Hi everyonem, Im a noob at this forum!
I have a two year old dalmation, she has been diagnosed with allergy to a number of different grasses. She isnt terrible compared with some cases I have seen but she scratches a bit (her ears lately, and around her teats) and has some red blotches on her skin, her chest doesnt have much skin on it from scratching. We didnt want to go the route of having ongoing injections for her allergy, and I am looking for some natural remedies for her. I was wondering if anyone has had success with overseas products that claim they fix skin problems? I realise cortisone is the main drug used for topical application etc. but I am not really wanting to go down that path. I am looking for something natural to at least lessn her scratching. I see some products at the local pet shop but I am just not sure which ones to choose.
Looking at any advice, especially if someone has a dally with similiar problems, anyone had success with antihystamines with dogs?