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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. Have you ever served on a dog club committee Rottsup? Do you have any idea how much work needs to be done to put on and run a show and how few people are available to do that work? Honestly But hang on a minute I suppose it's perfectly possible that there were a couple $100 notes secreted under the cream in one of those scones
  2. An e collar would be the best and surest way to train a dog to avoid snakes.
  3. Shortstep I certainly wouldn't class John Yates as the epitome of a good dog breeder. He actively encouraged buyers to source non-AKC registered dogs and wasn't worried about a bit of crossbreeding between varieties either. At his peak he was breeding a lot more than 2/3 litters a year. You won't find any of his English Setters listed on the OFFA site either. He bred for performance only and like a lot of field dog breeders he bred a lot of puppies and only kept or sold the best workers, any that don't make the grade are sold off or given away to anyone who'll take them. Field setters are far more likely to turn up in pounds and shelters in the U.S. than bench setters, the vast majority of rescue setters are field type. John Yates is dead now, but he's definitely not a good example for the point you're trying to make.
  4. I'm pretty sure that the Showgrounds trains don't start running until 8.30am and they then leave every 15 minutes, the actual train journey only takes about 10 minutes.
  5. Try contacting The Labrador Club Of Queensland, she's a life member and they should have her contact details.
  6. All good points Janba, although it sounds easy (and often is) there are times when you may have difficulty getting a mating and you need to know what to do in these situations. Knowing how to do an AI is useful otherwise you have to cart the dog and bitch off to the vet. You may also get a bitch sent to you from interstate in which case you have to pick her up and return her to the airport and house her until she's had at least two matings and although some bitches are fine a lot aren't and they stress and howl and bark and go off their food and throughly disrupt your household. Visiting bitches can be one hell of a hassle. I'm not trying to be negative, but many people seem to think that offering a dog at stud is no big deal, someone brings round a bitch who's spot on and receptive (they often aren't), you put her in the yard with your dog and hey presto, there's an instant mating and a 20 minute tie. Sometimes this happens and these are the easy ones, but unfortunately it's not always that straightforward and if you own a stud dog you must know what to do if things don't go to plan.
  7. Well said Aziah, I couldn't agree more. Anyone who joins a pure breed forum dedicated to responsible breeding and states that they've bred a breed of dog that they can't even spell correctly and then implies that the reason they want to bring in a rare breed is to make money out of the puppies should expect to be questioned about their motives.
  8. Get him into the show ring where judges and other breeders can evaluate him. You could advertise him in one of the dog show magazines or on DOL, but unless he's an exceptional example of his breed and carrying hard to find highly sought after lines I doubt that you'll get many enquiries. Labradors are a highly competitive breed and there are already many good dogs around that are never used at stud. The best thing to do is to show him and see how he goes.
  9. You need to have your dog restrained using either a crate in the back of the ute or a harness. I'm pretty sure that it's against the law to have a dog loose in a car, it is in Victoria anyway.
  10. Yes many do disagree with this and I am one of them. I have a rule in this house, no canine teeth on human skin EVER. I discourage my puppies from mouthing as soon as they start doing it at around 5/6 weeks of age. When training puppies keep it as simple as possible, allowing pups to mouth at certain times and forbidding it at others can be very confusing, a bit like training your puppy to use pee pads or newspaper inside when you want them to go outside when they're older. Start as you mean to go on and never allow your puppy to do anything as a baby that you don't want it to do as an adult, these are both good rules to follow.
  11. How very unusual, maternal antibodies are normally only produced for the first 24/48 hours following parturition. I normally give puppy vaccs followed by a booster at about 16 months of age (because the canine immune system doesn't mature until 6 months of age) then that's it for life. I never vaccinate for canine cough, nor do I titre test. To the OP, no I wouldn't vaccinate her.
  12. I think the way to go with this contract is not to enter into it at all, go elsewhere. I'm sure as hell not letting my lines go out to an unknown novice in QLD. that isn't even a member of dogs QLD yet. I don't know about your breed Miranda but there are many disreputable breeders in Toy Poodles. I was trying to help the girl by co-owning a quality dog with her. I don't know of any breeders in Toys that let their dogs go out just like that. Yes she can go elsewhere, and that's what shew will probably do, but the likelyhood of her getting a quality dog with Smash lines is pretty slim.As far as I'm concerned, I would rather put the dog in a pet home than to sell a dog outright to someone I don't know that lives 2000km away. Gotta save the lines, and gotta make sure the dog doesn't get into the wrong hands!!!! Sorry i thought I was replying to a thread about a contract for a Bernese not a toy poodle My fault, I didn't read the complete thread. obviously I've missed something
  13. I think the way to go with this contract is not to enter into it at all, go elsewhere.
  14. You can actually begin weaning puppies on to solid food as soon as you can feel teeth in their mouths at about 17 days, but I usually start on day 21 by offering little balls of raw human mince. I then gradually introduce Advance Rehydratable. However I don't remove the bitch, I allow her to continue feeding them for as long as she wants to, usually they're still getting the odd feed from the milk bar at 8 weeks.
  15. Poodles and labradors are also good all rounders. What advantages do LD's have over their purebred parents?
  16. Says on their website: http://www.laa.org.au/ala/Codeofethicsrules.htm Suspension, a fine, kicked out, etc. What does the AnKC do to members that breach the CoE (genuine question)? Suspension, a fine, kicked out
  17. I did have a good look at your avatar, but couldn't work out what it was supposed to be
  18. Yes I am against the breeding of these dogs for precisely the reasons you have mentioned.
  19. Some bitches put on weight and become less active following a season because their bodies are releasing pregnancy hormones. Although all bitches release these hormones some bitches display more signs than others. You can reduce her food a little, but you'll probably find that she'll drop the wait and return to her normal active self in a couple of months time. I don't know what breed she is, but yes chicken wings can be fed whole if the dog is large enough to deal with them.
  20. Puppies aren't deliberately naughty, they are dogs not people and will behave like dogs unless we teach them that certain behaviours are unacceptable. All the things you mention are normal, especially eating cat poo, I have never known a dog that didn't love cat poo If I were you I'd start taking your dog to an obedience club and make sure that he has adequate exercise, you could also do some reading, 'The Perfect Puppy' is excellent
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