mob of kangaroos 300m from my house (truely) or your dog being frightened or attacked itself aren't worth a damn. A leash can solve a lot of issues before they start.
  2. Not everyone is an expert in canine body language. You have seconds to react and for some people their dogs are already reacting. If you don't want to see someone go to town on your dog, you know what to do. And if everyone DID do the right thing, the 'vigilante justice' you speak of would be utterly unnecessary. The solution is so simple, WHY won't people simply obey the damn leash laws?
  3. And IF they act, it will be to prohibit dogs from MORE areas.
  4. If she is at the vet and on a drip, her prospects are really pretty good. HGE is very worrying but fluids often mean the difference between a good outcome or not. Hope you get good news soon.
  5. No, it isn't. The law has removed that prerogative for certain areas. The risks others take for their dogs translate to issues for the rest of us. Seems to me people need to look beyond their own convenience or pleasure and simply obey the law. Leash up and deal with it people. While you're at it, spare a thought for those who accidentally injure or kill dogs that owners decide not to leash. Hardly a trauma they should have to deal with because you took a risk, not matter how calculated. I've hit a dog. Bloody awful. And totally freakin preventable.
  6. Anyone who thinks that their decisions to blow off leash laws because they have great control over their dogs is harmless needs to read *kirty's* original post again. Slowly if that helps. Like it or not, every dog owner who thinks that they don't need to obey the law IS having an impact on the rest of us. Walk a mile in the shoes of someone with a reactive dog or who has had their dog attacked and show some bloody empathy and courtesy FFS. We're not mind readers, we don't know you or your dog. Walk if offleash in onlead only areas and you are part of our problem regardless of what you do. I respect your right to use offleash dog areas and I avoid them. How about you stay out of onlead only areas with your off leash dog or put it on a lead like the rest of us do. If your dog never leaves your side, a leash is hardly going to spoil his fun is it?
  7. I swear some dog owners must live in a bubble of self righteousness, telling themselves that they and their dogs are perfect, that laws are for lesser owners and what's right for them is right. And the rest of us have to go into avoidance or management mode to cope. Not quite the same as having a dog you know is a handful and just letting it do what it wants, but the consequences for the rest of us are the same.
  8. Applying this logic , if i am a superb driver and have a high performance car, I should be able to drive it at any speed I deem appropriate provided I accept the consequences of my driving. And bugger what other people want eh? Bugger the fact that I may cause concern to others who don't know me or my car or my driving. What about the consequences of your risk assessment FOR OTHERS? Did they get any consideration? I hope at least that you carry a leash with you and use it if requested to by oncoming dog owners.
  9. Hey Boronia, how ARE the husbands??
  10. I am of the opinion that Jo Average dog owner needs to obey leash laws, regardless of how well trained or nicely behaved his dog is. Honestly, why do some people regard any law that inconveniences them as something that doesn't apply? Is it arrogance or selfishness or both?And they wonderwhy we see parks go from "onlead only" or "dogs under effective control" to "no dogs allowed" From the point of view of someone who routinely walks 3 or 4 dogs onlead, one "friendly" dog can create leash macrame for me. Just keep your dogs on lead, under control and away from me and mine outside of the dog parks and off leash areas please. The fact that my dogs are onlead should be TELLING people something." Don't even start me on those folk who think their dog's sh*t is so special that it can be left wherever it falls.
  11. I know. I reckon canned dog food smells about the same on the way in as on the way out. Makes me gag.
  12. Depends where the dog show is being held. I've been to a few on public grounds and there were people there with dogs that were not there for the show, myself included once or twice :) Mostly you can but if you want to talk to exhibitors about breeds and meet their dogs, it's probably easier to leave your dog at home. Most exhibitors probably won't want their dogs greeting yours and it will inhibit what you can do at the show. Certainly happens though. ETA: I see its a specialty. Certainly see quite a few spectators dogs at specialties. Sometimes owners bring them to see their breeders again. Couple of things - no dogs in the loos means you'll have to leave the dog outside unless you have someone to hold yours.
  13. For four weeks, I really don't think it matters that much. Feed what's easy for you and what they'll eat. I hate to imagine what their teeth are like
  14. 80kg? Neapolitan Mastiff x Labrador Retriever
  15. Over reaction on your part perhaps? I commented on your squeamishness about your dog "gladly" STEPPING in poo and "spreading" it, not eating it. And touching you with his paw Never said a word about the coprophagia. I've been here nearly 10 years, so I wont be leaving on your suggestion thanks. I never said I was angry either. You've got plenty help and opinions from a heap of dog owners including me before now. Some of it suggests you stop humanising every thing your dog does and treat him as the canine he is. Mine is more of the same. Getting the message?
  16. Lets just stick with "dog tackles and is bitten by snake" shall we Channel 7? The kids weren't even there. Of course less drama with that story.
  17. Your dog is NOT deliberately stepping in poo and 'gladly' spreading it. Your chosen living arrangements have removed his option to exercise his natural instinct to defecate outside his usual living area. He has no option but to poo in your apartment unless you give him better access outside. If you want a 'cleaner' place to live, move somewhere with outside access. This is your decision making at work, not your dog's. If I sound a bit annoyed by your post, its because I am. You are the one who chooses how this dog lives. You are the the one who needs to deal with the outcome of that choice. If you want a squeaky clean apartment, you have chosen the wrong pet. It's not fair to put this on the dog.
  18. I know who would have bred him. :cool:
  19. Australlian Pet Treat Company have a shark and greenlipped muscle "treat" and also dried greenlipped mussels. Don't Jointguard do a chewable treat??
  20. Maybe your local vet needs to read this. Why don't you simply take your dogs for their core vaccinations every three years? My understanding it that its exactly the same vaccination as given annually. Your vet can't force you to vaccinate your dogs annually. Of course, if you vaccinate for Kennel Cough that's annual anyway. Solves the "annual check up" argument.
  21. Digging at bedding is something many dogs do. Its normal canine behaviour. My dogs seem to get a lot of pleasure from it.
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