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Everything posted by Salukifan

  1. Angel Eyes is a low grade antibiotic. It works because it combats the bacteria in the tearstains that cause discoloration. Such bacteria thrive when the immune system is depressed. I think discovering the cause that is producing a depression of the dogs immune system is preferable to masking the symptoms. Check your dog's teeth and gum health, and remove from the diet all food containing artificial colorings and preservatives and my guess is the tear stains will clear up. Some Vitamin C won't hurt either. The only time my white poodle gets tear stains is when she needs a tooth clean. I am no fan of the use of low grade antibiotics in surface sprays or on dogs.. this is how superbugs are made. Angel Eyes wont' fix the issue that's causing your dogs' immune system problems - it simply masks the results. Have a think about that.
  2. 1. Get the reporter some English lessons. I doubt Mr Ciccone was oblivious to the attack as he witnessed it. 2. Sorry but I sincerely doubt this dog has given not a single indication of aggression before. What else is the owner going to say... "I knew he had issues"????
  3. You are right. I have too. But I'd rather see them there than attempting to get a CC against young dogs in the prime of life.
  4. I think severe temperature (snow etc) and the existence of predators would have a lot to do with it. Also a lot of American yards don't seem to be fenced. So the options are chain or crate. Mind you, the fact that a dog is inside is no guarantee of good care. The rescues see plenty of dogs that rarely made it out of a basement pen.
  5. Saw the clip. My immediate reaction was OCD. That was a pretty extreme case. While a little tail chasing in pups may be cute, I'd be discouraging it and particularly in the breeds prone to OCD - like working dogs. Never ceases to amaze me the behavioural issues served up on funniest home videos as "cute" or funny.
  6. Exhibition in a veteran's class (where they can be desexed) would be proof of life.
  7. Personally I don't think think they should have to. Any dog of veteran status should have been exempted from having to gain a CC after 1 July. Any Supreme of that age that had sired or whelped a Champion would have got my vote, desexed or not. All the titles in the world don't matter a toss if the dog cannot produce quality in the next generation.
  8. This is why I prefer Andis to Wahl or Oster. IMO they run cooler and because they are a sealed unit, they don't need servicing. I've been using blades from 30# down to 4F# since the day I started grooming and I have NEVER cut a dog. Don't see why any other careful novice would either.
  9. Would you like to point out exactly were I said a 'small hard poo' was needed? How many big hard poos do dogs do? Or do do :)
  10. A small hard poo won't either. In my experience a trip to the chiropractor, plenty of exercise and more fibre in the diet are an effective combination for solving a lot of anal gland issues.
  11. Actually what you need is bigger poo. My vet recommends psyllium for the purpose.
  12. I'm a dry baked pumpkin fan. However a small bag of a quality "lite" food is probably easiest. It will be full of cereal but unless your dog has allergies, that's ok. Cereal can play a key role in satiating canine appetite.
  13. This is my understanding also. Of course none of this was problematic while the AFA remained affiliated.
  14. The AFA just wanted more people to be able to access the sport and more comps for everyone..... So exactly what/how did the AFA act to assist the ANKC to accredit and train judges and run comps under the ANKC banner. After all, they were the affiliate with the knowledge, judges, members and equipment that could make it happen. Did they do anything in that context?
  15. The fact that some dogs will tolerate the lack of space and the close confines doesn't mean they should have to. If (as I have seen more than once) a scuffle breaks out in a packed crate or trolley, then it can be damn difficult to get dogs out and sort it quickly. And afterwards, there's no option to keep separate if the exhibitor has only the one crate. Rates with uncoated dogs like Whippets shivering in crates in really cold weather as a pet peeve of mine.
  16. I would recommend Andis clippers. You might ask your groomer about what blade/s are used on your dog but something like a 4F# should be fine for an all over shortening.
  17. What rubbish!! Plenty of dogs have started agility at 3+ years and been very succesful at the sport. In fact at 3 you might find him easier to train as he'll probably be more settled and sensible than an adolescent Vizsla :) x 2 Some of the longest running agility participants started late. Your dog will be both physically and mentally mature and IMO less likely to succumb to some of the soundness issues that early starts can create. FHRP's Rogan is still going strong at 10... plenty of time to have a great agility career with a Vizsla.
  18. It isn't. But its the reality of an organisation with few fulltime staff and no publicists. Frankly I'm not interested in seeing my membership and all fees collected quadruple or more to change it but that's just me. Why such an organisation should use revenue generated by the breeding/showing side and the other dog sports to fund flyball promotion so that the AFA can make money is probably a more interesting question. Precisely how many flyball only clubs ended up joining the ANKC as affiliates? You want more.. generate more income. Until then you get what you pay for. If the ANKC is regarded so poorly by the Flyball community, I'm surprised you're not cheering at this result.
