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Everything posted by Topoftheheap

  1. Saw this lovely creature today at the show!!!! great to see such a rare breed in the flesh, am excited to see a few more over the next few visits to the royal, in particular the affen's!!!
  2. hi all, we are exhibiting tommorow, and am finding it hard to get proper directions to the CARPARK of the showgrounds. does anybody know the exact street address for the carpark. it says in the advice the corner of holker rd and bennelong rd, but when you look on google maps, those two roads are NOWHERE near the carpark entrance. any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. what is steph's name so i can try and find it? ive seen the jap spitz one. Steph betts thankyou!!!
  4. what is steph's name so i can try and find it? ive seen the jap spitz one.
  5. 2nd that, is there anywhere you can see the catalogue?
  6. Havasneeze, the ONLY tickets are Showlink tickets according to the website, I really don't want to buy a Showlink ticket as I am obviously not catching public transport to the show. I am thinking of doing the same thing as you!! When I rang the Domestic Animals Co-ordinator's office, even they thought there was such a thing as a 'exhibitor entry pass' or a ticket without showlink attached, but then checked and she was 'pretty sure' she was wrong, and just get the Showlink. She even said that at one point this year they were going to start selling them, but the idea was nixed after she missed a meeting to decide the issue. There seems to be a widespread confusion regarding this issue in general!!!!! Even within the differing departments of the RAS. I understand that the bench slip gets in one, the extra pass another, but we have 3 people going so we need another pass on top of that. The only option I have is to buy a Showlink ticket off the website, and then if they won't let me in, argue the point on the day at the Exhibitor gate at 7am - a great start to the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou to everyone for your help!! What day are you on? I have a spare entry ticket. I will be there on the first 2 days, Thursday & Friday. It's the 6th of April we need the extra ticket for. this friday. If you happen to run into the Gestapo on the gate then I will have the spare ticket with me. Not sure what time I'm getting there but probably around 8.30am. Hope this helps.... thanks, ill look out for you!!!!!!!!!
  7. 450mm x 150mm is the size set down in the regulations. I was going to just make mine A4 but the 150mm is ALOT smaller and the 450mm is ALOT longer than A4 so ive tailored the paper to fit.
  8. Ive decided to just do really simple signs, compared to the fabulous ones on here they are going to look a bit out of place!!!!
  9. Havasneeze, the ONLY tickets are Showlink tickets according to the website, I really don't want to buy a Showlink ticket as I am obviously not catching public transport to the show. I am thinking of doing the same thing as you!! When I rang the Domestic Animals Co-ordinator's office, even they thought there was such a thing as a 'exhibitor entry pass' or a ticket without showlink attached, but then checked and she was 'pretty sure' she was wrong, and just get the Showlink. She even said that at one point this year they were going to start selling them, but the idea was nixed after she missed a meeting to decide the issue. There seems to be a widespread confusion regarding this issue in general!!!!! Even within the differing departments of the RAS. I understand that the bench slip gets in one, the extra pass another, but we have 3 people going so we need another pass on top of that. The only option I have is to buy a Showlink ticket off the website, and then if they won't let me in, argue the point on the day at the Exhibitor gate at 7am - a great start to the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou to everyone for your help!! What day are you on? I have a spare entry ticket. I will be there on the first 2 days, Thursday & Friday. It's the 6th of April we need the extra ticket for. this friday.
  10. Havasneeze, the ONLY tickets are Showlink tickets according to the website, I really don't want to buy a Showlink ticket as I am obviously not catching public transport to the show. I am thinking of doing the same thing as you!! When I rang the Domestic Animals Co-ordinator's office, even they thought there was such a thing as a 'exhibitor entry pass' or a ticket without showlink attached, but then checked and she was 'pretty sure' she was wrong, and just get the Showlink. She even said that at one point this year they were going to start selling them, but the idea was nixed after she missed a meeting to decide the issue. There seems to be a widespread confusion regarding this issue in general!!!!! Even within the differing departments of the RAS. I understand that the bench slip gets in one, the extra pass another, but we have 3 people going so we need another pass on top of that. The only option I have is to buy a Showlink ticket off the website, and then if they won't let me in, argue the point on the day at the Exhibitor gate at 7am - a great start to the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou to everyone for your help!!
