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Everything posted by Sherbet

  1. He actually has his first puppy school class on Monday evening, which would definitely fall under 'learning and new experiences'. It being a controlled environment I'm hoping it will be okay. When questioned the trainer told me to 'ask the vet' and the vet told me to 'ask the trainer'. :p
  2. Thanks Erny, it's all a lot more clear now. It would seem there is no real 'right' way to do it. Hopefully the vet made an informed choice, though I would have liked to have had some say in the matter. I'm very keen to have my pup well socialised though so being able to take him out two weeks from now may very well be a blessing!
  3. Hello there, I've just been to the vet's for my 12-week-old puppy's second round of vaccinations and am surprised to learn that this is the last one he will need. His vaccination certificate lists three rounds of shots, the last one at 16 weeks, but the vet assured me this was right and he would only need the two. I took her word for it as she is a trained professional and all my knowledge begins and ends on the internet, but it struck me as strange. He received his C3 shot before I picked him up at 8 weeks and according to his certificate was given another C3 today, as well as some nasal spray for kennel cough. I always thought that the vaccinations went C3, C4 followed by C5, and never just the same one twice over. Is this normal or am I right to be concerned? I'm hoping it's all fine and dandy but I'd like some feedback to ease my mind!
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