Tootsie Roll
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Not all vets will take back meds. I have been knocked back a few tines,only succeeded once.
I didnt drink the cool aid, so I am not swayed by the rescues response. It was well written and sounds convincing,however I trust the people who have contacted me to tell me it is not all as reported. However,as I have previously posted that part of the matter is up to those people to take it further. My concern is for the dogs in question, and others that will have the same fate,as it is the mindset of the rescue to run their rescue in this way and consider it acceptable for dogs to be caged years on end. I accept that this is where some in rescue and myself may differ, as they consider that saving the dog's life. I, on the other hand,do not accept caged for years as giving a dog a "life".
Sorry Powerlegs!! Thats 5 minutes of your life you wont get back !! I had already come to a similar conclusion and have put on my thinking cap as to how I can try and get a positive outcome for these dogs. I have been given information and it has been confirmed by more than one source,but this relates to the rescues operation,and that is a battle for another day and that wont offer these dogs any improvement in their situation.
Thankyou Kendra. However it looks like the rescue has just gone into its bunker and responded in a nasty abusive manner,swearing at people who post on facebook. I ,sadly would bet,if we come back in a year most,if not all, of these dogs highlighted will still be where they are now,or hidden somewhere else to deflect questions.I dont know you rehabilitate a dog treated this way. There appears to be no desire to get these dogs out of the cages just cover ther own backside. Prayers for these dogs,in a first world country this should not happen.
There are those disilluioned people from the rescue that know where "the bodies are buried",they have the details of the mismanagement of the rescue in general. I dont have that proof and only know about it from messages sent to me.That is about the rescues operation. There are allegations of breaches of all the rules and regulations. These poor dogs caged for so long comes down to the mindset of the rescuer herself. The decisions she alone makes to the long term care of dogs that may be more difficult to rehome or have certain requirements or needs.As has been pointed out,she owns these dogs,and so needs to be convinced to change her atitude to long term care. I suppose we are hoping she may be shamed into lifting her game and resolve these dogs futures and,its a long shot,but get out of rescue completely.Reportedly there have been ootions for these dogs over the years which have been ignored or refused.Slack handling of enquiries or ignoring them,means people go elsewhere. No doubt when these concerns raised are finally addressed in the social media there will be a fairy story written,some will believe it,critics will go away,and meantime the fate of these dogs will still be in the hands of the one person who was responsible for their situation. Sadly ego gets in the way quite often and the losers will be these dogs.
Thankyou Dannys Darling. I obviously lack the expertise and knowledge of some on DOL, but not the enthusiasm for rescue,which I wholeheartedly support. Even to the novice or untrained eye,or just a lover of dogs, the fact that someone can cage dogs for 9 or 8 years etc,screams cruel. I understand not every dog can be saved or rehomed,as some have issues and have specific needs,and those sorts of hones are harder to come by. But you just dont shove them in a cage and forget about them,by not actively seeking alterative care or making the mature and sensible decision to put them to sleep,if all else fails. I can hear the screams now from some who believe sincerely there is a home for every dog despite the issues,etc etc. If that is the case where are those people to help these dogs?? They have been waiting all these years. Heaven knows what this imprisonment and lack of stimulation and love has done to their mind and how they will adjust to the outside world. By starting this thread I felt I had to put the spotlight on their plight and shine the light on the practices of the rescue responsible.
Pet Rescue Pound Dog Campaign
Tootsie Roll replied to Steve's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
They are better than a lot with dogs,but they need to do much better with cats,as do every facility.There is always room for improvement in kill rates in every facility,sdch included. -
I am in no way associated with this rescue nor have I ever been. I have been alerted to this awful situation thanks to facebook alerting me to the plight of the dogs and then people messaging me because I posted comments. I have no inside knowledge to provide to the authorities,who probably wouldt care anyway,especially that dogs have been caged for 7 and 8 years. Sorry you see commenting on that fact as narky. My purpose for starting a thread was to seek information,alert people about the poor rescue practices,the sorry situation regarding these poor dogs and publicise their desperate need to be rehomed. The only way to bring this to the attention of the community is by social media.
The trouble is if people dont come on here or go on facebook then they go on their merry way thinking this rescue is doing a great job,giving their time and money to the rescue to enable them to continue,little realising what is really going on. This rescue is reportedly very slack in its operation in general,and well meaning people have in the past propped it up ,but left in disgust,with new ones coming on board to enable them to continue in rescue,and stayed,despite misgivings and anger. Most likely publicity of this deplorable state of affairs will bring in donations from well meaning people believing that will help these dogs but if it did then why didnt moneys from all those past fundraisers,the show etc go to help them. They are in the too hard basket obviously,as no caring person would allow these dogs to have lived and suffered in this way for such a long long time. I would like to think the rescuer will hang her head in shame,but I doubt she will. My heart bleeds for these dogs.
I have been told they were evicted from that place and these long term dogs are at another kennels. Seems nothing has improved over the years
I hope this rescuer has a long hard look at herself and what she is doing to these and the other dogs in her care,and asks for help and then closes up and moves away from rescue. The dogs need to be rescued from her. I have now been told all facets of the operation are shambolic. Maybe she has become overwhelmed. Perhaps has too much pride to speak up to those who have been trying to help her. I pray these dogs get released from this environment very soon and get to experience love and care.
You would have to ask why is this situation happening,not just one dog but quite a few. Obviously the rescue has been operating for many years but despite the length of experience they are choosing to disregard the emotional needs of some of the dogs they rescue. I believe there is no behavioural training and nothing to stimulate the dogs.An occasional walk or cuddle from a volunteer is not enough.
What about eight years? Saw another one that had been in a cage for that long.Another for 4 years. No one could convince me that is an ideal way of life for a dog. I see prolonged housing in cages a stop gap measure for care and not an ideal home for a dog. I dont think the dogs in this situation have the regular walks,companionship or behavioural assessment. The place is only manned 3 or so hours a day. It would be very cold.
I guess there is nothing that can be done by the looks of it These dogs will continue be left to suffer. I suppose one should then concentrate on those one can help and not torture themselves with those that have fallen through the cracks. The threat of litigation is a tool to hold over heads of whis tleblowers in all walks of life. A very sad situation.
Thankyou for that very concise and informative reply and your advice. What difference if any if a rescue can receive donations or are able to issue receipts for tax purposes. Do the authotities care about how good a rescue is? I guess from what you say,the dogs are theirs to treat how they want,and it seems that the animal cruelty laws are so slack or open to interpretation as to what may ve construed as cruel or not.