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Jordan Windebank

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Everything posted by Jordan Windebank

  1. Hey guys, sorry to resurrect my old thread but as the date is getting closer I am now looking to start actually buying stuff. Can anyone recommend where to get a good puppy pen from? I have seen some on eBay for $50 but I have no idea what to compare this against. Appreciate any advice. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/30-8-Panel-Pet-Dog-Puppy-Enclosure-Exercise-Play-Pen-/280745273875?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item415db8ea13
  2. So I spoke to my breeder and unless something goes wrong then I'll have my little boy late January. Cannot wait to go visit him the week before Xmas. So, so, so excited. :D Here is a sneak peak and hope I don't get in trouble from my breeder if she's on here. :D
  3. OK, so talking to my breeder it looks like I have a puppy! Waiting on pics of him but new little Bernese boy joining my family late January! Sooooo excited!!!! :D :D :D
  4. I have promised not to annoy my potential breeder until tomorrow night. She has two litters due and I have no idea where I am on her waiting list, feel like an adoption parent waiting to hear if I have a child or not. This is killing me, trying to balance respect for the breeder and my own anxiety and nerves. The scary part is that if she doesn't have one I am back to square one as I don't know any other breeders with pups due anytime soon.
  5. Thank you do much everyone for the quality responses. My mind is made up, now just to get my OH on board and educated.
  6. There is no worry there as I have no intention of trailing him, he will just be a pet. Really only thinking about how to train him for basic obedience and tricks for the whole family.
  7. I've update the original list. Can anyone advise whether things like flea, work and tick control are necessary for me to have ready for my new pup? Also, donatella mentioned paper towel. As my puppy is going to live inside with us is it worth getting something like the following? Or better for him to hold on until he gets outside and me deal with any accidents? http://www.conni.com.au/shop/Conni+Critters+Pet+Pads/-2.html
  8. Thank you! I am going to get a 42" crate and will remove the "bed" from the list.
  9. Thank you everyone, your responses have made me realise the silliness of my concerns. I'm going to put it down to new parent nerves.
  10. I am furiously reading up on the pro's of crate training your dog and am leaning more and more towards it however how do you handle the reaction from uninformed friends or family who come and see the crate as a way of locking up the animal? This was my initial thought when I read up on it and even looking at pictures it gives me a real uneasiness. I can definitely see the benefits and think I'll go down this path but can just imagine the reactions I am likely to have to deal with when people visit. How do you deal with it?
  11. Thanks everyone. I have been tossing up whether to consider a crate or not, I completely understand the benefits but struggle internally with the thought of it as a cage. Would I still need a separate "bed" if he had a crate? Also I am concerned as to the size of a crate for a Bernese, it would have to be like a mini-house. Do they keep the crate as their permanent safe place forever? Thanks for the note on pigs ears, have not researched this sort of treat yet, that will come soon.
  12. Hi all. In preparation for my new puppy I am reading everything and anything I can find on training to ensure I get things right from day 1. I can imagine that I will be doing the majority of training with my dog but I am unsure how to bring my wife and kids in to the picture? If I trach him to sit or drop will the same verbal cues be followed as easily from someone else? Do we need to repeat the entire program with each member of the family or is there some other way I should approach this? My number one objective is making sure that if my wife gives a command it is followed, as she is used to that in our house. ;)
  13. Hi everyone. In preparation of hopefully getting a new puppy soon, I would like to make sure I have worked out exactly what we need to get up front. We will be getting as Bernese Mountain Dog who will be living inside with us. Crate Bedding Food Bowl Water Bowl Collar ID Tag Lead Brush Nail Clippers Clicker Treat Bag Dry Food Training Treats Toys (kong? stuffed toys?) Worming? Flea Control? Shampoo? Does that cover the basics? Really open to advice...
  14. Hi everyone. We are currently looking to add a Bernese to our family and there is one question I have been getting mixed answers on that I am hoping you can help with. My wife and I both work and dog would be at home on his own for up to 6 or 7 hours each day. I have no problem leaving him in doors, or putting him out and leaving access to the garage open for him, but I am not sure if this is ok for him or not. I know all dogs want constant companionship, and the Bernese are no exception, but is this period of time going to be ok for him if we leave distractions and toys and treats and the like? The last thing I want is for a puppy to be sad when we are at work but I am really hoping we can manage both as I love these dogs. Thanks a lot.
  15. Hi everyone, I'm relatively new here. I am currently waiting (not so) patiently for news on whether we can get a Bernese Mountain Dog to add to our family. Sadly the breeder who I thought would come to my rescue is having a smaller litter than planned so now trying no to sound too desperate ringing around. We have waited two and half years to finally make the decision to get a dog for the family so this last hurdle is driving me crazy.
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