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Everything posted by ❤LovesPoodles❤

  1. I myself have never had a tetanus shot. We went to the hospital and the nurse cleaned it up but wouldn't give a tetanus shot as she couldn't couldn't tell how deep the puncture mark was so we waited til 2am to see a doctor and partner wanted to leave as he was sick of waiting. We were the only ones sitting in there! He is going to go see our GP tomorrow as his hand is a bit sore to move. It is bruised and you can see the teeth marks on his hand but there is only the one punctured bit. Stupid public hospitals
  2. His had his booster ones growing up and one 10 yrs ago when he got a fish hook through his finger. He is worried about infection so off to the hospital we will go. Thanks guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Tonight when partner and I have gotten home 2 of my dogs had a fight in the house and OH got bitten separating them. It's not bad bled a bit there is a tooth indent on his wrist which is a bit deep will he need a tetanus shot? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. What does the handler have to do with anything? I am interested in getting Sandgrubber's opinion of the other dogs in the BIS line up. Seeing as the link goes directly to what the handler charges page probably doesn't like the cost he charges. But seeing as he co-owns Malachy it's irrelevant in the show he just did. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. It is quite obvious that you have no knowledge of the history or purpose of this breed, or even seen an extension of the standard, yet are prepared to air your lack of knowledge to denigrate this breed. The peke's history goes back centuries, he was not bred to course, or race, or retrieve, or fight. He was bred to be a companion, he was only allowed to be owned by royalty, he was cared for by eunuchs and slave girls. He is supposed to look exactly as Malachy looks. And he is not overdone. He is a pekinese. The owner did give some explanation of the standard, did you not hear that? It is really sad for you that you cannot appreciate a wonderful example of a breed you don't own, and I have to wonder whether that is due to lack of eye. Most of us don't need to know anything about pekes to see that this is a very very good dog - whatever breed. Pedigree registrations declining and animal rights flourishing are certainly not helped by people such as you, who with demonstrably little knowledge are happy to criticize other breeds because you do not like them or understand them. Unfortunately that attitude hinders all breeds, including your own, which will also be for the chop when the chop comes. If you don't like purebred dogs, and you obviously don't, get some other sort of dogs. If you don't like the way some dogs are bred, or how some dogs look, put your money where your mouth is and do it better yourself. Then come back and tell us all about it. Pekes are great in the ring with their lovely roll - but not if you have a breed "behind" them. :laugh: FYI I just have to share this copy & pasted responce on a forum when someone said they could not help but understand what rescues groups & animal rights people are going on about when a clearly over done example of an already health challanged breed wins BIS. It is quite obvious that you have no knowledge of the history or purpose of this breed, or even seen an extension of the standard, yet are prepared to air your lack of knowledge to denigrate this breed. The peke's history goes back centuries, he was not bred to course, or race, or retrieve, or fight. He was bred to be a companion, he was only allowed to be owned by royalty, he was cared for by eunuchs and slave girls. He is supposed to look exactly as Malachy looks. And he is not overdone. He is a pekinese. The owner did give some explanation of the standard, did you not hear that? It is really sad for you that you cannot appreciate a wonderful example of a breed you don't own, and I have to wonder whether that is due to lack of eye. Most of us don't need to know anything about pekes to see that this is a very very good dog – whatever breed. Pedigree registrations declining and animal rights flourishing are certainly not helped by people such as you, who with demonstrably little knowledge are happy to criticize other breeds because you do not like them or understand them. Unfortunately that attitude hinders all breeds, including your own, which will also be for the chop when the chop comes. If you don't like purebred dogs, and you obviously don't, get some other sort of dogs. If you don't like the way some dogs are bred, or how some dogs look, put your money where your mouth is and do it better yourself. Then come back and tell us all about it. Pekes are great in the ring with their lovely roll – but not if you have a breed "behind" them. Top Well dear me see it's ok that the dog can hardley get about because it was never meant for more than a lap & companion dog & to then go on to doubt the poster has an eye for a dog was ironic to say the least. If anyone is lacking anything to do with eyes it was the poster who made this responce, are they blind how is this an honest example of a Peke unchanged in type from the origan centries ago??? Another reply was that you can't help but notice he's a quality example of his breed even though Peke's where not their cup of tea so to speak. Yep he's a quality example of the absolute mess some breeders are making of many a breed in my eyes but thats the only type of quality I can see. I was the one that said he was a quality example of his breed and HE IS!!!! He didn't look to me like he was having any trouble getting around that HUGE ring. Happy to own that comment and RESTATE, he's a bloody gorgeous DOG! I didn't write that either so not to confuse anyone. I found that on the link that was posted in here... He is definitely gorgeous but I like peke's so I am a bit biased :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. It is quite obvious that you have no knowledge of the history or purpose of this breed, or even seen an extension of the standard, yet are prepared to air your lack of knowledge to denigrate this breed. The peke's history goes back centuries, he was not bred to course, or race, or retrieve, or fight. He was bred to be a companion, he was only allowed to be owned by royalty, he was cared for by eunuchs and slave girls. He is supposed to look exactly as Malachy looks. And he is not overdone. He is a pekinese. The owner did give some explanation of the standard, did you not hear that? It is really sad for you that you cannot appreciate a wonderful example of a breed you don't own, and I have to wonder whether that is due to lack of eye. Most of us don't need to know anything about pekes to see that this is a very very good dog - whatever breed. Pedigree registrations declining and animal rights flourishing are certainly not helped by people such as you, who with demonstrably little knowledge are happy to criticize other breeds because you do not like them or understand them. Unfortunately that attitude hinders all breeds, including your own, which will also be for the chop when the chop comes. If you don't like purebred dogs, and you obviously don't, get some other sort of dogs. If you don't like the way some dogs are bred, or how some dogs look, put your money where your mouth is and do it better yourself. Then come back and tell us all about it. Pekes are great in the ring with their lovely roll - but not if you have a breed "behind" them. :laugh: FYI I just have to share this copy & pasted responce on a forum when someone said they could not help but understand what rescues groups & animal rights people are going on about when a clearly over done example of an already health challanged breed wins BIS. It is quite obvious that you have no knowledge of the history or purpose of this breed, or even seen an extension of the standard, yet are prepared to air your lack of knowledge to denigrate this breed. The peke’s history goes back centuries, he was not bred to course, or race, or retrieve, or fight. He was bred to be a companion, he was only allowed to be owned by royalty, he was cared for by eunuchs and slave girls. He is supposed to look exactly as Malachy looks. And he is not overdone. He is a pekinese. The owner did give some explanation of the standard, did you not hear that? It is really sad for you that you cannot appreciate a wonderful example of a breed you don’t own, and I have to wonder whether that is due to lack of eye. Most of us don’t need to know anything about pekes to see that this is a very very good dog – whatever breed. Pedigree registrations declining and animal rights flourishing are certainly not helped by people such as you, who with demonstrably little knowledge are happy to criticize other breeds because you do not like them or understand them. Unfortunately that attitude hinders all breeds, including your own, which will also be for the chop when the chop comes. If you don’t like purebred dogs, and you obviously don’t, get some other sort of dogs. If you don’t like the way some dogs are bred, or how some dogs look, put your money where your mouth is and do it better yourself. Then come back and tell us all about it. Pekes are great in the ring with their lovely roll – but not if you have a breed “behind” them. Top Well dear me see it’s ok that the dog can hardley get about because it was never meant for more than a lap & companion dog & to then go on to doubt the poster has an eye for a dog was ironic to say the least. If anyone is lacking anything to do with eyes it was the poster who made this responce, are they blind how is this an honest example of a Peke unchanged in type from the origan centries ago??? Another reply was that you can’t help but notice he’s a quality example of his breed even though Peke’s where not their cup of tea so to speak. Yep he’s a quality example of the absolute mess some breeders are making of many a breed in my eyes but thats the only type of quality I can see.
  7. That is so true. I let my girl off at the beach but me and OH can't sit and just watch her and relax we are both on our toes ready to run after her (thankfully it has not yet happened ). My newly adopted husky is another story :laugh: probably won't ever let her off unless I was confident I could trust her not to run :)
  8. Wonder if the dogs feel the same? Usually every night there is husky hair in the dogs food :laugh: Poor poodle doesn't shed but gets stuck eating husky hair
  9. My 2 are very food orientated! I get told off if I don't give it to them at the time they want it :laugh:
  10. Bugger, I was seriously thinking about joining I am on the Sunshine Coast, does anyone know if there is anything up this way for a total newbie? So was I when I get my dog
  11. Ours are allowed anywhere but are outside when we aren't home (except Coco she is inside) and we keep all doors closed in the house so they don't get into anything when they are inside. Only place no go zone is spare bathroom where the kitty litter is
  12. Yes it does! As a child we had a toy poodle and I said I would NEVER EVER have one don't like their curly hair or the "poodle" cuts....well what do I own and adore :laugh:
  13. I cannot help but I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for your loss
  14. Getting a sample sent out to try also have a distributor in my area :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I put her paw on it to press it and say go toilet put her outside and then praised her a heap for doing it. You can google it or search some threads pretty sure I saw a thread a little while ago about it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Royal Canin Poodle is an all age food. Get a sample. My dogs didn't like BH. Poodle is on Mini Junior RC not the breed specific one. Yep I will get a sample to see if they like it. So hard changing food my dogs do well with what there on and it's difficult changing finding they don't do well on that food and go through the process of changing again. But I'll give it a go if all 3 dogs can eat it Thanks guys :)
  17. I have a bell that I use with my poodle. But now she is getting older I can usually pick up when she needs to go, same with my husky she walks around everywhere and gives a look as if to say "let me outside" lol. It's good that the puupies hold on though until you let them out
  18. Hi everyone I've just had a quick flick through this thread (so long lol). I just wanted to find out what it is like? I have 2 huskies and a toy poodle (who is VERY fussy!) the huskies are on advance and poodle royal canin. Once poodle is on adult I am hoping to find something i can feed all 3. Can u buy it online? I'm in QLD on sunny coast and if it's hard to get here I probably won't bother, sometimes it's hard enough getting to the pet shop :laugh: Thanks guys :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I class them as my babies :) Only 21 so don't want any other kind of babies :laugh: But my OH step mum is Grandma! She loves the babies and buys them birthday and Christmas presents :) She wants her own dog but Grandpa won't let her so she is currently living that want through mine which they very much enjoy :D
  20. I have just read through this whole thread don't understand why she does this But I googled and went through facebook and found this on Fostering Program of the AWLQ Narelle Hiley Hi im looking to forster a med size dog around the gold coast if possible :) Does anyone need forstering? But her facebook account says she lives in NSW
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