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Everything posted by Salukifan

  1. I was recently told of an incident in the local area that saw a Labrador female attacked and mauled by a another dog whilst being walked by a teenage girl. The Labrador tried to get away but was actually grabbed by the other dog, dragged across the road and repeatedly bitten until beaten off by those who heard the teenagers screams and came to help. Turns out the attacking dog had quite a history of escaping, had killed small animals and threatened passers by but had never been reported due to fears by neighbours that the dog's owner would seek retribution. Now that's one dog and one child scarred for life by something that might reasonably have been prevented by action to ensure that dog was contained. I encourage people to report wandering and aggressive dogs for safety reasons, not due to any perception that in a "nanny state" dogs shouldn't roam. Its called community spirit.
  2. My guess is that the length of time between groomings is contributing to the issue. Hershey needs a program of desensitisation to the process and the way to achieve that is to accustom him to the brush and to the clippers in short, frequent (think daily) sessions. Muzzle him if necessary. If it is the sound of the clippers that freaks him out, then run them with a blade off around him every day. No dog is going to deal well with a full clip off on a matted coat only twice a year or so - it makes for a very testing process. Coat him next winter but I'd want him done at least once every two months.
  3. I honestly think a well run puppy preschool benefits novice owners more than the pup. If you have the capacity to provide controlled socialisation with other dogs and you're going onto training, I'd not consider it the end of the earth to miss it.
  4. I'm pretty sure that from a dog's perspective it beats complete isolation in a back yard for animals left alone 24/7. Like a lot of ideas though, it has to be thought through carefully and generally isn't. I've certainly seen a few littermates that the owners left to their own devices rather than taking the time to socialise and train them independently. The result has been problematic. So much depends on how its handled but I'd certainly not recommend it to most folk.
  5. I'm not sure what shocks me more - the vet deciding to "save" a dog the owner said had severe behavioural issues or having the gall to bill them for a euthanasia that wasn't performed. Someone is in a heap of trouble.
  6. If it fits across the shoulders, restriction is inevitable. Walking in these will impact gait.
  7. For what it's worth, I would not breed from a dog with late descending testicles. I would hold off on any testing until you see if he's actually going to be ok to use at stud.
  8. Actually many of these restraints restrict the dog's freedom of front leg movement. I would not recommend any form of harness or restraint that crosses the dog's chest.
  9. Sadly , you should be concerned now. If he didnt have two descended testicles at 8 weeks, he really shouldn't have been sold as a show prospect IMO.
  10. Where exactly does it say the dog was attacking when it was punched ???
  11. I'd say a more important issue would be whether or not the pup had been vaccinated. Plenty of puppy sellers don't waste money on things like that and don't wait till 8 weeks to sell puppies either.
  12. Airlock, a browse over your posts so far indicated that your pup has a few issues relating to confidence. I have to say that physically injuring himself when separated from you doesn't seem "normal" behaviour from such a youngster. I wonder if you need someone with experience and skill to actually visit you and see this pup in person before prescribing how best to manage him. I'd say you need to establish a routine and stick to it but I am no fan of physically isolating pups at night and even less of a one for bathrooms as the place to do it. Set the crate up where you want him to sleep for the rest of his life and consider putting it in a warmer and more busy part of the house. My dogs all sleep in the bedroom and that works for me but if that's not what you want, don't move the pup there now.
  13. I hate the smell of most canned dog foods - makes me gag. I think dogs fed a lot of the cheaper canned foods stink. I do feed tinned fish to my dogs and they have tried the canned tripe - I think that's Ziwipeak?? I prefer to feed fresh meat rather than cans as an addition to kibble though.
  14. This would be the first time I've suggested it I reckon but.. "how about a Greyhound'? They tend to be calm, quiet and to love walking. Older dogs do come into the adoption programs. Only provisio I'd add is to go through a recognised adoption program so that the dog can be walked unmuzzled.
  15. I can't vouch for Adelaide, but here in Canberra the Royal is NOT run under the auspices of Dogs ACT and they can follow their own policies. I think the Royals may have their own rules. You see things at Royals that you do not see at regular ANKC rules shows.
  16. Step 1 - is your new dog registered on the ANKC Main Register? What breed is he/she? How far away is your dog's breeder - they are often the best person to get you started. ETA: you will find a lot of information in this thread Yes, anyone can attend a dog show. You will have to join Dogs NSW in order to exhibit your dog and if he/she's a pup, I suggest you get into the ring with him/her while she's young.
  17. It was my open golf umbrella that saved me and my dog when we got attacked, thank God it was raining that day or I wouldn't have had it with me, its the reason I didn't get bitten, the dogs bit the umbrella instead. I can imagine how scary it would be to navigate around off leash dogs with your dog not 100% fit. I've had a ball come past me out of nowhere and a Dobermann fly past after it in a suburban walkway. After a few more ball tosses I politely informed the owner that my rotator cuff muscles didn't need any further work out from my dogs lunging after the ball. No doubt I was 'hysterical'.
  18. Personally, I liked the fact that the dog gave as good as it got. The person who punched the dog wasn't being chased or attacked by the dog when he punched it. He'd been hiding in a cupboard. I can't vouch for how intimidating the dog was from behind a closed door. You do know that police warn fleeing folk that if they don't stop the dog will be released? I do blame the person who punched the dog by the way.
  19. So business as usual for you then. And screw everybody else, the law and whatever stands between you and doing what you like. Pretty much what I'd expected though. You haven't listened at all - just posted making light of people's fears. Fears you'll continue to contribute to by continuing to ignore the law. Some dog owners HAVE been through World War 3 - until and unless you have seen your dog under attack, you can't have any sense of how distressing it is. If you saw your beloved dog in the mouth of a far larger one or trying to defend itself from multiple attackers, I doubt you'd be as dismissive of the long term impact it has on a dog owner. But you're alright eh? And you've demonstrated very clearly that's where your care factor ends. You talk about superiority and yet it is you who thinks you are above the law. Charming.
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