  19. Nope. The sports promote themselves within the ANKC structure. They make money for the CC's too.
  20. To be fair it was also an opportunity for the state bodies to grow their membership in a new direction by activley promoting the sport. They didn't do that and essentially wasted the opportunity. The interest shouldn't be a factor. If your a board members of Dogs NSW you should be acting in the best interests of Dogs NSW. Promoting and actively growing new activities for dogs is part of that. Essentially, the boards of the state bodies were asleep at the wheel and missed and opportunity. With not a single flyballer it seems prepared to assist said Board members by getting invovled on the ANKC side of things, what did you genuinely expect to happen. The AFA is running comps that deprive the ANKC of potential revenue but with no assistance from flyball participants, the ANKC is expected to do what is does for no other sport and madly promote it? How is promoting a sport that doesn't pay dues in the interest of Dogs NSW? Flyball never paid for schedules to be advertised, no judges paid fees and no comps made money for the CC. A proportion of your participants aren't even ANKC members. But you want what no other dog sport ever gets?
  21. From what I can gather then, no one did. No flyball club ever sought to organise a comp under ANKC rules? No flyball club ever paid fees to the ANKC via competitions? Obedience, agility, conformation pay the CC $1 per entry. But now the ANKC is expected to pick up the ball and run with it? Sounds like the arrangement was a bit one sided to me. Without flyballers to drive the process in any club, it wasn't going to happen was it? The AFA as an alternative organisation for competitions removed the need to do so. What the ANKC appears to have been was an opportunity to get titles on pedigrees and that's it. Maybe it is just at my club. I've never seen a sticker that said "x sport - for dogs that can't do flyball" though. What do you mean "eventually"? The multijurisdictional clubs here (or more precisely their members) have been at the forefront of the development and promotion of DWD and RallyO for a start. They did. It failed. The question for the sport is now where to from here? In the context of ANKC recognition of the sport, if the enthusiasts within the flyball community don't act for themselves, my guess is the anwer is "nowhere".
  22. Jumbaar: The ANKC doesn't have the funding to employ people to do this. It has always and will always rely on the efforts of enthusiastic volunteers. You can probably put recognition of ANY dog sport by the ANKC down to the efforts of a handful of people and that isn't going to change. I think the expectation that an organisation that is essentially exists mainly on paoper can do any of this is simply unrealistic. How does a new sport without a set of rules and a framework for competition and training and accreditation of judges get recognised. Those are the hoops you have to jump through. I really do wonder if people piling these expectations on the ANKC to be more proactive have a decent working knowledge of its structure and resources. Outside of the Canine Controls and some research funding, it has zip. The ANKC is its members and its members that must do all of what's proposed here. Asking people who aren't interested in a new sport to take the lead is simply not going to happen.
  23. No one said you had to do it Jumbaar - but the flyball community needs someone to act. I think perhaps that someone will come from outside the AFA hierarchy? Why would our club continue to host Flyball? Because the flyball members are an engaged and valued part of the club and my guess is the Committee didn't see why one of our dog sports groups should suffer for this decision. We have our own equipment, dedicated grounds and our own insurance for events run on those grounds so that issue is solved. I suppose the problem with flyball only clubs is that they haven't organised themselves to have a voice on the canine controls.. as other dog sports have done via having a committee appointed to deal with all of the sports specific issues and with a rep on Council. My guess is that with the AFA running the flyball show, no one saw the need. Did the flyball clubs attend club president and secretaries meetings at the CC if they were held. I know our CC has one for all clubs. I think we're having a Tracking Comp soon - with Obedience, Agility, RallyO and DWD, that makes five. :)
  24. And the responsiblity for all of that lies within the flyball community. Who do you think does it for all the other dog sports?? Based on what's been posted here, the reason is because the AFA has given up?? It was suggested that you start from scratch because the information posted was that the situation was at an impasse. If that's the case where else do you suggest you start? If you want an attitude to be shared within an organisation then you have to get involved and engage within the organisation. How many flyballers nominated for council, attended AGM's or wrote for the journals? Why ARE there no reps on Councils for your sport? Flyball is a very small frog in the ANKC pond and it's up to the little frogs to promote their sport within the ANKC like every other sport did or does. Why do flyballers expect everyone else to do the running for them? If it doesn't matter, then why all the angst? Clearly ANKC recognition matters to quite a few flyballers. I think the missed opportunity if this is not resolved is for flyballers. The sooner that the flyball community recognise that your future lies within your hands and stop looking to the ANKC to make it happen, the sooner you can get those titles recognised on an ANKC issued pedigree as they should and could be. What do you think the Earth Dog and DWD and RallyO enthusiasts have done? No one did the hard yards for them. Why do you want special treatment when the facts as far as I can understand them are that flyball has, by it's AFA structure, held itself apart from the wider ANKC community Time for a few flyballers to step up and take the lead IMO. Get the sport recognised directly. You've got all the bones of a good case already.
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