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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. Titre levels will only be high if your dog has recently come into contact with the disease and its immune system has been challenged, so if you have a dog that lives in a backyard in a remote area and never comes into contact with other dogs it's likely that its titre levels will be low, but that doesn't mean that its immunity is low. Dogs that are constantly out and about in public places and mixing with other dogs are likely to show high titres because their immune system is probably challenged on a regular basis. So no I'm not considering titre testing. If I were you I wouldn't vaccinate my 5 and 6 year old dogs, but that's a decision you must make for yourself. My old bitch who died 2 years ago never had a vaccination after 16 months of age and she was out and about her whole life, she died at 13 of mammary cancer. My puppies were vaccinated against kennel cough in May this year and they both came down with it in August, approximately 3 1/2 months following the C5. Interestingly none of my older dogs have contracted it and they have only ever had a C3. Although I'm a strong advocate for vaccination of puppies I won't do annual boosters and I won't be bothering with C5 vaccs in the future either.
  2. I was under the impression that the 3 year vaccine is exactly the same as the yearly vaccine, they have simply realised that immunity lasts longer than the one year previously advised. Can anyone comment on this? I can see why a lot of vets wouldn't recommend it, yearly vaccinations are a money making machine for them. Won't affect me anyway, I do puppy shots and the 16 months booster and that's it for my dogs. {{We found that while the reccomendation was to drop the c5 to every 3 years, there was still a requirement to do the Kennel Cough (bordatella) annually. In this situation you'd have to do the intranasal inhalation type, not the injection (and I'm not really sure of the reason for this.) There was concern that people would just not bother with the bordatella and we'd end up having to police it and it became too hard.}} I had my two puppies vaccinated with a C5 in May, usually I only ever do a C3, but I thought I'd try it. They both came down with kennel cough two weeks ago so I certainly don't advocate the annual kennel cough vaccines either.
  3. This is soooooo true t-time Many people think they want a puppy because they're cute, but have no idea of the work and time involved in rearing it. oreo this post isn't aimed at you, just a general obsevation
  4. Steve...no one better than??? I meant exactly what I said which is that IN MY OPINION Steve is the best dog trainer around which means that he's better than everyone else. And yes I've had experience of a lot of dog trainers. Sorry Miranda..I just didnt know who Steve at K9 was and as the other person had mentioned the Peakhurst and Sutherland and Hanrob I didnt know which one you were saying was the best...... Sorry for the misunderstanding I've been to one of K9's seminars and he is excellent, so good in fact that I've booked a private consultation with him when he comes to Victoria. He really impressed me and of all the dog trainers I've ever met he seems to get the best results. Like everyone else I wouldn't even consider BB and I also don't really agree with sending dogs away for training, but once again that's just my opinion.
  5. Oops, sorry I misconstrued the post, it never occurred to me that someone might not know what IMO means
  6. Steve...no one better than??? I meant exactly what I said which is that IN MY OPINION Steve is the best dog trainer around which means that he's better than everyone else. And yes I've had experience of a lot of dog trainers.
  7. Definitely SNAKES!!!! from September to April and if you are swimming them near the city I have had dogs cut their pads on broken glass.
  8. You will need to be watchful as they get older, two dogs of the same sex don't always get on and this can be especially true of the terrier breeds, a fight between bitches can be very nasty. I'm not trying to worry you or anything, but be vigilant and watch their body language.
  9. Unfortunately if you post on a public forum you have to be prepared for all sorts of replies, some you'll like and some you won't. Mentioning such an old fashioned, nasty form of punishment as 'rubbing a pup's nose in it' is bound to bring some pretty ascerbic comments, after all we're all dog lovers on here and the thought of a tiny 10 week old puppy being subjected to that sort of treatment is pretty sickening. Even if you didn't actually do it obviously the thought was there, however briefly :p
  10. Lucky you, it takes me 4 hours to wash and dry two dogs even using a Moisture Magnet :D
  11. Obviously The less time you have the puppy the less money you have to spend on it and the bigger the profits overall.
