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Everything posted by Ashka

  1. Ashka

    7 Month Old Male

    Honestly disagree, I own an entire 3 year old Ch. stud dog and have owned many entire show dogs of different breeds in the past. Often more than one at a time. Marking inside is part lack of consistent training part owner not being the top dog. Removing his testicles may slow him down but won't always stop him. I have never had one mark inside our home, I'm Alpha not them. My boy shares our house & bed without any problems. Best.
  2. One of the better brands of ladies shampoo & conditioners for my Cavalier, well rinsed out, no problems and he looks great afterwards. Smells lovely too. Brag alert, Best in Group at today's Champ show. ;)
  3. On a fun countryside walk on the extender lead my dog will pee on anything & everything (entire boy) On his obedience lead he will stay at heel and will not pee on anything at all. I will not put up with him cocking his leg or anything else while walking through town etc. Given an "OK" "Hurry up" he will use a tree or similar. It really depends how they are trained. As far as baby pups go I take mine out from the start. I carry them to town or let them play on the wet sand on an empty beach. We also go to friends houses with older healthy dogs to play with. It's more important to socialise some breeds than others but all are better for it. With a Chow for example it's imperative to get them used to everyone & everything early on. I believe keeping pups in solitary confinement during the best time for socialisation can cause more problems than it's worth. Just my 2 cents after 35 years of owning dogs.
  4. For an 8 kg~ 9 kg dog. Chicken necks, wings etc. Lamb flaps are a bit too fatty as he doesn't need to put on any weight. Not that he doesn't like them. Large slices of beef shank with plenty of meat and a large size bone & marrow in the middle that he can't swallow whole are a favourite but occasional meal as are lamb shanks. All human grade and I keep an eye on him just in case he decides to do something stupid. Canidae kibble plus raw otherwise.
  5. Canidae plus raw. Canidae has been on the Whole Dog Journal's Top Ten Dog food list for several years and I'm just lucky that a breeder here imports it. No more expensive than most premium brands and I'm now very happy with my Cavalier's condition. http://www.canidae.com/canidae.ingredients.html When showing, working & breeding ESSs I used a mix of Eucanuba, Super Coat and Pedigree, just following my old vets advice of not feeding just one 'complete' food. Worked well for me. ymmd.
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