  11. Hi Everyone, This is my first Sydney Royal (or actually my first ROYAL anywhere!) and I just want to check something with all of you who are more experienced. My mum and sister have been before but haven't had this issue before as its only ever been the two of them. We need an extra pass for me to be able to go and in the info that was sent out it said to go to the easter show website and 'follow the links'. However, the only links are to SHOWLINK tickets, and when i went to buy it online, it had the date I had selected and 9:00AM next to it. I rang the enquiries line for exhibitors, who referred me to ticketing, who (in a very strong accent that was hard to understand) told me that gates open at 7:00am!! Im not sure she understood what i meant, and now am confused. So then I rang the domestic animal co-ordinators office who told me to just buy the Showlink ticket, and that it would be ok ( she thought). Is this right, will the Showlink ticket get me into the grounds before the actual show opens, or am I looking at the wrong ticket. Any help in GREATLY appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I haven't recieved my numbers yet for this weekend, and was wondering if anyone else has? Curious to see breed numbers is all!
  13. thank you!! i was just trying to see the basic sort of format - don't worry i won't do the same, or try to copy, i just wanted to see!!! thank you so much!
  14. Could someone put one up that they are using as an example? im finding it hard to picture in my head! lol like do you put pictures, or just the name?
  15. Absolute B/S - they stay in season for the same amount of time.
  16. Yes edited to add: on 2 of our cavs and one of my tibbies.
  17. Agree... 'Like'. Its the enforcement that would be the hard part. But i dream of a world where not only this happens, but even dog people can understand that it makes sense.
  18. You can't be serious.... Ive argued it before, so im not going to start again. And there is no way a show breeding programme would ever include cross-breeds to re-introduce traits in to dogs lines. They would simply use another pure breed dog that has simliar traits to thier own breed to introduce it. So therefore, there is absolutely NO real reason to breed cross-breeds except for the market outlined in the OP. And breed standards may of been initially written a long time ago, but they are reviewed, updated, and changed regularly. You would be suprised how much dog breeders actually know about genetics, especially in relation to those in thier own breed. And yes the minority are breeding for the wrong reasons, and for over-exaggeration. But there are far more out there who breed for the betterment of the breed. Im not sure how many breeds of dogs that are recognised by the ANKC, and KC etc there are, i think over 200 and people pull out 10 or 20 so breeds that have been bred with overexaggeration, and other issues and then tar EVERY pedigree dog with it. There are lots of breeders out there that are breeding for structure, health, and the irradication of hereditary diseases within thier lines. They wish only the best for thier breed, thier name, and the health of thier dogs. This person that the OP has referred to, has no doubt, done NO health tests, no assessments on the sire and dam, has no plan with what she wishes to produce, and is looking for nothing more in her dog than it being 'nice'. Who knows what her definition of 'nice' is. I bet she has no education regarding breeding, does not know the mode of inheritance for ANY likely hereditary diseases, and as she has NO money to take her dog to the vet, I doubt she will fork out the money for dna tests. But then again she probably has no idea what she would be testing for anyway. She probably has seen PDE though, so that gives her the right to take on the complex task of dog breeding all on her own, as those pedigree people have just stuffed it up.
  19. But some of them have no teeth. My guess is that perhaps there may be an alternate view that a dog with primitive detention that loses teeth at an early age may be considered a "health issue" by some outside the breed. And its only a guess but no other breed feature I can identify would promote veterinary interest Epilation for show ring preparation was what Jemima Harrison had in her sights. Good grief what a load of tripe I heard it was to look for evidence of 'razor burn' and 'chemical burn' as apparently some of the breed are not truly hairless, and therefore exhibitors have been using forms of hair removal to remove hair from parts where there was to be no hair. I don't know if its fair or not, but i suppose that if a dog has hair where it is not supposed to be, as outlined on its standard, and the person is altering the appearance of that dog for the show ring then it should be stopped, especially if it is causing harm to the dog in some way.