  12. luckyheidi you are far better advised to save up for a corgi from a reputable registered breeder. If you buy a purebred dog you know exactly what you're getting, a RR/Husky/BC cross (if this 'breeder' actually knows the lineage of the sire and dam, which I doubt) could grow up to be any size, with any sort of coat and any sort of temperament. I don't believe that the puppies have been vet checked every week, if they're not prepared to pay for a vaccination why on earth would they bother to pay a vet to look at the puppies on a weekly basis, it just doesn't make sense. Plus there is no need for puppies to checked every week, puppies are usually checked when they're born and then again at six weeks when they receive their first vaccination. It would be the height of stupidity to take babies into a vet's surgery once a week where they would be at risk of picking up parvo or kennel cough or anything else that is going around. Puppies are sold at a minimum of 8 weeks because the 6 week vaccination takes 10 to 14 days to take effect, there are other reasons connected to the psychological wellbeing of the puppies, but as far as the puppy's physical health is concerned it would be foolhardy to send a puppy out into the world without giving the vaccine time to work. Of course it's even worse selling an unvaccinated puppy, that's not only stupid, but irresponsible as well, this person obviously only cares about the money involved, he/she has absolutely no interest in the fate of the puppies. I wouldn't even consider buying a puppy from this person, although I do feel extremely sorry for the puppies and the dam who will no doubt be bred again on her next season, especially if the 'breeder' makes good money from this litter.
  13. This is incorrect, dogs cannot contract tetanus from eating poo containing the bacteria as the digestive enzymes in the stomach destroy it. Dogs get tetanus when the bacteria enter a cut or puncture wound although, like all carnivores, they are highly resistant to the infection. Humans and horses are most susceptible to the tetanus bacterium.
  14. When I lived in the country my dogs ate cow poo just about every day and it didn't harm them at all, we lived there for six years and the dogs were never healthier. I would be more inclined to blame the Supercoat for the gas, it's a cheap food that contains a lot of fillers ie. cereal products and some dogs can't tolerate too much carbohydrate. Change your dog onto a super premium food such as Eagle Pack or Royal Canin and you may see a distinct improvement. If your dog has recently had diarrhoea I would definitely get her anal glands checked. Loose poo doesn't put any pressure on the glands as it passes through the anus and they can get blocked as a consequence. The vet can empty the glands manually and then give you antibiotics if there is any infection present. Please be aware that blocked anal glands can be serious if not attended to, if an abcess forms you may have to have one or both of the glands removed and this will cost you money.
  15. I agree with ellz, I think you're just going to make things hard for yourself. Train the puppy to go outside from the beginning, that's much the best way. I really couldn't be bothered with all the newspapers and litter stuff, seems like a waste of time and energy to me.
  16. Why would he drink water when there's milk available? That's like giving a child water and Coke and expecting it to drink the water. Ditch the milk and he'll drink the water, the puppy doesn't need milk anyway.
  17. I use Roseline thinning shears and straights, I think they were around $150.00 each.
  18. Take her to the vet and get them to check her anal glands, they may be impacted and/or infected and causing her pain. What are you feeding her?
  19. If you feed your puppy dry food he will drink much more water than if he's fed a raw diet. This is quite normal
  20. This can sometimes happen in my breed during teething, it usually appears at around 4/5 months and the pasterns generally (not always) straighten by 9/10 months, sometimes earlier. I would be suspicious of a puppy with an east/west front at 8 weeks as this can sometimes be indicative of elbow problems in the future, but I don't have a small breed so I guess this may be normal in JRT's.
  21. Do you mean that the dog is backing off judges? If this is what is happening then I doubt that Clomicalm will help. I have known a few people who have tried Clomicalm specifically for this problem and it didn't make any difference at all. If the dog is just a little uncomfortable when the judge examines him I would suggest that you continue to persevere and he will probably grow out of it, however if the dog is totally freaking out at the judge's approach and making a positive effort to avoid being touched then you may have to accept that he just doesn't like showing. Sometimes a dog that is truly frightened may eventually snap is he's pushed too far, not all dogs can handle the showring and sometimes it's safer and kinder to the dog to withdraw it from the ring.
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