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Everything posted by Salukifan

  1. Babies ears do not routinely burst under the pressure of a descending aircraft. All they usually have to do is swallow which is why the are encouraged to drink. Babies cry due to discomfort and also because that's what babies do. Most of the time we aren't cheek by jowl with them and their parents of varying degrees of skill in caring for them
  2. It's a situation common to quite a few women I know Bjelkier. Certainly child rearing holds no romance for you when there's a baby in the family when you're an older child.
  3. I expect that stress plays havoc with their digestive systems too - it does with mine!!
  4. I got thrown up on by a kid on a flight once. Blessed with a strong stomach and some empathy, I only felt sorry for the poor girl. She was travelling unaccompanied and was quite distressed. But I made the airline pay. :)
  5. I'm actually helpful to mums - pick up fallen toddlers on escalators (that's scarey when you've got a pusher too), help with prams, all that sort of thing. I just ain't "into" kids. But some women are and that's fine by me. Vive la difference.
  6. I guess I must have been unlucky then. I find the fosters coming from pound food, get upset tummies when they have that immediate change to nutro and raw food that I serve up here... I was mainly going on previous experience but I guess I could be wrong. I have never served poo or rotting meat to my dogs so maybe they are a bit sensitive and need toughening up :D I'd say pound dogs are probably different - not in optimal health a lot of the time and most haven't had optimal diets. I dont serve poo or rotting meat to my dogs either - they find it themselves.
  7. Its funny but because you don't have kids, some people expect you to be a numpty with them, particularly with babies. I've had the odd smug mum shove a baby at me and expect me to recoil in terror. You know the type.. they push a pram through a crowd and expect it to part for them like Moses and the Red Sea. Whip out a boob to feed anywhere, anytime and glare at anyone who mightn't enjoy the show. Oh and change their babies in the MOST inappropriate places. They love the pity laden statement "so Telida, YOU never had children did you". Hard to resist not answering "yes, but I ate them at birth" sometimes. I have a much younger brother who I fed, burped, changed nappies on and babysat a lot. I did the same for kids of family friends. They hold no terror for me. But my biological clock is digital... has never ticked. I tell baby brother its his fault - cured me for life. If your kids have a modicum of manners and a modicum of intelligence, I'll be quite happy to chat to them. God knows I pay enough taxes to support other peoples' kids, I certainly don't need to have any of my own. ;)
  8. The ones to worry about are the animal haters that don't like kids. ;)
  9. Personally I dont' think it hurts to change what you're feeding every now and again. I've never bothered to mix kibble or do gradual changes and its never affected my dogs. These are animals that can eat poo and rotting meat and never miss a beat.
  10. Ditto. I hate the expression "furkids". Make owners sounds like twits IMO.
  11. Because human nature is variable and there are some aspects of children that aren't very likeable, often starting with their parents. You don't have to hate kids to ask not to be seated next to one on a long haul flight. They often don't make for a restful trip. For the record - I don't hate kids. I don't love them either. They're little individuals and I can take them or leave them depending on their personalities and their parenting. Frankly I feel the same way about dogs. But if you want me to gush with unreserved affection and coo at something - show me a puppy. ;)
  12. This. Or at least buy small bags so you don't do your dough if it doesn't work out.
  13. In agility? Absolutlely. He will also need to be desexed to be registered as an Associate (but I see that he is). In conformation? I'm afraid not. If you're looking for an activity to tide you over before agility, how about Obedience? Associates can do that.
  14. But I have your dog food ready to pick up. Or was it FRHP's dog food? Whatever. FHRP's. I'll give you a bell tomorrow to discuss.
  15. Are you going to bribe me with news from the puppy stork???? Aww, you need bribing to have a cuppa with me It's actually putting a foot out the door in this weather that creates the need for bribing. It's putrid.
  16. Depends a bit on what you're looking to buy. I tend to buy different products from different suppliers. What are you after?
  17. It's the EPIC grounds in Canberra that have been closed.
  18. He cant' hump what he can't reach. Keep him on a long line until he has a reliable recall.
  19. Depends on the breed. Depends on the judge. If a breed standard calls for full dentition and a dog has missing teeth (eg. premolars that never appeared) then you'd expect that in some breeds (where bite is essential to function) for a dog to be penalised. But each standard is different. I know some FCI judges won't even consider a dog that doesn't have full dentition regardless of whether teeth have been lost due to mishap. On the other hand, I know at least one very well awarded bitch in my own breed that has had big wins despite the fact she lost a canine. And rightly so - lovely bitch. Bite will be evident whether teeth are missing or not. No dog that doesn't have the bite specified in the breed standard should get a challenge IMO. Its a significant and IMO should be a disqualifying fault. Again, the breed standard will specify whether or not it is.
  20. Thanks Debbie! Sorry to see all your hard work come to nothing.
  21. Are you going to bribe me with news from the puppy stork????
  22. I'd have thought we'd write off the entries due to an act of God and hope for something bigger and better next year. No doubt both shows still have expenses to cover.
  23. Yep. Have lined up a yum cha and a stitch and bitch session already. :)
  24. I reckon Milton won't fare much better.
  25. Hot off the press from Dogs ACT... looks like both shows are now off:
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