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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. Is she an older dog KL? One of my bitches used to do this when she got out of the chair after sleeping for a while, she had arthritis in one of her hips.
  2. really? so does that mean no blade wash. So its okay to dip the blade into the liquid and turn the clipper on? would i get electrocuted? :p giraffez I have been using blade wash for years and all my blades are in excellent condition, my 15 blade is 25 years old and still cutting well. Why would Oster have a product on the market to clean and lubricate blades if it damages them? I don't agree that it's expensive either, I pay $14 for mine and it lasts for ages. Yes it's fine to dip the blade into the liquid and no you won't get electrocuted LOL. You just put the blade in not the body of the clipper and there are no electrical components anywhere near the blade. There are clear instructions on the container, just follow them, it's easy
  3. As long as you have the facilities to keep them separated if necessary I can't see a problem. However as others have said I wouldn't leave them together unsupervised.
  4. I once tried Supercoat for my dogs........never again. Their poo was revolting
  5. You may be giving him too much attention and as a result he's become over stimulated and demanding. Puppies have to learn that there are times when their owners have other things to do and they have to be alone.
  6. She may have partially detached the nail at its base.
  7. The dog is behaving normally, I don't have any small pets, but I'm 100% sure that if I brought one into my yard all my dogs would become totally obsessed with killing it. Dogs are predators regardless of breed and these small animals are their natural prey.
  8. I wouldn't feed any of my dogs Coprice pregnant or not.
  9. I start offering the puppies little balls of raw mince (human grade) at 3 weeks and they love it. I then add Advance Rehydratable soaked in water. At 6 weeks I start giving them chicken wings. However I leave them with the bitch and allow her to wean them, sometimes they're still having a quick suckle at 8 weeks depending on the bitch.
  10. Get her prog tested and do a couple of AI's.
  11. I don't agree with you at all Compared to some other forums DOL is squeaky clean and I think Troy does an excellent job. It's too much use of the report button and too much moderation that makes forums boring and predictable and there's nothing wrong with a bit of nastiness now and again, spices things up a little
  12. It sounds like panosteitis.
  13. For a start I'd stop taking him to dog parks, I'd be furious if an offlead dog came up to one of my males in that manner, no wonder he's starting 'scraps'. One day he'll pick the wrong dog and the 'scrap' will turn into a full blown dog fight. From what you say it doesn't sound as if he can be trusted to interact safely with other dogs on or off lead, as corvus says it's time to consult a behaviourist.
  14. I much preferred DOL version one. I find that I'm visiting DOL version two less and less. I really miss the good old days
  15. I use Oster Blade Wash after each grooming session. I pour a small amount into a bowl, put each blade I have used on the clipper, turn the clipper on and then swish the blade around in the wash. You will be amazed how much hair and dirt comes off. Then I remove the blade from the clipper and dry it off on a paper towel. Next I put the blade back on the clipper, turn it on and put a couple of drops (that's all you need, a little goes a long way) of clipper oil on the blade. Finally I remove the blade and place it in an individual plastic bag (bank bags are excellent for this purpose). The next time I use the clipper I give each blade a wipe with a paper towel before I use it. Nothing blunts a blade quicker than dirt, so making sure your blades are kept clean and oiled and only clipping clean dogs is very important. I also have all my blades and scissors regularly sharpened.
  16. In real life I'd respond in a way that would have me warned/banned on DOL. Different game, different rules, different behaviour. In real life I tend to respond the same way as I would on DOL, I speak my mind, but try to keep it reasonably polite. However if I know I'm right I'm one of those people who won't back down no matter what so I definitely would be banned if I really got stuck in on DOL So yes you're right it is different.
  17. I don't clean my dogs teeth. I feed bones, mainly beef brisket and their teeth are fine.
  18. No I've never forgotten, my dogs are a huge part of my life and forgetting to feed them is inconceivable.
  19. I've reported one post in 5 1/2 years. An individual (later banned) posted about a game he used to play as a child that involved animal cruelty. The game was graphically described and the poster clearly found it amusing whereas I found it sickening and offensive. I haven't had many personal attacks, but when I have I've dealt with it myself, I'm an adult and choose to post on this forum so running to Troy simply because someone's had a go at me and said something 'nasty' seems ridiculous to me. What on earth do these sensitive souls do if someone upsets or annoys them in the real world, tell their partner, mother, friend and expect them to deal with it? I think not. However I'm not a 'touchy-feely' type of person and for me dogs come first, if I think someone isn't doing the right thing by their dog I'll let them know about it and if that offends the delicate sensibilities of the owner so be it.
  20. You must be joking Brooke The dog belongs to you, the foster kids don't.......no contest is it really???. Longcoat, you are a tool. I wish you would take your distasteful and inappropriate comments somewhere else ... Actually although I seldom agree with anything Longcoat says, on this subject I feel exactly the same way, I would never dispose of my dogs so that I could keep other peoples children. As someone else said, different people have different priorities.
  21. An old gundog man I used to know (RIP Graham) always started his three week old puppies on a duck's wing attached to a fishing line. He swore by this method and always used it to select his 'birdiest' puppies.
  22. An overshot mouth doesn't usually cause any problems unless the gap is so large that the dog has difficulty eating. As the puppy grows the gap will probably close up a little whereas in an undershot mouth the gap often increases. Like sas I'm surprised that the breeder didn't notice its mouth prior to taking the puppy to the vet, but I'm paranoid about mouths and testes and always check both. Anyway providing the gap isn't huge and the puppy meets all other criteria I don't see a problem, if you were buying the dog as a future show/breeding prospect I'd tell you to run a mile, but as a pet the puppy will probably be fine.
  23. Jeremy I have emailed you the name and email address of someone who may be able to help you.
  24. I always thought Nutro was the same as Nutrience Nope, completely different brand I also feed Nutro. ETA you haven't got Supercoat or Great Barko/Uncle Albers either and a lot of people use those brands.
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