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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. Hi Lablover can you tell me the name of the book, was it Excel-Erated Learning?
  2. Try bicarbonate of soda, mix it with enough water to form a paste and leave on the affected coat for 15 minutes, then wash out. Something I learned from an English Setter breeder in the US, although I've never tried it myself.
  3. Biting such as this is a very serious problem and no one can advise anything over the net because no one actually knows the dog. If you let us know which state you're in someone will have a recommendation for a qualified behaviourist. Meanwhile I would be very careful with this dog around other people, especially children.
  4. There is no product that you can brush into your dog's coat every few days to make it grow thick and lush. There are certainly supplements that will help to improve the appearance and feel of the coat if the diet is inadequate, but unfortunately coat growth and thickness is governed by genetics. A lot of people in the US breed for coat (occasionally to the detriment of other more important things), so your best bet is to bring in an imported dog with a massive coat who's known to throw it although there are no guarantees that it would work with every bitch. If you use Thick & Thicker your dog's coat will appear thicker as it's a very good product, but it won't make the coat grow quicker or more lush. If by some chance you find some substance that actually does make hair grow quicker and denser please let me know, breeders have been searching for such a thing since dog shows were invented
  5. Kymbo I'm probably being overly suspicious (and this is the second time I've made a negative post today and it's only 9.30am ), but I find it hard to believe that both parents had zero scores for both hips and elbows and that ALL the littermates are show quality and are in the ring. This has nothing to do with the fact that this puppy has developed ED, it is just that the whole thing seems too good to be true, usually there are only one or two show quality pups in a litter and it's extremely rare that every puppy but one are good enough for the show ring. Have these people actually seen the paperwork showing the hip and elbow scores of the sire and dam, if they haven't then I suggest that they contact the breeder and ask for copies, zero elbow scores are common (at least in my breed), but zero hip scores on both sides as well is a little unlikely. I'm not saying that this breeder isn't honest, but it's only sensible to ask to see written documentation, anyone can say anything, but until you see proof you really don't know if it's true.
  6. Once two bitches take a dislike to each other you have a major problem. This is a serious situation and as SnT said you need to engage the services of a qualified behaviourist.
  7. I think they are both the same, pretty average, I wouldn't feed either of them.
  8. So all the well meaning DOLers get sucked in again, no wonder some of us are so suspicious and reluctant to help. So he went ahead and bred her on her very next season
  9. Hungry pups are noisy and restless, if they're content and gaining weight all is well. Milk is produced on a 'supply and demand' basis so the more the puppies suckle the more milk is produced. As BL says, squeezing a teat after a puppy has finished feeding tells you nothing.
  10. Just be aware that not all dogs can tolerate cow's milk, it will give some dogs diarrhoea. Most dogs handle lactose free milk better than ordinary milk. Have you thought of trying satin balls? You could substitute cooked potato or sweet potato for the cereal. There are recipes somewhere on this forum, just do a search.
  11. You need to pluck these hairs from the ears, using ear powder will help.
  12. You need to stop the other dogs harassing your puppy or he is likely to grow up either fearful and/or aggressive towards other dogs, only allow him to play with friendly dogs that you trust. At his age positive experiences are vital if he's to mature into a well adjusted adult.
  13. What exactly is wrong with the dog? There are three elbow problems which are loosely referred to as 'elbow dysplasia' although that's a pretty inaccurate term. FCP and OCD can produce temporary lameness that often reponds to rest and medication although surgery is sometimes necessary if the lameness persists. UAP nearly always requires surgical intervention.
  14. Some dogs will lick a wound compulsively until it becomes infected and then you may need antibiotics to clear it up. It's best to discourage it and use an Elizabethan collar if necessary.
  15. Personally I wouldn't breed from a dog with an elbow score of 2, I wouldn't even be happy breeding with a score of 1, however clear elbows are the norm in my breed whereas elbow defects seem to be more widespread in labs. If the puppy has UAP (ununited anconeal process) he can have surgery and there is a very good chance that it will be successful, however the recovery period is reasonably long and they will have to restrict his activity for quite a while to avoid swelling and inflammation. He will also have arthritic changes that may need medication as he ages.
  16. Dogs love poo, possum, horse, cow, chook, human, whatever. With mine their all time favourite is cat, they go mad for it. Some dogs will eat other dogs' poo as well. Puppies sometimes eat their own own poo but I've found that they usually grow out of it and yours probably will too, the best solution is to pick up as soon as they do it, if you're feeding him at regular times it's pretty easy to estimate when they're going to empty out. I've had chooks and when I did all my dogs would eat their poo if they could get hold of it. If you can stop him getting to it do so, but he probably won't come to much harm, mine never did. Unfortunately he probably won't grow out of eating chook poo. Make sure you worm him regularly.
  17. I wipe my dogs' ears out with Malaseb diluted approximately 1:30 with water.
  18. Hehehe don't you realise that dogs don't like anything that's nice and clean, smelly and gross is what turns them on :D My dogs absolutely love soap in any form and yours probably does too, if you don't want him to drink the shower water restrict his access to it by closing the door. He'll drink the 'nice clean water' if the soapy water's no longer available. Regarding the food I'll give you a piece of advice, never, ever hand feed your dog, it's one of the very best ways of creating a fussy eater. How old is he? Some puppies quickly go off their midday feed and do very well on two meals a day, I stop feeding three meals a day when they start refusing lunch. If he doesn't want to eat just take the food away and offer it again at his next mealtime and don't give any treats or snacks in between.
  19. Yes but at 9 years of age his metabolism will be slowing down and if you feed the same amount of food he will begin to gain weight. I have an older dog here that's exactly the same and I've cut his dry food by 1/3 cup, if he continues to pile on the kilos I'll have to give him even less :D
  20. How old is he? Dogs generally put on weight with maturity, the trick is to adjust the amount you feed as their need for calories lessens.
  21. Well your comments certainly don't apply to my girls. My bitches show very well when they're in season, they're very cocky and full of themselves and fly around the ring, they don't feel 'off-color' at all. And as for taking them to shows being risky for their health my vet assures me that bitches in season are at no more risk of infection when they're in season than at any other time. I've been taking bitches in season to shows for over 30 years and none of them have ever contracted an infection. If you're careful and considerate of other exhibitors and the bitches enjoy it, there's absolutely no reason why bitches in season cannot be shown. I certainly agree that in season bitches shouldn't be at obedience trials etc., but IMO it is perfectly ok to take them to shows.
  22. I've used them in the past, but don't use them now, I find I get better results with ordinary good quality shampoos and conditioners. If you are going to use them use a clarifying shampoo every so often.
  23. Hey Cavandra that's almost exactly the same recipe as I have except I add a little grated parmesan cheese as well
  24. Mine won't eat chicken livers raw either, but they will eat them cooked up and spread over the rest of their meal.
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