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Everything posted by ❤LovesPoodles❤

  1. When I received my LR papers it was signed by the breeder but they told me I didn't need to do anything with it?? Should I change it or just leave it Her rego and microchip is in my name. I cannot breed with her and will not be showing her don't have time thats if she was show quality had I had time to do it.
  2. Coco got to come home today Looking pretty scruffy but is just sleeping and happy to be home. Going back to vet on Friday and again Wednesday hopefully all will be good.
  3. Coco had her surgery today all went fairly well. The ductus was more fragile than expected and wider than it was longer so it tore a little causing slight bleeding which was sucessfully taken care of. However due to how fragile the ductus was the sutures could not be pulled as tight as usual I think so there may be little blood flow still going through it could have no affect at all but we will know next Wednesday on another ultrasound after she has a week recovery what is actually going on. They cannot risk going in again due to the tear and bleeding. They just called and says she is recovery really well and getting lots of cuddle hopefully she can come home tomorrow afternoon.
  4. Yes my husky eats her clam as well. A new one is needed and until then she has been putting her feet in her water bowl hopefully learns this time around she is 2 but still does it.
  5. Are you serious people do that? That is just awful how can they treat their pet like that I groom my dog nightly with a steel comb and slicker brush when her hair is long when shorter I do not need to do it as often though she doesn't enjoy being groomed but she sits there because she knows afterwards she gets a reward with her favourite toy that only comes out after a groom.
  6. I myself do not mind when people ask to pat my dog that is fine me personally would feel rude saying no and she enjoys playing with kids etc. I have a 7 month old toy poodle and what I do not like is walking past people and they stop and just pick my dog up off the ground??!!? Where does this come from? And it isn't even kids it is older women they do not say a word just go how adorable pick her up and kiss and cuddle what not. It has not happened only once it has happened on many occassions I don't say anything but I wish I could! I would have a problem if they didn't ask but if they ask I don't see the problem I made the decision to say yes I am still in control of my dog and she knows when I command her to do something she does. I don't see why I should say no to people but that is just my opinion.
  7. POODLE gets my vote :D My girl is so smart and she isn't little prissy dog like people think they are!! She goes out in the rain on the wet grass to go to the toilet and what not doesn't care at all. Very smart though she learnt to climb her puppy gate to get full run of the house while I was at work I couldn't believe it when I watched to see how she got out! A lot of energy to do agility etc.
  8. Well we contacted the breeders vet who has done all her litters so far just to let her know that she missed it on Coco's first consult and that it's now in the breeders lines so to look out for it. I am pretty sure breeder is not going to use the sire again but until an ultrasound is done on both parents they won't know which has it so it could be the Dam that has it and passed it down but they are blaming the sire so hopefully it was him.
  9. Strange considering the fact that the hereditary basis for PDA has nor been established in any breed as far as I am aware. The siblings may produce the problem but I have no idea how he can say they are carriers. From the few cases I know of in my breed it appears to most likely be a dominant gene so only one parent is the problem and has a very,very minor case of PDA that is not clinically able to be determined. There is no real way to work out which parent unless they produce another case to another partner. Any genetically unaffected siblings definitely do not seem to carry it. I know one breeder who had one case occur in several litters many years ago. Breeding on from those same lines she has not had another case in 20 years. It is one of the two most common heart congenital heart defect in all pure and cross bred dogs (and I think in humans) and is the failure of the heart vessels to separate properly as the heart develops. It is extremely unusual for a murmur from PDA to not be detected at 6 weeks so you and the breeder have been very unlucky to have this missed. In some puppies the condition corrects up to 3-4 months as they grow and in others it gets worse. There is no screening test to avoid breeding PDA, other than not breeding with dogs with heart murmurs. Surgery before the heart is damaged works very well but most people would not spend $5000+ for testing and surgery and would put the puppy down. In the unlikely event that a puppy with PDA is sold most breeders would expect the owner to return the puppy or have it pts and would offer either a replacement or refund, when another puppy or the funds becoem available. This is what the specialist said about it being hereditary: This is a congenital defect. Poodles lines have been studied with PDA histories, and a hereditary mechanism has been proven in this breed. It also occurs more frequently in females. The presence of this defect requires changes to be made to the current breeding program. Both the sire and dam should also be assessed by a specialist via both auscultation and echocardiographic assessment for evidence of a PDA. Small PDAs are not always discernible via auscultation. Either the sire or the dam/or both a carriers for this defect. Not all carriers will have the phenotypic expression of the defect themselves. Unaffected siblings of this pup may also be carriers. I am happy to wait for the money when another litter is born instead of another pup which will be sometime next year. I guess we just hope the breeder keeps their word to that and oh well if not. I am still going to keep them upto date on Coco and send pictures as she grows up and gets new hair cuts and what not as I always have
  10. In the letter from the specialist that I forward to her any siblings may be unaffected by the disease but are still carries of it so if bred they could pass it on. Hopefully she just rehomes them as pets and doesn't breed from them as the specialist advised.