  20. I would like to send a huge congratulations to Wendy and Rebecca Goodall, on thier 20 point Best of Breed yesterday at Hillsborough, giving thier first Cavalier enough points to be soon officially known as; Australian Champion Ertae Kakoda (Koda) It was great to see everyone support you guys around the ring, and i know you two are both thrilled on your first Cavalier Champion!!!! Big Congratulations also to his breeder, Melinda Sterrett, and Helen of Emilysprings who owned his sire, Emilysprings Moonshine.
  21. im off to newcastle tommorow. was up there today putting the gazebo up and the weather was beautiful!!!
  22. Affenpinscher: Hudson, Rumba Afghan Hound: Sir Walter, Faxon, Lochie, Bluey, Miffy, Airedale Terrier: Abbey Akita: Kyojin, Kuma Alaskan Malamute: Indiana, Kira American Staffordshire Terrier: Tua, Max, Juno, Cash, Loki, Jessie, Harley, Bella Anatolian Shepherd: Trojan Australian Cattle Dog: Elvis, Matilda, Katie Australian Cattle Dog X : Frosty Australian Shepherd: Banjo, Archie, Lottie, Millie, Alice, Hannah, Hudson, Flynn, Gossip, Ava, Rusty Australian Silky Terrier: Holly, Rolle Australian terrier: Bailey, Brandy, Jasper Australian Kelpie: Revan, Abby, Bluey, Cahill, Franky, Izzy, Safire, Milky, Kinta, Banjo, Rosie, Skye, Emerald, Gem, Meg Australian Kelpie X:Toby, Cooper Basset Hound : Gemma Beagle : Teagan,Ollie, Ellie, Dusky, Brodie, Billy, Piper, Briar, Scarlett, Buffy, Emmie Bearded Collie: Charlie, Bonnie, Bailie Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael): Fleming, Ivy Bichon Frise: Jag Bichon Frise X: Harper Bloodhound: Earl Border Collie: Roy, Molly, Kirra, Rory, Rumour, Diesel, Kobie, Emma, Kenzie, Maggie, Ella, Shelby, Jayde, Ashli, Mia, 'Bubba', Wyc, Echo, Topolino, Sally, Xena, CK, Wikki, Gemima, Carter, Maddy, Charlie, Border Collie x: Anna, Cally Border Collie x Husky: Spider Border Collie x Jack Russell Terrier: Elsie Border collie x kelpie: Jasmine Border Terrier: Tammy Borzoi: Oberon, Boris, Sonya, Kurgan, Ursula, Apollo, Atlas, Adonis, Argus, Alektos, Arinyes, Athena, Aphrodite, Aidos, Andromeda, Ares, Alexander Boston Terrier: Archer Boxer: Bruno, Nelsson, Bondi, Booker Brittany: Zora Bull Terrier: Bonnerville, Atlas, Stitch Bull Terrier (Miniature) Lainie Cane Corso: Ali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Anouk, Ben, Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey, Fern, Floyd, Indy, Arnie, Joey, Renae, Bailey, Murphy, Maggie, Millie, Chloe,Toby,Zonda, Molly, Charlotte, Lily, Porridge, Jasper, Hailey, Blair, Koda Chesapeake Bay Retriever: Piper Chihuahua: Chelsea and Pansy, Heidi, Bertie, Moose, Archi,Pepe, Squirt, Limpet, Jasper, Bella, Dobby, Bud, Johnny Chihuahua x Maltese: Midget Chinese Crested: Louis, Daisy, Cyrus, Madeline, Sarge, Pepper, Fletcher, Darla, Oz, Xander, Faith Chinese Crested Powder Puff x