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Everything posted by BrunoBella

  1. Welcome my montage I am another cruel owner who puts their dogs outside to play :p :p I'm sure your pup will be loved
  2. Or when the sun turns blue
  3. Cyclone Bruno (4mths old now) has just figured out his front paws can fit on the benchtop. He was demonstrating his dexterity last night Unfortunately, he has eaten my water spayer already so have no defences left :D Actually, I told him No and he left it so so may not even need to replace the spray bottle. Mind you, GSPs are not quite as food oriented as labs :D
  4. I'm with MrsD, Eau de Puppy and Eau de Dog for me. Love it Ahhhh BP, but is it like Jonty's special scent, Puppy Poo-fume? Gotta say Eu De Puppy is fine, but the other one makes my eyes water at times ;) . I missed the vital word - that does make your eyes water
  5. I'm with MrsD, Eau de Puppy and Eau de Dog for me. Love it ;)
  6. Groomey You got ignored! Get a big crate at the start. When the pup is small you can set up bed and play area. There is heaps of info on crate training in the puppy forum. Have fun
  7. Are you an accountant or an auditor Jefe's owner... Great maths I like that. 2.5 hours alone all day sounds right to me
  8. I am fortunate to work from home 90% of the time so I'm usually here to supervise . I love working from home ;)
  9. It's not your garden that gets damaged, its your hands, arms, legs, trunk, head and feet Good luck ;)
  10. Yes he does. As I said, we're new to this and this may be a bad thing. I'm not trying to win obedience titles though, just have companions who will walk nicely on a lead. Both dogs prefer to play with me than with each other though so I don't think it's a problem..
  11. Thanks lablover I won't give up on Bella, she is already responding so well. I just know I have a lot of hard work in front of me, and I happen to like hard work ;)
  12. and the other 23 1/2 hours? he jsut hangs around doing nothing? I read that this is not recommended... in the 3 weeks drive building period. The other 23.5 hours he amuses himself in the backyard chasing leaves and birds and stuff. He also runs around (I have two dogs). The training regime is different for each dog. Pups are much easier as they don't have bad habbits already. I am focusing mostly on Bella - the older dog - who did not have any other training during the drive building. Bella takes a lot more work cause I spent the first two years in blissful ignorance trying to trian out her drive Now have to pay the price by reversing all this ;) Bruno has all his natural drives and I'm am slowly encouraging him. Also, only Bella has been to see K9, Bruno will be going to his own workshop soon so I'll find out some more stuff then.
  13. Myszka Bruno has been doing this since he was 12 weeks old (only because that's when I found out how to do it!) he is now 18 weeks. I do three times a day, drive building Twice a day Triangle of Temptation - for his meals Also trained basic commands - sit, stay, drop, stand etc. as he has so much to learn. We did no lead work while building drive. Now we are on the next phase so we do lead walk training and puppy class at obedience school. He has picked everything up so fast I am amazed. The other students at puppy class want to know the secret to his focus and attention ;) . Forgot to answer time per day: 30 minutes for TID maybe?
  14. This doesn't tire them out it satisfies their drive (prey) so they are more relaxed. They can still run around the backyard by themselves. It worked on my GSP who is normally salivating for a walk, if I missed a day. Doing this TID, she was relaxed and happy. My pup, cyclone Bruno, did the same and also happily stayed at home. Magic ;)
  15. Hi Wyv Cyclone Bruno is the same except he doesn't get stressed. He spends most of his time chasing the lead rather than the ball. I can see from K9's advice that I have been doing it wrong again Will have to keep trying
  16. Glad you're going to a lesson. Good luck with it Bruno finally got it . He has learned the slow on a normal collar (he's a 22kg 4mth old pup!). He walked nicely for most of the walk and gave up the Gallop Jerk ;) . Now I have two dogs that walk nicely (for the moment)
  17. Bella was always well behaved but easily distracted by moving objects. We had some fantastic walks at midnight ;) One visit to K9 and four weeks on easy work and she is 80% distraction proof. Your little brat will too soon. Walking my 4mth old pup, on the other hand, is another experience altogether. He is improving but he just goes, gallop gallop gallop JERK gallop gallop gallop JERK gallop gallop gallop JERK ;) . Very funny to watch but hard on my limbs. I am working very hard on getting him walking better early as I didn't know how to do this with bella. I do very short walks and spend most of the time not moving. I'm sure the neighbours are laughing at me again (They laughed at me when I was learning to ride my motorcycle and couldn't get up my driveway )
  18. And another wonderful walk today. Yet another person walked past us without bella paying any attention and I got another compliment on "What a well trained dog" . Wonders will never cease. Even came across a dog that was off lead and bounded up to us. Bella sat next to me while I called the owner to retrieve her dog. Very happy
  19. BrunoBella

    Puppy Coach

    Brett I had a problem with my pup not being able to reach the dog door sill - he could reach by climbing and jumping which is dangerous. I built a platform out of old pavers so he could climb on there and then through the door. You might be able to do something similar for your pups. Make sure it's fairly big though as pups are very clumsy Have fun
  20. Excellent work Training in drive does work Poor GHOD, I hope it survived the punishment.
  21. I can just imagine mustard on my clothes. Yeah Can't get any messier than I am after training two dogs in drive
  22. Repeat after me - "My dogs are misbehaving cause they're sick. They have kennel cough!". Got it now My two are both naughty. Bella was nearly calm and then I got Bruno. Now they're both naughty I have renamed Bruno "Cyclone Bruno" after he broke into the house last week while I was away for the day. I'm still finding shoes in strange places, my rubbish was chewed and spread over the house and my bedroom curtain has been shredded
  23. I have gutters in my laundry wall from Bella running her nails down the wall trying to wake me up Can't remember when she did that. I think staffy's are bigger chewers than GSPs. You might have to buy more of the big chews If you have a crate you could put him in there everytime he chews and see if that helps. Where are the staffy experts when you need them
  24. He might be teething. I can't remember when that starts. A few days ago Bruno was chewing on my antique coffee table I pulled it out of reach and replaced it with a toy. I don't leave him anywhere unsupervised. Hope some of your furniture survives
  25. ;) :D Good idea not to mix up all the suggestions at once Have fun
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