  11. I was going to take her to the vet about her cough but was told it was caused by soft palate which is very common in tiny dogs and is worse while on lead and wearing a collar and don't worry about it. As for her weight she is a toy poodle I just thought she was very small she is not rib showing and eats all her food her muscle just hasn't developed properly so she doesn't weigh much. I don't want the breeder to pay the vet bills at all I am happy to pay for the surgery to keep her. I just think if she is offering a replacement puppy why can she not give me back my money that I purchased for the dog. Which if I had to get her PTS because surgery was slim, her quality of life wouldn't be worth it I wouldn't want a replacement puppy I would want my money back! My partner and I are by no means wealthy it will be hard to come up with the money but in our decision that is not going to put into it, we will try come up with the money no matter how much it cost that should not be our reason to not let her live a long happy life. That is just how we feel about it and each to there own everybody makes a decision based on what suits them. We are discussing what is best for her she is booked in if we decide to do it and the specialist said while we discuss what to do if we have any questions to call him up and ask. We are filling ourselves with information on it my partner has even watched the procedure on youtube of it to see what she will go through. We are going to do what is right for her in the end not us that is what she deserves. She doesn't deserve to just be replaced because it is easier to do. Thank you jrm88 for telling us about your grandmothers shelti. My specialist also said the recovery is not that hard on them, she will be at the vet for 2-3days and then get to come home. Apparently after the first day of surgery they are wanting to go home and do usual things. I appreciate what everyone is saying and if more people have experienced this situation I would love to know. The more information we have the better
  12. The specialist said she will have a quality of life. Right now she is in no pain doesn't know any different as she was born with it without the operation in a few months she will start collapsing and find it hard to breathe and ultimately die. With the surgery after a few months she will feel even better than before the surgery and not know why as she doesn't realise she has the problem as she was born this way. She will have no cough, will breathe easier, put weight on and muscle and while playing, walking and going to the beach have even more energy than what she has now. I don't understand what is wrong with doing the surgery if she will live a long happy life? If it was only benefiting me to make me feel better and not her I wouldn't do it. But the specialist thoroughly went through everything all outcomes, procedure etc. He explained all other dog cases too. If it was an older dog it would be different but she is only 6 months.
  13. Well the breeder says these things happen not to get the surgery it is waste of time and money and to get real about it. She has offered to "replace" Coco with a 5 yr old dog she has or when she has another litter another puppy. This has really upset me I do not want another dog. Is it usual for breeders to do this? My partner says he doesn't think she will give me any of my money back even when she gets the reports. So I guess today is even worse
  14. Sorry I did not keep the 2 daughters the breeder kept the girls to breed with. Sorry for confusion.
  15. My partner spoke to the breeder and she is saying to get Coco PTS!
  16. She is on medication now to prepare her for surgery. The specialist said if they did it right now the anaesthetic would be too much especially with the weight she is. But waiting the week and on the medication her pulling through the operation is 90%. With dogs they usually see and their hearts aren't as bad the odds are 95-97%. I asked why it would've been missed on her first 2 vet visits and he said the sound is continuous and when its a young pup jumping around all excited it can be missed. Where as heart murmurs that are not as serious the sound goes and stops and so on all the time. The specialists was very good said the breeder could contact him if they wanted and discuss Coco's issues and is also emailing me a letter with all the details which I can forward on to the breeder as well and she can take it to her vet if need be. He said if it was found at 6 weeks she would have been PTS so in a way it is a blessing to me they didn't find it. I will be out a lot of money but she has brought much joy into my life and she also gets to live a long happy life too if everything goes to plan.
  17. Well guys we just got back and it is not good news. It is congenital so she was born with it and the disease she has is heriditory. As it was found so late her heart has detiriated hugely. It can be fixed with a $4500 operation and it comes with a 70% chance of her living a normal life. She will be on medication for about 6 months after and hopefully won't need it the rest of her life. So my partner and I are not real happy. We are happy she is going to be ok if the operation goes to plan she is extremely underweight which can affect the surgery and the specialist said it is because of her heart disease that she is underweight.
  18. Just to make it clear I do not want the breeder to pay vet bills or replace the dog. I love the dog I have now and will pay any vet bills I need to pay. I just expect getting health certs for the dog and her parents and paying $1300 nothing would be wrong with her not anything major anyway. And if its genetic and in her lines I should have been warned about it prior IF she knew and now that it is in her lines I hope she does something about it and feels sympathetic for the situation I am in now. I am not out to get the breeder in anyway at all. I simply wanted information on here about heart murmurs and if any breeders could give me information on what to expect from the breeder if it turns out to be major health issue to the dog. If I went and bought it from a backyard breeder you would expect health issues at any stage I was just not expecting this to happen so soon.
  19. Jumabaar: Her baby canines haven't fallen out and I do have to get them taken out! But when I desex her I will thats no big issue just a one time thing. I guess I can't jump to conclusions yet all I've got is info I've read off the internet it just seems it is going to be life long thing for her with medication and vet bills and if it is something I have done then that's fine I take that on. But if it's a result of breeding I just want to know some ground of where I stand as it costs a lot of money for medication for dogs I'm sure you would know and if she needs surgery more money just the specialists is $600. I am going to do everything I can to have her live a long happy life. I just didn't expect doing the right thing paying the money for a good quality dog something like this would happen just in 4 months of having her. I will get all the info I need tomorrow and go from there. If it is a gentic problem hopefully the breeder does the thing she would expect of a breeder if she bought a dog and this happened to her. If she says to return the dog and swap for another and get my money back I will leave it at that and move on with what I have to do for my dog. I appreciate all your help and will post tomorrow what happens.
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