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Everything posted by TollerLover

  1. So will they then know the bin is off limits? In the future? I'm genuinely curious!
  2. People who have an understanding of a dogs daily food allowance dont have obese dogs, its the people who train with food, then go home and feed it a regular meal that have the issue. I wasnt stating that ALL dogs who are treat trained are obese. 90% of all dogs who walk in to clinic where i work are obese, heck hey probably dont train at all! I think the topic is getting off track.
  3. But, i dont believe Alphas training methods are aversive..... Aversive is defined as: Causing avoidance of a thing, situation, or behavior by using an unpleasant or punishing stimulus, as in techniques of behavior modification. All we say is 'no' and a circle - This is not unpleasant or punishing...its just re-setting the activity. If your dog does the wrong thing, how do you correct it?
  4. I wasnt saying that all treat trained dogs are fat! Take my opinion as you wish. My dog gets fed via a treat ball/kong wobbler or frozen in water. This is for her mental stimulation........anything else you want to pick on me for?
  5. I have been training with Alpha Dog Training in Boronia since my dog was 10 weeks old. I have never seen any of the trainers kick their dogs, or disrespect them. I have seen many methods of training, and I have found Alpha to be the best training method for MY dog. I personally don't believe in treat training - Talk about feeding the dog obesity epidemic! and my dog LOVES going to training. I really like the experience of all the trainers, as all of their dogs must have graduated to Advanced level, and Its nice to actually see a trainer with their dog to show you how it is done. The 'No' and circling method works for me, and my dog does have boundaries in the house (not allowed in the kitchen/bedrooms) unless i specifically allow her to enter. She sleeps on my bed, when i ask her too (and she wants too), but i don't want her on the new couch, so she rests on her mat in the lounge room. Before you join Alpha, a free session is conducted to tell you what the training is about and the methods, if you don't like the ideas...you don't join. It doesn't make the training methods weird, cruel, or pfft wont work for anyone. It does work, it works for a-lot of dogs and you can see this every wed and sun. 100's of people attend, and they don't care about what problems you have or what breed it is....they just want you to have a well trained dog. The lady you met who had allegedly trained as an Alpha Trainer, might just have done the two week course, which really gives you nothing... the real trainers course they provide lasts a year, with exposure to many dogs - not just your own. However, they are not certified. So maybe this 'trainer' wasn't experienced enough to provide you with full Alpha training. But, what do i know? I'm just the average joe who just wants to train my dog to be a great companion, so i can take her with me everywhere. I'm not here to fight, i'm just putting in my 2 cents. Carmen FYI : I am in no way associated with this group, i just train there!
  6. I have a 4.5 month old Toller girl called Ruby :)
  7. Personally, I like to see the trainers dogs and how obedient/well trained they are. Also, if they are happy to take all dogs, regardless of breed/problems/aggression or other issues. The trainer to dog ratio, happy, friendly service and willing to take your own dog and show you where you are going wrong, rather than demonstrating on their own dog every time. My two cents x
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