Tibetan Terrier: Dee, Carrie, Benita, Jenna Chow Chow: Shengo Cocker Spaniel : Maggie,Jesie, Bonnie, Chelsea, Darcy, Sasha Curly Coated Retriever: Angus & Freddie Curly Coated Retriever x Labrador Retriever: Maggie Dalmatian: Appollo, Cleo Deerhound: Rhys, Calleigh, Bernard, Elfin, Ronnie Deerhound X: D'Arcy Doberman: Opal, Brutus Dogue De Bordeaux: Moose, Chevy, Bella, Molly, Digby, Dexter, Viva, Vegas, Griffen Dogue De Bordeaux x Boxer: Madeline English Cocker Spaniel: Jesie,Bonnie, Chelsea English Setter: Spartan, James English Springer Spaniel: Buddy Field Spaniel: Moo Finnish Lapphund: Halo, Vienna, Jaana, Magnus, Aurora-Rose, Niina, Paddington, Maximus, Ahsoka, Fable, Demi, Varda, Asha, Boots, Echo, Alera, Annika, Ella, Kody, Onyx Flatcoat Retriever: Moraig, George French Bulldog: Lola, FeeBee, Alexis, Claire, Lilly German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte, Razzle, Willow, Dusty German Shepherd Dog: Java, Odin, Tlaloc, Rebus, Indi, UnoBuffy, Bronx, Sabre, Kynan, Brennan, Jack, Santha, Molly, Max, Jenna, Acteon, Roxy, Scout, Rumour, Skye,Banzai,Imba, Kira, Chloe, Duke, Cody, Fenrir German Shorthaired Pointer: Pip, Coco, Polo, Riley German Spitz (Mittel)- Amber German Wirehaired Pointer: Adi, Struppie Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose, Chester, Genie, Ella, Rosie, Bruce, Chloe, Chaos, Ruby, Sasha, Aria, Archer, Lexi Great Dane: Sparkles, Whitney, Sway, Smoka, Shimmer, Stix, Sly, Shine Greyhound: Harry, Kiff, Sally, Clyde, Ryan, Amethyst, Stan, Maddie, Skye, Rosie, Ruby, Roxie, Jazz, Gypsy, Ernie, Gus, Rufus, Joey, Woody, Coconut, Cleo, Freckles, Ziggy, Candy, Jed, Fang Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Hungarian Vizsla: Flynn, Rogan, Kobi, Ari, Belle, Monah Irish Setter: Fionneaghan, Maia, Aneira Irish Terrier: Kate, Duke Irish Wolfhound: Zac Italian Greyhound: Bella, Tari, Blaze, Zoey, Italian Spinone: Roisin. Enzo Jack Russell Terrier: Ringo, Nandi, Chief, Louis, Matilda, Tess, Maui Jack Russell terrier X: Thomas Japanese Spitz: Emmy, Angelo Keeshond: Jedi Kerry Blue Terrier: Juno, Joxer, Bahsha, Louie, Cinders, Solo Labrador Retriever: Lestat, Bailey, Tia, Mieka, James, Harry, Lily Rose, Zep, Molly, Milly, Jackson, Dyson, Abbey Lagotto Romagnolo: Rizzi, Lucca Lakeland Terrier: Izzy, Jed Leonberger: Singe Lowchen: Tino Maltese: Luna, Mia, Basil Maltese X: Chase, Pipi, bella, byron Maremma: Dennys Dog, Grace,Gina, Angel,Honey, Hollie, Snotto, Hairy Beary, Tadea Miniature Fox Terrier: Cleopatra, Mali Miniature Long Haired Dachshund: Mini, Rover Miniature Pinscher: Mischa, Cleo Murray River Curly Coated Retriever: Aggie, Soona Neapolitan Mastiff: Miniera, Pacchia, Bruno, Pasquala + 3, 1 week old pups Newfoundland dogs: Annabelle, Katy, Lukey, Xanthe, Maddy Norwegian Elkhound: Odin Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriver: Nova, Darcy, Jovi Papillon: Blaze, Minka, Portia, Tyson, Coco, Tonka, Mailka, Sarge, Dodger Pekingese: Edwina, Lyle Pointer : Kite Audrey Poppin konrad, Badger Poodle (Toy): Chilli, Maggie Poodle (Minature): Caroline, Brody, Prada Poodle (Standard) Merry & Pippin, Poppy & babies. Pomeranian: Daisy, Comet, Jester, Polly Pug: LotusFlynn, Elyse, Ted, Misty, Elly, Poppy, Sally landers,Archie, Beau, Haidee, Millies, Ivee, Jack, Bert, Cheddar, Maggie, Swank, Monte, Boof, Olivia, Archie, Bruce Pyrenean Mountain Dog: Sasquatch Rhodesian Ridgeback: Meisha, Bakari, Boss, Sierra, Kei, Dora, MatildaLily Rottweiler: Roxy, Feonix, Radar, Neo, Abby, Dyzney, Fame, Jag, Nellie Rose, Baylee, Dee, Zephyr, Mini, Diesel, Fire, Flint Saluki: Bella, Arella, Moss, Lucy, Jadir, Mab, Floyd Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante, Bundy, Kamikaze, Fergus, Kato, Tika, Dakota Samoyed x: Jenna Schipperke: Taz Biscuit Schnauzer (Miniature): Maximus, Coconut,Betty,Jigga, Riva, Amy, Indy, Amber, Grace, Guy, Blue, Connie, Paddington Schnauzer (Standard) Baillie, Remy Schnauzer (Giant): Tara, Darcy Shar Pei: Askari, Acheron, Asante sana, Sirius, Chippy, Christina, Diezel, Cassie, Orsana, Cimba, Sebastian Shetland Sheepdog:Shady, Ruby, Bindi, Casey Merlin, Dexter Shih Tzu : Gizmo, Daisy, Zeus Siberian Husky: Akira, Tikaani,Romeo,Baby.Riddick,Indie, Esky, Blacky, Zuess, Zero, Mya, Suggen, Freyja, Wolf, Rumour Siberian Husky x: Luki Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier: Shaemus, Nellie, Ciara Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Kiara, Zola, Diesel, Kaos, Brutus, Monty, Chaos, Bean, Brock, Benson, Vulcan, Roger Staffordshire Bull Terrier X: Cherry Swedish Vallhund: Hugo SWF: Zoe Tibetan Spaniel: Annie, Nina Zena, Lily, Millie, Gelato Tibetan Terrier: Prue, Mindy, Holly, Tara Tenterfield Terrier: Cinder, Zoom,Spirit,Heidi,Kimi, Heidi, Dotty Rescue Bitsa: Keely, Fred & Ginger, Ozzie, Tess, Maverick, Bosco, Kyah, Charlie, Astrid, Mala, Bella, Tiny Tim, Jen Jen, Lilly, Judy, Mini, Pixie, Ozzie, Dozer, Alaska, Logan, Buddy, Leela, Rusty, Pip, Brembo, Satchmo, Henry, Luna Welsh Corgi (Cardigan): Shandy White German Shepherd: Casper White Swiss Shepherd: Rakim, Whippet: Herbie, Buzz, Lewis, Rommi, Daphne, Elliot, Mindy, Whiz, Arizona aka Zassy , Griff , Penny, Kibah, Feather, Tag, Puck, Orlando, Ella, Patch, Snips, Elijah, India, Zoe, Noah, Sway, Eden, Tara, Maddee Weimaraner: Ariane, Lulu, Louie, Max, Ruby West Highland White Terrier: Penny, Mac, Daisy, Mac, Sarah, Andy, Sweep, JJ, Flash, Fergie, Crystal, Glen, Jingles, Jinnie, Loui, Mitch, Maggie, Smiekie, Zac, Roxy, Winnie, Cricket, Nova, Jo, Archie Wire Haired Fox Terrier: Zedley aka Tawnyoak Dream Weaver
  23. It took ours about 2 months from the time we sent the exam in.
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